Sunday, December 30, 2007

Extra Extra Man Caught Ironing!

WARNING!!!! This blog entry was not edited by Lisa Harland. There may be misspellings and grammar errors ahead. Please detour from this post if this scares you. OK with that said here are some great shots of my dad ironing. Isn't he cute! He is a great father and awesome husband. Now my mom usually does the ironing but for some strange reason last night my dad ironed his own Sunday shirt. Lets just say he did a pretty good job. He is the whole package. He does yard work, mops the kitchen floor, cleans bathrooms, and now irons his own shirt. Sorry women he is taken :-). Ok so I have some more fun photos to share with you guys. The next photos are of my parents on their beach trip and of me in my new pink outfit! Enjoy!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Perfect Dress?

Well, it is about time for New Year's Eve. Time to gather with friends and loved ones and celebrate the new year. This New Year's Eve I actually have a boyfriend to enjoy it with. I am extremely excited about this fact. We are going downtown Charlotte to the Avett Brothers homecoming concert. If you have not heard about this band you need to educate yourself and check out their music. You will not be disappointed with what you hear. I will be honest I had heard about The Avett Brothers before from my sister Susan, but really didn't care to look further into the band. But when I met Reiggin he was a big fan. So I got him to burn a CD and thought what the hell I will give them a listen. I am glad I did because now I am a big fan of the band. Also I am filled with excitement at the thought of seeing them live.

So Reiggin got tickets for the two of us to attend their homecoming concert at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center . Attached to this lovely night was a agreement I made with Reiggin. I agreed that I would wear a dress. Now this may not sound like much if you don't know me. But for those of you that know me, you know that I only wear dresses to Sandy Plains Baptist Church and weddings.

So I decided that I wanted to find a dress that would really wow Reiggin. So I started looking online at Old Navy. There I discovered that Old Navy has a great Plus Size Section to their website. This is pure paradise for me to search though. But I knew that I couldn't get the dress in time for the big night. Also call me crazy but I feel funny buying clothes online. Clothes are just something I like to try on and look in a mirror before buying. So my search had to continue on. I looked at the Old Navy in town and came up empty. Then I went to the local mall and looked around and came up with zero. So I went to work with a long face. I even called my best friend Lisa to complain and for her to make me feel better. And as usual Lisa had some great advice she told me to go check out Cato's and Dress Barn. So the next day I drove over to Cato's and boy was I surprised to see multiple options. I could have danced around the store with joy. So I was finally happy I had found my perfect dress.

Now that I had the dress, I had to have the perfect accessories. Being the crafty person that I am I decided I would make my own accessories. So I rushed over to Michael's which is like releasing a kid in a candy store. I had two gift cards in hand and I was on a mission. I made a bee line to the bead section like always and found the perfect black, white, and gray beads for my dream necklace. So now I had the supplies and just needed the energy to start the project. That would come in time. I mean I only have two days before the big night.

With all this excitement I almost forgot to tell you about some more exciting n ews. First, me and Reiggin got to go to the Jeff Dunham show. If you have never heard of Jeff Dunham shame on you. But seriously, Reiggin introduced me to Jeff Dunham. And ever since then I have been laughing up a storm. Jeff Dunham is a ventriloquist. He has a group of puppets in his act. There is Walter the grumpy old man. Peanut the cute purple creature. Jose Jalapeno the jalapeno on a stick. Then Bubba J the lovable redneck. Melvin the super hero. Last but not least Achmed the Terrorist. This show was the best comedy show ever. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee in my pants. So I highly suggest you go check out Jeff Dunham. You will not be sorry!

Man this is one long blog post. I think I am going to call it quits. But before I leave you. One last thing. Saturday night me and my dad enjoyed a good old John Wayne movie called True Grit. It was great. One it was just nice to sit down and watch a movie with my dad. Don't get to do that much with all the running around I do. But I always enjoy watching old movies with my dad and of course love the old musicals. So I leave you with this gem of a movie. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All Wrapped Up!

OK, I am waving the white flag! I have surrendered and agreed to allow my best friend, Lisa, to edit my blog entries from now on. I just couldn't take any more complaints about my spelling and grammar. So hopefully from now on my blog is going to be an easy read. OK with that out of the way lets talk about the fun stuff!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know my Christmas was a blast. I stayed up the night before wrapping gifts and making a necklace for my mom to use to clip to her school badge. So waking up at 9:00am was not enjoyable. I did get to come down to the usual Ford Family Christmas breakfast; scrambled eggs, toast, grits, and bacon. So my stomach was thanking me for crawling out of bed so early. I must say, I got great gifts from all my family members and relatives. But the thing I enjoyed most was listening to all the stories my relatives were telling. Especially my Uncle Billy. I think everyone has a Uncle Billy in the family. The wild one or the one that steals the conversation. But my Uncle Billy is great. This man has lived a crazy life. He was a Vietnam vet. He loves to play cards. The stories he tells of course may be a little stretched, but for the most part are true. Sometimes I wish I could have a life with that many stories to tell. He has really lived and been everywhere and known everyone. I wish someone could do a book on this man. But it is always enjoyable when he comes over and starts telling tales of the past from working in the coal mines in Kentucky or playing cards in Vegas. Everyone is on the edge of their seats listening and laughing.

Also just hearing tales of my mom, aunt, father, uncle, and brother-n-law was cracking me up. Just remembering all the games we played as a kid like Mother May I and Red Light Green Light just made me smile. Also it is kind of sad to think kids now a days don't do any of those fun things outside. They are to busy inside with their Wii or XBox. Now not to say I don't enjoy some good Wii or Xbox time but I wouldn't trade those memories of playing outdoors with my sisters and kids from the neighborhood for anything. Those are the tales I will be telling my kids one day.

Just remembering how much trouble or adventures me and my sisters got in to was a blast. Also listening to Joe, my brother-in-law, talk about the stuff his older siblings did to him brought back memories of what my sister Susan would do to me. The one moment that will always stick in my head is the vacuum incident. It was a lovely Sunday night and I was watching TV in the play room and Susan was busy vacuuming the room. It was loud so I just kept turning up the television so I could hear it better. Well quickly I realized this was annoying my sister very badly. So I just started to turn it up just to make her mad. This was a bad idea. She took that vacuum and with it running stuck it right on top of my head. Left a bald spot on my head for awhile. And let it be known my sister never got in trouble for this incident! Good Times!

But I must say the whole day was a great day. I had good food, great conversation, and made memories to last!

P.S. the photos are of my Christmas Tree, ceramic Christmas Tree from childhood that we just rediscovered, my oldest sister Lisa and her husband Mike, the whole gang, and my awesome aunt and uncle!

Merry Christmas!

Just stopping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope everyone gets to enjoy their family and friends today. Here is a beautiful picture of the lake in McAdenville, North Carolina aka Christmas Town USA! My family's tradition every Christmas Eve is to drive though McAdenville and look at all the beautiful Christmas Lights. This year it was extra special since my sister Susan got to come along. She has been living in Pittsburgh for about 2 years now. It is so nice to have her back home for the holidays. So I will wrap this up now and again wish everyone a Merry Christmas! OK one more picture for the road! You can see more great photos of McAdenville at their official website . Enjoy!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tonic Sol-Fa

OK another short entry, but it is a must read! Today when I woke up and came down the stairs. My dad rushed me into the living room to listen to a show. He had recorded this concert the night before! This band was 4 guys and they song with no music. They are called
Tonic Sol-Fa. These guys sound so good I was blown away. You have to go check out their website. You will be running to buy a CD. I can easily say their music is 10 times better then anything on the radio today. Go check them out!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Chick Hat :-)

Ok so this is going to be a super short post! Here are some pictures of me and my new chick hat. Enjoy! When I said short I mean short :-)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Long Time!

Ok so I know it has been way to long since I have made a blog entry. I really have just not been in the mood to write. I have been quite busy with working as a hostess at longhorn steakhouse and still doing the graphic design thing at The Gaston Gazette and bowling on top of that. And my boyfriend Reiggin kind of likes seeing me every now and again too. It has just been crazy. And still in the back of my mind I am thinking of the tough times my good friend Katie Apple is going though watching and waiting for her young son Jake to pass away. And I think to myself I really have nothing in my life to be complaining about. I have great friends, family, and boyfriend I am truely blessed. But lately I have not been doing to hot in bowling so that is why there has not been to many bowling scores posted. I have been staying in the 100's but nothing to really brag about. I just can't seem to get my hand not to curve at the last minute. It is driving me nutts!

Ok enough of that. So is everyone ready for Christmas? I know I am not. Well I am ready to see my sister Susan and brother n law joe but buying the gifts I am not done with that yet. And sadly I will not be able to buy the gifts til Saturday after my shift at longhorn. So I will be out in the shops with all the other crazy last minute shoppers. Oh Well! Talking about christmas my family's tradition is to always go see the Mcadenville Christmas lights every year. As cheesy as they are I love every year driving though with my mom and dad. Sadly this year I think I may have to work the night shift at the gazette monday night I am not thrilled about this. But life goes on. So what kind of family traditions do you have for christmas?

Another random thought of mine. Is that I have become very crazy about my etsy chat rooms. Especially the trading room I have made about 20 something sells. One is a sell and the rest is trades. I am just a trading whore what can I say. But I have gotten so great items. So if you dont know about ETSY shame on you! You have to check it out And while you are there check out my shop I have great jewelry and paintings :-).

Ok well guess I need to be getting back to my car ads now. But to end this entry I want to state to all you that read my blog it has come to my attention that my bad spelling, grammar, and run on sentences are some what annoying. Oh I thought about getting my friend Lisa to be my editor, but then I thought WHY! It is my blog and I think I am going to write it they way I want to. So just a warning my blog will never have great spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. Sorry Scott I hope you can handle this. And Lisa I love you and I think you will still come read my blog. So I do realize that my blog is mainly just the run on thoughts in my hand and have no structure or grammar what so ever. But I love it!

So MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope everyone has a great time and that Santa is good to you all!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Please Pass The Drugs!!!

This Blog Post is dedicated to my best friend Lisa!!!!!

Ok so lisa will probably hate me or laugh at me for dedicating this blog entry to her, but she has been bugging me to keep up with this blog so this one is for her. Here goes nothing. I must say to all my female friends on and off the web we truely deserve badges of honor sometimes for making it though a week of a period. I finally got my period today which it couldnt come at a better and a worse time. Today was the first day of my job as a hostess at Longhorn Steakhouse. I was a little nervous but not to bad since I have worked at this restaurant before. So I knew pretty much everyone that was working. So I was just like lovely

I get to start my first day with my period. But the first day went well overall. I really remembered what working hard was. I have been a graphic designer sitting at my desk only getting up to get proofs and talk to sales reps for almost 2 years now. So 2 years away from the restaurant job of running your butt all over a restaurant cleaning tables and sitting people. It was a little crazy but nice. I will let you know if I can still feel my legs at the end of the week. I am a little worried about how I will handle working the days at longhorn and nights at the newspaper. And on top of that bowling on tuesdays and sundays and still making time for my boyfriend :-). Yeah to say the least I am busy and maybe have to much on my plate.

BUT I AM A FORD AND I am always right!!! Ok had to laugh but truely I believe one of my biggest faults is I am extrememly stubborn and with my period I have been very moody lately and emotional. Which one I am always stubborn but I am never emotional like I have been in the past couple of days. It is driving me nutts. I was raised to be a tough girl never cry basically my dad raised me and my sisters like boys. I love it!!! But I guess lately with all the stress and worries in my life lately I have just broken down and gotten extremely emotional. It could just be my period but I believe I have bitten off my boyfriends head on the phone and on the web more than once. I know that part of it is that I am stubborn and dont want to admit that I may be wrong or that I may have gotten in over my head. Yeah you did notice I typed MAY. See even in type I cant admit I am wrong lol. Ok that is something I need to work on.

But it's true ladies we all tend to get a little crazy during this time of the month and the guys we love have to put up with us. And lets just say I have been some what of a bitch these couple of days and not very fun to talk to at times. But I am better after laughing and talking with my sister susan and best friend Lisa. They are always able to calm me down and get me laughing again. Or maybe I just tend to treat Lisa like my therapist. I sit on the phone and tell her all my troubles and worries and my frustarations and she listens and then laughs at me because she has already told me before what to do to solve my problem but like always I dont listen to her until I am hitting a wall. SO LISA I WILL SAY NOW THAT YOU ARE USUALLY 99% RIGHT WITH YOUR ADVICE!!!! What can I say without my friends I would go nutts.

So for all you girls out there WE ROCK!!! And for all you guys that love us and put up with our crazyness WE LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!!!

And I must say that I know I will make it though this crazy time with the help of my family, friends, boyfriend, and of course the many hours I spend in the etsy chat room with all the wonderful people of the art community. Ok so back to work I go and I promise that tommorow's blog will be a nice simple blog on my bowling scores.


And maybe I won't make you wait so long for the next entry!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Got Me A New Baby!

Hey Everyone!!! I hope your week is going well. Mine has been a little crazy but good. Yesterday I got a big dose of patience. Yes I will tell you all that when you go to a car dealership it's best not to bring a Ford. We are not known for our patience. Lets just say Me and my Dad were there for 4 hours. But I did come out with a beautiful 2008 Mazda 3. I learned some lessons in reading fine print and also learned to be patient. I may still be learning how to be patient since I am not the best on the phone lately and have been just some what grumpy with my boyfriend. Sorry :-). But I know you all want to see some pictures so here we go. Ok so I went a little camera happy but I want you all to see all the angles. Also there is a story behind that lovely pink Mazda hat. It was free from the salesman, he thought it would look real cute on me and be a great way to advertise. :-) well it's not quite me so if anyone would love a pink Mazda hat please let me know and I will send it to you. Ok so I am excited about my new car, but like everything there is always strings attached.

Today has just been a roller coaster of a day. I woke up to find out that I had to go to the insurance place with my dad to sign some papers. So much fun let me tell you. So when we get there we find out that because I went from a 05 mazda 3 to a 08 mazda 3 my plan will go up $100 dollars. Yeah about that time is when I was about to jump over the desk and struggle the poor woman that was helping us. I truely hate insurance companies! But what are you going to do you have to be insured. So that is the first nice surprise for me. So basically with the extra money I need for these bills I have decided to take on a part time job at the good old Longhorn Steakhouse as a hostess. I will know for sure friday if I have the job or not. In some ways I am excited about working at Longhorn again. The people are great and it is a stress free environment. And let me just tell you all I need some stress free places. Lately my life has been filled with stress and I have been taking it out all everyone I love. Sorry to you all!!! But I have decided that things are going to change. I am a FORD and my dad did not raise a weak girl! So I know I can pull though this rough time and that with the support of my family, friends, and my wonderful boyfriend I am going to be OK. Ok enough about stress, money, and jobs.


Ok with that said this week's episode was the best ever. The characters had a eye opening episode of realizing who they loved, how family members can be crazy, and what kind of person they are becoming. Well let's just say that this episode made me realize that one I have a wonderful boyfriend. I could not ask for a stronger better man. He is always there for me and is always making me laugh. I have to thank God every day for the time I spend with my boyfriend. Ok I know enough enough enough. But its true I have a great boyfriend. I have a family that rocks!!! And friends that will never let me down and that will always be there to pick me up if I fall. With that said I have to send out a prayer request for my good friend Katie Apple! Unfortunately life has not been kind to her and her family lately. This week they have had to make a tough decision and call in Hospice for her young son that is failing in health. Jake has been sick for a long time. It is never easy for anyone or any parent to have to watch their kid suffer and to see them pass away. So I just ask that everyone pray for Katie to be strong and for the rest of her kids handle this change the best way possible.

Ok thank you all for reading this long post and THANK YOU AGAIN FOR being my friends!


Monday, December 3, 2007

Orange Squirrel?

Hey Everyone! I hope everyone's Monday is going well. I know mine is since I decided to take the day off from work. I thought what better day to take off but the day that the last episode of Heroes comes on, October Road the best chick tv show ever comes on, and really do I need a reason to not want to go into work. Well I have been having fun today. I played around on etsy no big surprise and I also got to catch up on my favorite tv show Gossip Girl. I definetly think that show is one that I can't live without. But this episode made me think about the holidays and family. We all have our funny family traditions or those family members that are one of a kind. Well my family rocks we have a little bit of everything. Here is a photo from thanksgiving of me and my family and extended family. Sorry Dork aka Susan now you really can't act like we are not related. But I most say I love the holidays it's the one time we all get together. And you may be wondering what is going on in this photo with me and my older sister laughing so hard. Well my aunt taking the picture just accidently tore down the curtains in the process of taking the picture. Oh I love my funny! But talking about the holidays, Christmas is on its way. Or maybe it is already here. I always think about the lights coming on in McAdenville aka Christmas Town USA and the Orange Squirrel. Yes like all family's we have our own Christmas traditions. One of those is that the Christmas tree is not finished until one Susan's ugly mug is at the top of the tree as our angel. And second the Orange Squirrel is placed on the tree. I don't really know where the orange squirrel came from but it always makes me laugh seeing it. And any Ford Christmas tree is not perfect until it has a orange Squirrel! Our Christmas tree is awesome anyway because our ornaments are all things me and my sisters made, things my mom painted when she was pregnant with us, and gifts. So our tree is definetly one of a kind lol. I would love to hear what crazy kind of Christmas traditions you guys and your family have. At least I will know my family is not the only crazy funny ones out there. Well can't wait to hear your stories and I can truely say I am blessed with great friends and family!

Much Love!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What a Day!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for it being so long since I have wrote a blog. I have been filling my day with time on etsy. It's like a drug for me I think. I wake up and the first thing I want to do is go check my Etsy Shop. Or go into the chat rooms and start talking to people on etsy. I think I need a patch made to wing myself off Etsy lol. Ok well that is my excuse a lame one but it's a excuse. So other than bowling, working, and making my jewelry I have not been to happy. My job at the moment is making my life a living hell. And I am sure my family and friends and boyfriend are sick and tired of hearing me complain about work. The first thing I do when I get home or get on the phone is start talking about the latest episode at work and what the Company A I will call it is doing to all the employees. It is definetly time to get my portfolio together and website rolling and start looking for a graphic design job that makes me happy. Tonight was the last straw. I was 40min away from Company A with my boyfriend when my lovely boss called and told me that she was just leaving the Company A and that she needed me to drive 40min keep in mind to fix a problem with a ad. Now that right there made me mad knowing that my boss was 5min from Company A and wouldn't fix the problem for me. Instead I drove 40min. and fixed a ad that the customer had not gotten the correction to us by the deadline we stated in the email. But I know customer is always right. Luckily the customer was kind and sweet when I had to talk with him on the cellphone that night. But this is just one time in a long line of times that us graphic artist have had to cover or do my bosses job because she is to lazy or forgetful to do it herself. Ok that is all I will complain.

On to a better subject I watched a great movie this week called Carolina Moon I believe it is based off of a Nora Roberts book. I would recommend anybody to watch this movie it was truly amazing. I am excited also because I just picked up my brother n laws movie Land of Confusion today. So soon I will write and let you know what I think about the movie. Also there is a long list of movies out right now or coming out soon that I am dying to see. First is the Steven King movie The Mist. That just looks so creepy and so good. And then there is the chick flick Enchantment (sorry cant spell) this movie looks so cute. I think I will be begging for my boyfriend to take me to see this movie. Another movie that I may have to beg my boyfriend to see is PS I love you ( i think that is the name or close) but this movie gave me chills just watching the previews. It is going to be a good crying movie lol.

Other than movies, I watched the YouTube Republican debate this week. Strangely I have really been trying to stay informed this year on the candidates and all. So I really enjoyed hearing what these guys had to say about immigration and other hot topics. It did help me decide that right now I like Mike Hukabee ( again my spelling is in need of help). He really stood out at me after the debates. I also learned that I am very stubborn when it comes to my opinions. Yes I know I will give you guys sometime to recover from laughing. My friends know that I am quite stubborn and changing my mind sometimes is impossible. That may be a fault of mine that has come to light this week when me and my boyfriend got into a nice debate on hot topics. But it was nice to debate and hear another person's point of view and yes I did get heated and wanted to hang up the phone but I didn't. I guess that is a good sign of a relationship when you can show your opinions and viewpoints and maybe show your ass and agree to disagree and still Love each other the next day.

But yes this week has been a interesting week for sure and it's not done yet I still have bowling tommorow night so wish me luck and I will be a better blogger for all you maybe 3 people that read my blog :-).

Much Love
Til Next Time

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Extra Extra Man Caught Ironing!


WARNING!!!! This blog entry was not edited by Lisa Harland. There may be misspellings and grammar errors ahead. Please detour from this post if this scares you. OK with that said here are some great shots of my dad ironing. Isn't he cute! He is a great father and awesome husband. Now my mom usually does the ironing but for some strange reason last night my dad ironed his own Sunday shirt. Lets just say he did a pretty good job. He is the whole package. He does yard work, mops the kitchen floor, cleans bathrooms, and now irons his own shirt. Sorry women he is taken :-). Ok so I have some more fun photos to share with you guys. The next photos are of my parents on their beach trip and of me in my new pink outfit! Enjoy!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Perfect Dress?


Well, it is about time for New Year's Eve. Time to gather with friends and loved ones and celebrate the new year. This New Year's Eve I actually have a boyfriend to enjoy it with. I am extremely excited about this fact. We are going downtown Charlotte to the Avett Brothers homecoming concert. If you have not heard about this band you need to educate yourself and check out their music. You will not be disappointed with what you hear. I will be honest I had heard about The Avett Brothers before from my sister Susan, but really didn't care to look further into the band. But when I met Reiggin he was a big fan. So I got him to burn a CD and thought what the hell I will give them a listen. I am glad I did because now I am a big fan of the band. Also I am filled with excitement at the thought of seeing them live.

So Reiggin got tickets for the two of us to attend their homecoming concert at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center . Attached to this lovely night was a agreement I made with Reiggin. I agreed that I would wear a dress. Now this may not sound like much if you don't know me. But for those of you that know me, you know that I only wear dresses to Sandy Plains Baptist Church and weddings.

So I decided that I wanted to find a dress that would really wow Reiggin. So I started looking online at Old Navy. There I discovered that Old Navy has a great Plus Size Section to their website. This is pure paradise for me to search though. But I knew that I couldn't get the dress in time for the big night. Also call me crazy but I feel funny buying clothes online. Clothes are just something I like to try on and look in a mirror before buying. So my search had to continue on. I looked at the Old Navy in town and came up empty. Then I went to the local mall and looked around and came up with zero. So I went to work with a long face. I even called my best friend Lisa to complain and for her to make me feel better. And as usual Lisa had some great advice she told me to go check out Cato's and Dress Barn. So the next day I drove over to Cato's and boy was I surprised to see multiple options. I could have danced around the store with joy. So I was finally happy I had found my perfect dress.

Now that I had the dress, I had to have the perfect accessories. Being the crafty person that I am I decided I would make my own accessories. So I rushed over to Michael's which is like releasing a kid in a candy store. I had two gift cards in hand and I was on a mission. I made a bee line to the bead section like always and found the perfect black, white, and gray beads for my dream necklace. So now I had the supplies and just needed the energy to start the project. That would come in time. I mean I only have two days before the big night.

With all this excitement I almost forgot to tell you about some more exciting n ews. First, me and Reiggin got to go to the Jeff Dunham show. If you have never heard of Jeff Dunham shame on you. But seriously, Reiggin introduced me to Jeff Dunham. And ever since then I have been laughing up a storm. Jeff Dunham is a ventriloquist. He has a group of puppets in his act. There is Walter the grumpy old man. Peanut the cute purple creature. Jose Jalapeno the jalapeno on a stick. Then Bubba J the lovable redneck. Melvin the super hero. Last but not least Achmed the Terrorist. This show was the best comedy show ever. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee in my pants. So I highly suggest you go check out Jeff Dunham. You will not be sorry!

Man this is one long blog post. I think I am going to call it quits. But before I leave you. One last thing. Saturday night me and my dad enjoyed a good old John Wayne movie called True Grit. It was great. One it was just nice to sit down and watch a movie with my dad. Don't get to do that much with all the running around I do. But I always enjoy watching old movies with my dad and of course love the old musicals. So I leave you with this gem of a movie. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All Wrapped Up!


OK, I am waving the white flag! I have surrendered and agreed to allow my best friend, Lisa, to edit my blog entries from now on. I just couldn't take any more complaints about my spelling and grammar. So hopefully from now on my blog is going to be an easy read. OK with that out of the way lets talk about the fun stuff!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know my Christmas was a blast. I stayed up the night before wrapping gifts and making a necklace for my mom to use to clip to her school badge. So waking up at 9:00am was not enjoyable. I did get to come down to the usual Ford Family Christmas breakfast; scrambled eggs, toast, grits, and bacon. So my stomach was thanking me for crawling out of bed so early. I must say, I got great gifts from all my family members and relatives. But the thing I enjoyed most was listening to all the stories my relatives were telling. Especially my Uncle Billy. I think everyone has a Uncle Billy in the family. The wild one or the one that steals the conversation. But my Uncle Billy is great. This man has lived a crazy life. He was a Vietnam vet. He loves to play cards. The stories he tells of course may be a little stretched, but for the most part are true. Sometimes I wish I could have a life with that many stories to tell. He has really lived and been everywhere and known everyone. I wish someone could do a book on this man. But it is always enjoyable when he comes over and starts telling tales of the past from working in the coal mines in Kentucky or playing cards in Vegas. Everyone is on the edge of their seats listening and laughing.

Also just hearing tales of my mom, aunt, father, uncle, and brother-n-law was cracking me up. Just remembering all the games we played as a kid like Mother May I and Red Light Green Light just made me smile. Also it is kind of sad to think kids now a days don't do any of those fun things outside. They are to busy inside with their Wii or XBox. Now not to say I don't enjoy some good Wii or Xbox time but I wouldn't trade those memories of playing outdoors with my sisters and kids from the neighborhood for anything. Those are the tales I will be telling my kids one day.

Just remembering how much trouble or adventures me and my sisters got in to was a blast. Also listening to Joe, my brother-in-law, talk about the stuff his older siblings did to him brought back memories of what my sister Susan would do to me. The one moment that will always stick in my head is the vacuum incident. It was a lovely Sunday night and I was watching TV in the play room and Susan was busy vacuuming the room. It was loud so I just kept turning up the television so I could hear it better. Well quickly I realized this was annoying my sister very badly. So I just started to turn it up just to make her mad. This was a bad idea. She took that vacuum and with it running stuck it right on top of my head. Left a bald spot on my head for awhile. And let it be known my sister never got in trouble for this incident! Good Times!

But I must say the whole day was a great day. I had good food, great conversation, and made memories to last!

P.S. the photos are of my Christmas Tree, ceramic Christmas Tree from childhood that we just rediscovered, my oldest sister Lisa and her husband Mike, the whole gang, and my awesome aunt and uncle!

Merry Christmas!


Just stopping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope everyone gets to enjoy their family and friends today. Here is a beautiful picture of the lake in McAdenville, North Carolina aka Christmas Town USA! My family's tradition every Christmas Eve is to drive though McAdenville and look at all the beautiful Christmas Lights. This year it was extra special since my sister Susan got to come along. She has been living in Pittsburgh for about 2 years now. It is so nice to have her back home for the holidays. So I will wrap this up now and again wish everyone a Merry Christmas! OK one more picture for the road! You can see more great photos of McAdenville at their official website . Enjoy!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tonic Sol-Fa

OK another short entry, but it is a must read! Today when I woke up and came down the stairs. My dad rushed me into the living room to listen to a show. He had recorded this concert the night before! This band was 4 guys and they song with no music. They are called
Tonic Sol-Fa. These guys sound so good I was blown away. You have to go check out their website. You will be running to buy a CD. I can easily say their music is 10 times better then anything on the radio today. Go check them out!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Chick Hat :-)


Ok so this is going to be a super short post! Here are some pictures of me and my new chick hat. Enjoy! When I said short I mean short :-)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Long Time!

Ok so I know it has been way to long since I have made a blog entry. I really have just not been in the mood to write. I have been quite busy with working as a hostess at longhorn steakhouse and still doing the graphic design thing at The Gaston Gazette and bowling on top of that. And my boyfriend Reiggin kind of likes seeing me every now and again too. It has just been crazy. And still in the back of my mind I am thinking of the tough times my good friend Katie Apple is going though watching and waiting for her young son Jake to pass away. And I think to myself I really have nothing in my life to be complaining about. I have great friends, family, and boyfriend I am truely blessed. But lately I have not been doing to hot in bowling so that is why there has not been to many bowling scores posted. I have been staying in the 100's but nothing to really brag about. I just can't seem to get my hand not to curve at the last minute. It is driving me nutts!

Ok enough of that. So is everyone ready for Christmas? I know I am not. Well I am ready to see my sister Susan and brother n law joe but buying the gifts I am not done with that yet. And sadly I will not be able to buy the gifts til Saturday after my shift at longhorn. So I will be out in the shops with all the other crazy last minute shoppers. Oh Well! Talking about christmas my family's tradition is to always go see the Mcadenville Christmas lights every year. As cheesy as they are I love every year driving though with my mom and dad. Sadly this year I think I may have to work the night shift at the gazette monday night I am not thrilled about this. But life goes on. So what kind of family traditions do you have for christmas?

Another random thought of mine. Is that I have become very crazy about my etsy chat rooms. Especially the trading room I have made about 20 something sells. One is a sell and the rest is trades. I am just a trading whore what can I say. But I have gotten so great items. So if you dont know about ETSY shame on you! You have to check it out And while you are there check out my shop I have great jewelry and paintings :-).

Ok well guess I need to be getting back to my car ads now. But to end this entry I want to state to all you that read my blog it has come to my attention that my bad spelling, grammar, and run on sentences are some what annoying. Oh I thought about getting my friend Lisa to be my editor, but then I thought WHY! It is my blog and I think I am going to write it they way I want to. So just a warning my blog will never have great spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. Sorry Scott I hope you can handle this. And Lisa I love you and I think you will still come read my blog. So I do realize that my blog is mainly just the run on thoughts in my hand and have no structure or grammar what so ever. But I love it!

So MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope everyone has a great time and that Santa is good to you all!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Please Pass The Drugs!!!


This Blog Post is dedicated to my best friend Lisa!!!!!

Ok so lisa will probably hate me or laugh at me for dedicating this blog entry to her, but she has been bugging me to keep up with this blog so this one is for her. Here goes nothing. I must say to all my female friends on and off the web we truely deserve badges of honor sometimes for making it though a week of a period. I finally got my period today which it couldnt come at a better and a worse time. Today was the first day of my job as a hostess at Longhorn Steakhouse. I was a little nervous but not to bad since I have worked at this restaurant before. So I knew pretty much everyone that was working. So I was just like lovely

I get to start my first day with my period. But the first day went well overall. I really remembered what working hard was. I have been a graphic designer sitting at my desk only getting up to get proofs and talk to sales reps for almost 2 years now. So 2 years away from the restaurant job of running your butt all over a restaurant cleaning tables and sitting people. It was a little crazy but nice. I will let you know if I can still feel my legs at the end of the week. I am a little worried about how I will handle working the days at longhorn and nights at the newspaper. And on top of that bowling on tuesdays and sundays and still making time for my boyfriend :-). Yeah to say the least I am busy and maybe have to much on my plate.

BUT I AM A FORD AND I am always right!!! Ok had to laugh but truely I believe one of my biggest faults is I am extrememly stubborn and with my period I have been very moody lately and emotional. Which one I am always stubborn but I am never emotional like I have been in the past couple of days. It is driving me nutts. I was raised to be a tough girl never cry basically my dad raised me and my sisters like boys. I love it!!! But I guess lately with all the stress and worries in my life lately I have just broken down and gotten extremely emotional. It could just be my period but I believe I have bitten off my boyfriends head on the phone and on the web more than once. I know that part of it is that I am stubborn and dont want to admit that I may be wrong or that I may have gotten in over my head. Yeah you did notice I typed MAY. See even in type I cant admit I am wrong lol. Ok that is something I need to work on.

But it's true ladies we all tend to get a little crazy during this time of the month and the guys we love have to put up with us. And lets just say I have been some what of a bitch these couple of days and not very fun to talk to at times. But I am better after laughing and talking with my sister susan and best friend Lisa. They are always able to calm me down and get me laughing again. Or maybe I just tend to treat Lisa like my therapist. I sit on the phone and tell her all my troubles and worries and my frustarations and she listens and then laughs at me because she has already told me before what to do to solve my problem but like always I dont listen to her until I am hitting a wall. SO LISA I WILL SAY NOW THAT YOU ARE USUALLY 99% RIGHT WITH YOUR ADVICE!!!! What can I say without my friends I would go nutts.

So for all you girls out there WE ROCK!!! And for all you guys that love us and put up with our crazyness WE LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!!!

And I must say that I know I will make it though this crazy time with the help of my family, friends, boyfriend, and of course the many hours I spend in the etsy chat room with all the wonderful people of the art community. Ok so back to work I go and I promise that tommorow's blog will be a nice simple blog on my bowling scores.


And maybe I won't make you wait so long for the next entry!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Got Me A New Baby!


Hey Everyone!!! I hope your week is going well. Mine has been a little crazy but good. Yesterday I got a big dose of patience. Yes I will tell you all that when you go to a car dealership it's best not to bring a Ford. We are not known for our patience. Lets just say Me and my Dad were there for 4 hours. But I did come out with a beautiful 2008 Mazda 3. I learned some lessons in reading fine print and also learned to be patient. I may still be learning how to be patient since I am not the best on the phone lately and have been just some what grumpy with my boyfriend. Sorry :-). But I know you all want to see some pictures so here we go. Ok so I went a little camera happy but I want you all to see all the angles. Also there is a story behind that lovely pink Mazda hat. It was free from the salesman, he thought it would look real cute on me and be a great way to advertise. :-) well it's not quite me so if anyone would love a pink Mazda hat please let me know and I will send it to you. Ok so I am excited about my new car, but like everything there is always strings attached.

Today has just been a roller coaster of a day. I woke up to find out that I had to go to the insurance place with my dad to sign some papers. So much fun let me tell you. So when we get there we find out that because I went from a 05 mazda 3 to a 08 mazda 3 my plan will go up $100 dollars. Yeah about that time is when I was about to jump over the desk and struggle the poor woman that was helping us. I truely hate insurance companies! But what are you going to do you have to be insured. So that is the first nice surprise for me. So basically with the extra money I need for these bills I have decided to take on a part time job at the good old Longhorn Steakhouse as a hostess. I will know for sure friday if I have the job or not. In some ways I am excited about working at Longhorn again. The people are great and it is a stress free environment. And let me just tell you all I need some stress free places. Lately my life has been filled with stress and I have been taking it out all everyone I love. Sorry to you all!!! But I have decided that things are going to change. I am a FORD and my dad did not raise a weak girl! So I know I can pull though this rough time and that with the support of my family, friends, and my wonderful boyfriend I am going to be OK. Ok enough about stress, money, and jobs.


Ok with that said this week's episode was the best ever. The characters had a eye opening episode of realizing who they loved, how family members can be crazy, and what kind of person they are becoming. Well let's just say that this episode made me realize that one I have a wonderful boyfriend. I could not ask for a stronger better man. He is always there for me and is always making me laugh. I have to thank God every day for the time I spend with my boyfriend. Ok I know enough enough enough. But its true I have a great boyfriend. I have a family that rocks!!! And friends that will never let me down and that will always be there to pick me up if I fall. With that said I have to send out a prayer request for my good friend Katie Apple! Unfortunately life has not been kind to her and her family lately. This week they have had to make a tough decision and call in Hospice for her young son that is failing in health. Jake has been sick for a long time. It is never easy for anyone or any parent to have to watch their kid suffer and to see them pass away. So I just ask that everyone pray for Katie to be strong and for the rest of her kids handle this change the best way possible.

Ok thank you all for reading this long post and THANK YOU AGAIN FOR being my friends!


Monday, December 3, 2007

Orange Squirrel?


Hey Everyone! I hope everyone's Monday is going well. I know mine is since I decided to take the day off from work. I thought what better day to take off but the day that the last episode of Heroes comes on, October Road the best chick tv show ever comes on, and really do I need a reason to not want to go into work. Well I have been having fun today. I played around on etsy no big surprise and I also got to catch up on my favorite tv show Gossip Girl. I definetly think that show is one that I can't live without. But this episode made me think about the holidays and family. We all have our funny family traditions or those family members that are one of a kind. Well my family rocks we have a little bit of everything. Here is a photo from thanksgiving of me and my family and extended family. Sorry Dork aka Susan now you really can't act like we are not related. But I most say I love the holidays it's the one time we all get together. And you may be wondering what is going on in this photo with me and my older sister laughing so hard. Well my aunt taking the picture just accidently tore down the curtains in the process of taking the picture. Oh I love my funny! But talking about the holidays, Christmas is on its way. Or maybe it is already here. I always think about the lights coming on in McAdenville aka Christmas Town USA and the Orange Squirrel. Yes like all family's we have our own Christmas traditions. One of those is that the Christmas tree is not finished until one Susan's ugly mug is at the top of the tree as our angel. And second the Orange Squirrel is placed on the tree. I don't really know where the orange squirrel came from but it always makes me laugh seeing it. And any Ford Christmas tree is not perfect until it has a orange Squirrel! Our Christmas tree is awesome anyway because our ornaments are all things me and my sisters made, things my mom painted when she was pregnant with us, and gifts. So our tree is definetly one of a kind lol. I would love to hear what crazy kind of Christmas traditions you guys and your family have. At least I will know my family is not the only crazy funny ones out there. Well can't wait to hear your stories and I can truely say I am blessed with great friends and family!

Much Love!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What a Day!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for it being so long since I have wrote a blog. I have been filling my day with time on etsy. It's like a drug for me I think. I wake up and the first thing I want to do is go check my Etsy Shop. Or go into the chat rooms and start talking to people on etsy. I think I need a patch made to wing myself off Etsy lol. Ok well that is my excuse a lame one but it's a excuse. So other than bowling, working, and making my jewelry I have not been to happy. My job at the moment is making my life a living hell. And I am sure my family and friends and boyfriend are sick and tired of hearing me complain about work. The first thing I do when I get home or get on the phone is start talking about the latest episode at work and what the Company A I will call it is doing to all the employees. It is definetly time to get my portfolio together and website rolling and start looking for a graphic design job that makes me happy. Tonight was the last straw. I was 40min away from Company A with my boyfriend when my lovely boss called and told me that she was just leaving the Company A and that she needed me to drive 40min keep in mind to fix a problem with a ad. Now that right there made me mad knowing that my boss was 5min from Company A and wouldn't fix the problem for me. Instead I drove 40min. and fixed a ad that the customer had not gotten the correction to us by the deadline we stated in the email. But I know customer is always right. Luckily the customer was kind and sweet when I had to talk with him on the cellphone that night. But this is just one time in a long line of times that us graphic artist have had to cover or do my bosses job because she is to lazy or forgetful to do it herself. Ok that is all I will complain.

On to a better subject I watched a great movie this week called Carolina Moon I believe it is based off of a Nora Roberts book. I would recommend anybody to watch this movie it was truly amazing. I am excited also because I just picked up my brother n laws movie Land of Confusion today. So soon I will write and let you know what I think about the movie. Also there is a long list of movies out right now or coming out soon that I am dying to see. First is the Steven King movie The Mist. That just looks so creepy and so good. And then there is the chick flick Enchantment (sorry cant spell) this movie looks so cute. I think I will be begging for my boyfriend to take me to see this movie. Another movie that I may have to beg my boyfriend to see is PS I love you ( i think that is the name or close) but this movie gave me chills just watching the previews. It is going to be a good crying movie lol.

Other than movies, I watched the YouTube Republican debate this week. Strangely I have really been trying to stay informed this year on the candidates and all. So I really enjoyed hearing what these guys had to say about immigration and other hot topics. It did help me decide that right now I like Mike Hukabee ( again my spelling is in need of help). He really stood out at me after the debates. I also learned that I am very stubborn when it comes to my opinions. Yes I know I will give you guys sometime to recover from laughing. My friends know that I am quite stubborn and changing my mind sometimes is impossible. That may be a fault of mine that has come to light this week when me and my boyfriend got into a nice debate on hot topics. But it was nice to debate and hear another person's point of view and yes I did get heated and wanted to hang up the phone but I didn't. I guess that is a good sign of a relationship when you can show your opinions and viewpoints and maybe show your ass and agree to disagree and still Love each other the next day.

But yes this week has been a interesting week for sure and it's not done yet I still have bowling tommorow night so wish me luck and I will be a better blogger for all you maybe 3 people that read my blog :-).

Much Love
Til Next Time
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers