Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Me! Got to Love Me!

Hey Everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did. I had a great Saturday night. I met up with Reiggin and his friends, Donnie and Meredith, in Charlotte. We had dinner at Chili's and then played some pool at Smokin' Ques. It was a blast. I had not played pool in so long. And I am glad to say I kicked a little butt.
But I have to say, lately I have been feeling a little restless. I am not sure why. As many of you know I am pregnant. So this could be playing a role in my restlessness. I mean this is a big change for me and Reiggin. But I am excited. I believe that God doesn't give us any more than what we can handle. I just hope I am a strong parent and live up to the examples my parents have been for me. I only have two weeks and I get to find out the sex. I am super excited. But I will be extremely ill if we can't find out the sex. So everyone be praying for my baby to not be shy and for the ultrasound to show the sex. I also must give a big thanks for everyone being so supportive during this whole pregnancy. I know my child is going to have a super support system. From Reiggin to my two great sisters to my great friend Lisa and of course my parents and Reiggin's parents. I am just so pumped to see what the future holds in store for us.
Oh I almost forgot, this weekend I actually did some major cleaning upstairs. I mean you would not even recognize my two rooms. I have been known to be a pig in my time. I will break so my sisters can stop laughing. But I am proud to say that I even cleaned the dresser tops and DUSTED! I hate dusting, but I am trying to be better and get my upstairs in shape. My next mission is to go though my clothes and closets and goodwill the items I know I will never use again.
Ok well hope everyone's week goes well and be good!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A New Found Love!

I have fallen in love with a new snack today. Its name is Ritz Toasted Chips Cheddar edition. It is so yummy. I mean you can't just eat one chip they are addictive. Of course for all you out there that know me your not surprised that I am addicted to a cheese product.

I would highly reccomend all of you going out and trying this new snack out. You will not be disappointed!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mindless Wandering

Lately I have noticed that I am getting pretty good at wasting time doing stupid things. I mean, I am catching myself daydreaming or just looking at sites online when I really should be doing more important stuff.

I used to be fully addicted to the site I could not go a day without going on that site to check out my store or to chat with the many cool crafters in the chat room. It was really bad. Finally I have weened myself off that site. Like many of my addictions, my attention and love for them quickly fade away.

Next is myspace and facebook. I started off as a big myspace supporter and not really a fan of facebook. I loved the way you could make your profile yours and really be creative. But Reiggin eventually got me hooked to facebook, and myspace went out the window. I do enjoy the cleanliness of facebook's design. I love all the applications. With my friend Lisa's help, I have calmed down on the applications. For a while I had gone application crazy. But currently, I am in love with the petz application. I know it is cheesy and nerdy to have an online pet, but I truly enjoy it. It is so much fun training and feeding and playing with the pet. You can also compete and I love seeing if I can beat my friend's Lisa's dog. Sadly I can't, most of the time.

Another time killer for me is checking out my and my friends blogs. Mainly I just get a kick out of checking my own blog's tracker and seeing all the people who come and go and how long they stay. For the most part, it is only Reiggin, my sister Susan, Aunt Annette, Uncle Robert, and my best friend, Lisa, that visit my blog. But every now and again I do get some strange locations that pop up. I have even had a few overseas locations that have popped up. That is the coolest. But I enjoy looking and my friend's Lisa's blog and my boyfriend Reiggin's blog. It is a quick and easy way to keep track of them and see what is going on in their minds and day to day life. I will admit though, we all need to work on keeping our blogs up to date. I am the worse, I must admit. Sometimes I just go though a dry spell and don't really feel like writing.

My all time favorite time killer at the moment is I can spend hours on here. Reiggin is really who got me hooked. It started off with he and I looking for a rental house. It has just gone crazy. I will look at jobs, clothes, furniture, anything you can think of. It just intrigues me to see what people are selling and at what price. So this site is really filling my time and keeping me from important stuff.

But what can I say? I do love all my sites and would not want to part with them. So what things keep you busy and away from your real responsibilities? I am curious to see how well we truly can lose our selves in meaningless activities.

But what can I say I do love all my sites and would not want to part with them. So what things keep you busy and away from your real responsibilities. I am curious to see how well we truely can lose our selves in meaningless activities.

P.S. I had to make a correction to this post. I forgot to list one of my favorite readers, my boyfriend Reiggin.  Also, no fear Reiggin, you are not one of the addictions that quickly fade away :-). Dork!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Don't Know!

Everything is going along smoothly. Work is work, nothing new on that front. I have had a great weekend. The wedding season for me has kicked off with a bang. I have three friends getting married this summer and the showers and parties have begun.

Saturday, I went to my friend Sylvia's wedding shower. It was so much fun. Great food and great entertainment. The food was just amazing. I am not very hard to please. You put ham biscuits in front of me and a smile will be on my face. Also there were some great cheese sausage dip in tacos that was just the bomb. That shower went smooth with all the guests cracking up laughing at the two young kids at the party. One was Leann, Susan's little niece, and the other was Sylvia's nephew. They were running all over the place and Sylvia's nephew was professing his love to Leann. I just couldn't help but crack up. But in the end Sylvia got great gifts and the whole party was a success.

Next on my agenda of the perfect Saturday was a nice drive up to Troutman to meet Reiggin to look at a rental house. I was super excited to finally get a chance to look this house over. It is a cute cedar siding house. The house is a older house it was the owner's grandparent's farm house. But lets just say that this had charm over and beyond what I was expecting. There was a wrap around porch with a swing on the corner. Beautiful hardwood floors covered the inside. I was very surprised at the amount of storage in the kitchen and the whole house as a whole. The kitchen was just too cute. It was a nice shade of yellow and I just fell in love. So overall the visit was a smash hit.

Afterwards it was just nice to drive around and spend time with Reiggin and do some site seeing. We drove a ways out and checked out my sister, Lisa's new house that is being built. The neighborhood is just to die for. Beautiful houses everywhere you look. And a gracious lake in the center of the neighborhood. After that adventure we went to blockbuster and got a movie to watch that night, We Own The Night. Great movie I must say. A little over the top in some scenes. I wouldn't want teenagers watching it, but overall great story.

Also for dinner I was treated to the famous Village Inn Pizza. I must say it did live up to the hype that Reiggin has put out. The pizza was mmmm so good. And with ranch added to the mix my stomach was happy.

So my Saturday was a great relaxing day filled with good company, awesome movie, and yummy food. What more could a girl ask for.

So to end this wonderful weekend was my typical lazy Sunday. Which consists of eating one of my mom's great Sunday lunches and then lodging in front of the TV till time to get ready for bowling. I hope everyone had a great weekend like mine. Till next time much love :-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Me! Got to Love Me!


Hey Everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know I did. I had a great Saturday night. I met up with Reiggin and his friends, Donnie and Meredith, in Charlotte. We had dinner at Chili's and then played some pool at Smokin' Ques. It was a blast. I had not played pool in so long. And I am glad to say I kicked a little butt.
But I have to say, lately I have been feeling a little restless. I am not sure why. As many of you know I am pregnant. So this could be playing a role in my restlessness. I mean this is a big change for me and Reiggin. But I am excited. I believe that God doesn't give us any more than what we can handle. I just hope I am a strong parent and live up to the examples my parents have been for me. I only have two weeks and I get to find out the sex. I am super excited. But I will be extremely ill if we can't find out the sex. So everyone be praying for my baby to not be shy and for the ultrasound to show the sex. I also must give a big thanks for everyone being so supportive during this whole pregnancy. I know my child is going to have a super support system. From Reiggin to my two great sisters to my great friend Lisa and of course my parents and Reiggin's parents. I am just so pumped to see what the future holds in store for us.
Oh I almost forgot, this weekend I actually did some major cleaning upstairs. I mean you would not even recognize my two rooms. I have been known to be a pig in my time. I will break so my sisters can stop laughing. But I am proud to say that I even cleaned the dresser tops and DUSTED! I hate dusting, but I am trying to be better and get my upstairs in shape. My next mission is to go though my clothes and closets and goodwill the items I know I will never use again.
Ok well hope everyone's week goes well and be good!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A New Found Love!


I have fallen in love with a new snack today. Its name is Ritz Toasted Chips Cheddar edition. It is so yummy. I mean you can't just eat one chip they are addictive. Of course for all you out there that know me your not surprised that I am addicted to a cheese product.

I would highly reccomend all of you going out and trying this new snack out. You will not be disappointed!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mindless Wandering

Lately I have noticed that I am getting pretty good at wasting time doing stupid things. I mean, I am catching myself daydreaming or just looking at sites online when I really should be doing more important stuff.

I used to be fully addicted to the site I could not go a day without going on that site to check out my store or to chat with the many cool crafters in the chat room. It was really bad. Finally I have weened myself off that site. Like many of my addictions, my attention and love for them quickly fade away.

