Friday, May 4, 2012

To Grandma's House we Go.....

Going to Grandma's house each Wednesday is becoming my daughter's favorite tradition.  We wake up and get our shower's and bath and make our weekly trip to the Mt. Pleasant library for story time. Which if you are in this area is the best story time around. After story time we head home and take care of Cookie for a bit and any house cleaning that needs to be done. The whole time Virginia is asking when we are heading to Grandma's.

It is about an hour drive to Gastonia, but totally worth it. Each Wednesday we head down to visit my parents for dinner. Can't beat a homemade dinner from my Mom. Virginia gets to visit mawmaw and pawpaw.  She even gets to play with cousin Samantha. They are only 4 months apart and I am so glad that they are super close. With the addition of Zach the house is even more full of cuteness. I love that I get to see my niece and nephew once a week. And it is always nice to catch up with my sister Susan.

My parents love getting to spoil the girls and now Zach I believe. It is scary how fast they all are growing up. Seems like just yesterday that Virginia and Samantha were learning to walk and talk. Now they are running around and starting to learn to ride big girl bikes. Here are a few photos from this week's visit.

I feel like I will see this expression more and more as she gets older.

Picking flowers with MawMaw is her favorite thing to do.

Virginia finally asked to hold Zach. She is also starting to ask where we can go to get a baby sister.

Getting to hold this little man is one of the highlights of my Wednesday. He is getting so big. Love Him.


Friday, May 4, 2012

To Grandma's House we Go.....

Going to Grandma's house each Wednesday is becoming my daughter's favorite tradition.  We wake up and get our shower's and bath and make our weekly trip to the Mt. Pleasant library for story time. Which if you are in this area is the best story time around. After story time we head home and take care of Cookie for a bit and any house cleaning that needs to be done. The whole time Virginia is asking when we are heading to Grandma's.

It is about an hour drive to Gastonia, but totally worth it. Each Wednesday we head down to visit my parents for dinner. Can't beat a homemade dinner from my Mom. Virginia gets to visit mawmaw and pawpaw.  She even gets to play with cousin Samantha. They are only 4 months apart and I am so glad that they are super close. With the addition of Zach the house is even more full of cuteness. I love that I get to see my niece and nephew once a week. And it is always nice to catch up with my sister Susan.

My parents love getting to spoil the girls and now Zach I believe. It is scary how fast they all are growing up. Seems like just yesterday that Virginia and Samantha were learning to walk and talk. Now they are running around and starting to learn to ride big girl bikes. Here are a few photos from this week's visit.

I feel like I will see this expression more and more as she gets older.

Picking flowers with MawMaw is her favorite thing to do.

Virginia finally asked to hold Zach. She is also starting to ask where we can go to get a baby sister.

Getting to hold this little man is one of the highlights of my Wednesday. He is getting so big. Love Him.

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