Next is myspace and facebook. I started off as a big myspace supporter and not really a fan of facebook. I loved the way you could make your profile yours and really be creative. But Reiggin eventually got me hooked to facebook, and myspace went out the window. I do enjoy the cleanliness of facebook's design. I love all the applications. With my friend Lisa's help, I have calmed down on the applications. For a while I had gone application crazy. But currently, I am in love with the petz application. I know it is cheesy and nerdy to have an online pet, but I truly enjoy it. It is so much fun training and feeding and playing with the pet. You can also compete and I love seeing if I can beat my friend's Lisa's dog. Sadly I can't, most of the time.

Another time killer for me is checking out my and my friends blogs. Mainly I just get a kick out of checking my own blog's tracker and seeing all the people who come and go and how long they stay. For the most part, it is only Reiggin, my sister Susan, Aunt Annette, Uncle Robert, and my best friend, Lisa, that visit my blog. But every now and again I do get some strange locations that pop up. I have even had a few overseas locations that have popped up. That is the coolest. But I enjoy looking and my friend's Lisa's blog and my boyfriend Reiggin's blog. It is a quick and easy way to keep track of them and see what is going on in their minds and day to day life. I will admit though, we all need to work on keeping our blogs up to date. I am the worse, I must admit. Sometimes I just go though a dry spell and don't really feel like writing.

My all time favorite time killer at the moment is I can spend hours on here. Reiggin is really who got me hooked. It started off with he and I looking for a rental house. It has just gone crazy. I will look at jobs, clothes, furniture, anything you can think of. It just intrigues me to see what people are selling and at what price. So this site is really filling my time and keeping me from important stuff.

But what can I say? I do love all my sites and would not want to part with them. So what things keep you busy and away from your real responsibilities? I am curious to see how well we truly can lose our selves in meaningless activities.

But what can I say I do love all my sites and would not want to part with them. So what things keep you busy and away from your real responsibilities. I am curious to see how well we truely can lose our selves in meaningless activities.

P.S. I had to make a correction to this post. I forgot to list one of my favorite readers, my boyfriend Reiggin.  Also, no fear Reiggin, you are not one of the addictions that quickly fade away :-). Dork!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Don't Know!

Everything is going along smoothly. Work is work, nothing new on that front. I have had a great weekend. The wedding season for me has kicked off with a bang. I have three friends getting married this summer and the showers and parties have begun.

Saturday, I went to my friend Sylvia's wedding shower. It was so much fun. Great food and great entertainment. The food was just amazing. I am not very hard to please. You put ham biscuits in front of me and a smile will be on my face. Also there were some great cheese sausage dip in tacos that was just the bomb. That shower went smooth with all the guests cracking up laughing at the two young kids at the party. One was Leann, Susan's little niece, and the other was Sylvia's nephew. They were running all over the place and Sylvia's nephew was professing his love to Leann. I just couldn't help but crack up. But in the end Sylvia got great gifts and the whole party was a success.

Next on my agenda of the perfect Saturday was a nice drive up to Troutman to meet Reiggin to look at a rental house. I was super excited to finally get a chance to look this house over. It is a cute cedar siding house. The house is a older house it was the owner's grandparent's farm house. But lets just say that this had charm over and beyond what I was expecting. There was a wrap around porch with a swing on the corner. Beautiful hardwood floors covered the inside. I was very surprised at the amount of storage in the kitchen and the whole house as a whole. The kitchen was just too cute. It was a nice shade of yellow and I just fell in love. So overall the visit was a smash hit.

Afterwards it was just nice to drive around and spend time with Reiggin and do some site seeing. We drove a ways out and checked out my sister, Lisa's new house that is being built. The neighborhood is just to die for. Beautiful houses everywhere you look. And a gracious lake in the center of the neighborhood. After that adventure we went to blockbuster and got a movie to watch that night, We Own The Night. Great movie I must say. A little over the top in some scenes. I wouldn't want teenagers watching it, but overall great story.

Also for dinner I was treated to the famous Village Inn Pizza. I must say it did live up to the hype that Reiggin has put out. The pizza was mmmm so good. And with ranch added to the mix my stomach was happy.

So my Saturday was a great relaxing day filled with good company, awesome movie, and yummy food. What more could a girl ask for.

So to end this wonderful weekend was my typical lazy Sunday. Which consists of eating one of my mom's great Sunday lunches and then lodging in front of the TV till time to get ready for bowling. I hope everyone had a great weekend like mine. Till next time much love :-)
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers