Tuesday, July 19, 2011

North Cabarrus Park

We started our week off with a visit to North Cabarrus Park. It amazes me how many parks are in our area. I keep discovering new parks to take Virginia too. Virginia woke up and was ready to get outside. So I packed our things and headed out the door. Our first stop was at the bread store. I heard that there were ducks at the park that we could feed. (note: I have now learned that it is bad to feed ducks bread.) 

I have great memories of going with my grandparents to feed the ducks. I knew that Virginia would get a kick out of feeding the ducks as well. Once we made it to the park, Virginia was ready to get out and play. I loved the fact that both playgrounds we saw were covered. With the heat of the summer, that has been our biggest problem is finding shade. One play ground was covered by a huge yellow tent. The second playground just had a perfect location by the woods that kept it in the shade. Another plus was some locations near the playground had metal large swings that the adults could sit on and relax while the kids played. On the smaller playground I was able to sit on the swing and still see Virginia from all spots on the playground. Which is a first for me, usually I am having to follow her around the whole playground.

After playing for a bit, we decided to go feed the ducks some bread. There were ducks and geese around the pond that was right beside the playground. I was amazed at how close the geese would come to us. Virginia loved tossing the bread to the geese. I kept a close eye on her in case I needed to scoop her up and run. I know geese can be mean at times. We walked further down to the bridge and saw tons of turtles and fish in the pond. There had to be like ten or more turtles just sun bathing on the shore. I did learn later that bread is not a healthy diet for ducks. I guess lesson learned and I did find healthy food to feed the birds when we return to the park. 

Virginia was thrilled and pooped for the rest of the day. I call that one successful Monday. North Cabarrus Park is making a spot on our favorite parks list. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Rewind

This weekend was all about family. Friday my sister Lisa came down to visit. She stopped in and we all went out to lunch at Mi Pueblo. The food was delicious. We visit Mi Pueblo a lot, it is our go to Mexican restaurant. The staff and owner are always so kind to us. This visit was no different, Virginia was wanting one of the adult beverages pictured on the table. The owner came by to check to see how our lunch was and noticed Virginia begging for the drink. Next thing we know the owner comes by and gives Virginia a virgin strawberry daiquiri with whip cream on top. Virginia was so excited and the drink was awesome. 

After lunch we did a little shopping at Virginia's favorite store Target. I always enjoy going to Target and seeing what is in their dollar section. We scored a dry erase board with writing lines on it and dry erase markers for only two dollars. We also discovered that Aunt Lisa has a little shoe love affair. Lisa only gave me a minor heart attack as we were heading to the car. With Virginia in the cart and Lisa driving, you would have thought they were on the Concord Speedway. Virginia was loving every minute of it. 

Once home Lisa only had a few minutes before she had to leave. We squeezed in some painting time and then said our good byes. Virginia was not ready to say good bye. All day she was asking when Aunt Lisa was coming back to play. I am so thankful that Virginia has two amazing Aunts that I know will play a huge roll in her life. 

Saturday was just a relaxing day at home. Sunday we were on the road again. This time we were visiting MiMi and Papa up in Statesville. Once there Virginia was showering everyone with love including her favorite four legged friends. Virginia's favorite thing to do at MiMi's and Papa's is go swing. So we all walked out to the swing and Papa pushed Virginia to her hearts desire. 

After the swing Virginia and I took a walk down to the barn in hopes of seeing the cows. On the way Virginia got to pick some tomatoes from Uncle Carey's garden with MiMi. The cows were to busy staying cool under the trees to come visit with us. But Virginia still enjoyed walking and carrying her prize tomato. 

We ended the day with a delicious meal that MiMi cooked for us. Tossed the tennis ball awhile with the newest four legged addition Zena. Then it was time to hit the road and get home. This weekend was such a delight. We managed to spend good quality family time with both families. I love the fact that we live so close to both families that Virginia will be able to grow up knowing both families. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bouncy Ball

Virginia's favorite toy in the world is probably balls. When we are in any store she makes a bee line to those big bouncy ball stacks. Those quarter machines with the balls in them at the grocery stores also makes a little girl scream with delight. So I knew when I came across this super ball recipe that Virginia would be thrilled to try this with me.

In a small bowl mix together 1 Tbls. Elmers Glue and your choice of food coloring.

Mix well or in the end you will end up with a marble effect which is clue.

In another bowl mix together 1/2 tsp. Borax, 1 Tbls. cornstarch, and 4 Tbls. warm water.

Next pour the water mixture into the glue mixture. Mix these together and you will have a gooey blub. Dump out the liquid and start rolling the gooey blub into a ball. If it feels super wet roll the ball onto a paper towel. 

In the end you will have your very own homemade bouncy ball. Now it doesn't bounce super high, but it is still lots of fun for the little ones. The mixture reminds me a little more of silly putty with a bounce. The ball will lose its shape after sitting around. No worries just roll it back up into a ball and your good to go. I would store the ball in a plastic egg over night to help keep the shape. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Balloons Away

Lately Virginia has really been enjoying painting and stamping. Each morning she wakes up and watches cartoons. Then next thing I know she is running for her paints. To keep things interesting, we have been trying different methods of painting. We started with the simple paint brush and finger painting. We have explored lids, yarn, and now balloons.

First take a balloon and blow it up. I kept our balloon small since little hands were playing. Next place paint on your lid and let your little one press the balloon into the paint. We did purple, blue, and pink.
Note: I only said a few curse words under my breath as I was trying to tie that devil balloon.

Next press the balloon to the paper and lift. It is that simple. Virginia had a blast with the balloon. I even enjoyed the painting with the balloon. It is endless the amount of things you can paint with. Just a few ideas we want to test is leaves, rocks, and bubble wrap. 

I found a quote on a blog that just rung true to me this week, " It is not about the end product but the process." I am learning to just let Virginia go for it and do what she wants. Letting her explore her creativity with no limits.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slime Time

Last week at the library as we were searching for books on apples. I stumbled upon a science experiment book called Science Rocks! It is a huge book full of science experiments for all ages. It ranges from the material world, forces in motion, energy in action, electricity and magnetism, and the natural world. I thought it would be a blast to do a few of the simple experiments with Virginia.  First up we did Slime Time.

Fill a cup with cornstarch and pour it into a bowl.

Slowly add some water, stirring all the time. Keep adding water slowly until the mixture turns into a sticky paste. Don't add too much - you probably won't need more than half a cup.

Add food coloring until your mixture changes color, stirring it though until it is all blended in.

Then you have Slime! Pick the mixture up and see how it behaves. What happens if you squeeze or pull it? If you throw it on the floor it will stick together  like a solid, but if you leave it there  it will turn  into a liquid puddle. I add a blast playing in the slime. The texture is amazing and feels so funny turning from solid to a liquid. Sadly Virginia wanted nothing to do with the slime. Slowly I will make my little clean freak into a messy two year old girl.

Warning: Your hands will be tinted the color of food dye you use.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A is for Apples

Ais for Apples. 

This week I decided to start the Letter of the Week with Virginia. I wanted something fun and educational to do each day with her. Something that we both could enjoy with the TV off. Less TV time this summer is my goal. 

My BFF Lisa told me about Confessions of a Homeschooler, a home school blog, that shares tons of printable activities for kids of all ages. Most of the activities are free printable files and some are for sale. Luckily for me most of the Letter of the Week is free. 

Tuesday we headed to the library for the books about apples. The library is always a great activity for the summer. Virginia enjoys the puzzles and games. I enjoy getting out of the house and picking out some cute books. Most of the books for the letter A that Confessions of a Homeschooler recommends was checked out. I guess the letter A is coming back into style. The wonderful Kannapolis libarian helped us pick out some new ones. We ended up walking out with Apples to Oregon by Deborah Hopkinson & Nancy Carpenter, The Lady with the Alligator Purse by Nadine Bernard Westcott, Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg, Down the Road by Alice Schertle, and The Apple Pie that Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson. Some of these books are a little long for Virginia so I plan to break them up reading half in the morning and half at night. 

So far we have read The Lady with the Alligator Purse which is adapted from the poem. This book is pure silly and Virginia insists on reading the book at least 100 times a day. The poem is about a little baby that gets into lets of trouble taking a bath. This is a cute book and short. We also have read Apples to Oregon. This book is longer and tells the story of a family making their way to Oregon with all of their prized apple trees. They get into all kinds of trouble and adventures. I was amazed that the story kept Virginia's attention til the end. 

Wednesday was the first official day of Letter A. The night before I sewed a magnetic apple. The apple was very simple to create. 

First take a strip of red fabric. I used red cotton fabric, but you can use any fabric. Next take a mug and fabric marker. You will trace a circle onto the fabric using the mug.

Once you have traced the circle, you will want to fold the fabric up like an ecordian. This way you will only have to cut out the circle once. Also this method will make all the circles the same size.

Next I took two of the circles and placed a square of poly-fil traditional batting between them. I didn't pin the layers together, but it is a good idea to pin. Next take the layers to the sewing machine and sew around the circle. Leave just a small space at the top open so you can sew in the stem. If you don't have a sewing machine you could always use fabric glue or even a glue gun.

Note: After I sewed the layers together I thought about putting in magnetic discs. So I took three magnetic discs and placed them on tape and slid the tape inside the apple. In the future I would tape the magnetic discs to one of the layers before I sewed them together. 

Next you will trim very close to the edge of the apple. Then take some brown felt and free hand a stem. I took the stem and placed it in the open space of the apple. I took the lazy route and quickly sewed up the  opening along with the stem on the sewing machine. You could also hand stitch the stem into the apple. Next take green felt and cut out a leave. I did hand stitch the leave onto the apple. Now you have your very own magnetic apple. Beware of fish that are looking for a snack. 

Every apple needs a tree don't you think. Ok so I went a little over the top and made an apple tree for our  fridge. My husband was surprised when he came home Tuesday night. Virginia woke up Wednesday and walked into the kitchen and just froze. Virginia said, " tree mama." She really enjoyed placing the apple on her tree. The tree is very simple to make. I took some left over green fabric and cut out the tree top. I just took a fabric marker and free handed the top of the tree. I took brown felt and cut out the trunk of the tree. Next I took velcro and attached the top and trunk of the tree to the fridge. Simple as 1, 2, 3. 

My plan is to create a magnet for each letter of the week. Wednesday we continued with some more apple activities that we found on Confessions of a Homeschooler. There are so many to choose from. All the prints are free. I picked the activities that I felt would be best for Virginia's age. I would recommend downloading all the files and taking it somewhere to print. If you print at home you will use up alot of ink. I plan in the future to print all the activities onto card stock and taking them to get laminated. 

Here is Virginia coloring in her A is for Apple coloring page.

Virginia is matching the apple halves together by color. This was her favorite game.

In this game Virginia had to match the upper and lowercase a's to the apples on the tree.

For this game I printed the file and then cut and pasted one half of the apple onto construction paper. 

Virginia insisted that her apples be purple. Here is the coloring page and the child can trace the upper and lowercase A's at the top of the page.

Upper and Lowercase Matching Game.

Here is the large floor numbers. I took the magnetic apple and let Virginia place the apple on the correct number that I called out. I hope in the future to make ten apples. That way she can place the correct number of apples on each card. All the activities were lots of fun and kept Virginia's attention. Thursday she woke up and ran into the living room asking for Apple Game. Hope you enjoy and make sure to pay  Confessions of a Homeschooler a visit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

North Cabarrus Park

We started our week off with a visit to North Cabarrus Park. It amazes me how many parks are in our area. I keep discovering new parks to take Virginia too. Virginia woke up and was ready to get outside. So I packed our things and headed out the door. Our first stop was at the bread store. I heard that there were ducks at the park that we could feed. (note: I have now learned that it is bad to feed ducks bread.) 

I have great memories of going with my grandparents to feed the ducks. I knew that Virginia would get a kick out of feeding the ducks as well. Once we made it to the park, Virginia was ready to get out and play. I loved the fact that both playgrounds we saw were covered. With the heat of the summer, that has been our biggest problem is finding shade. One play ground was covered by a huge yellow tent. The second playground just had a perfect location by the woods that kept it in the shade. Another plus was some locations near the playground had metal large swings that the adults could sit on and relax while the kids played. On the smaller playground I was able to sit on the swing and still see Virginia from all spots on the playground. Which is a first for me, usually I am having to follow her around the whole playground.

After playing for a bit, we decided to go feed the ducks some bread. There were ducks and geese around the pond that was right beside the playground. I was amazed at how close the geese would come to us. Virginia loved tossing the bread to the geese. I kept a close eye on her in case I needed to scoop her up and run. I know geese can be mean at times. We walked further down to the bridge and saw tons of turtles and fish in the pond. There had to be like ten or more turtles just sun bathing on the shore. I did learn later that bread is not a healthy diet for ducks. I guess lesson learned and I did find healthy food to feed the birds when we return to the park. 

Virginia was thrilled and pooped for the rest of the day. I call that one successful Monday. North Cabarrus Park is making a spot on our favorite parks list. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Rewind

This weekend was all about family. Friday my sister Lisa came down to visit. She stopped in and we all went out to lunch at Mi Pueblo. The food was delicious. We visit Mi Pueblo a lot, it is our go to Mexican restaurant. The staff and owner are always so kind to us. This visit was no different, Virginia was wanting one of the adult beverages pictured on the table. The owner came by to check to see how our lunch was and noticed Virginia begging for the drink. Next thing we know the owner comes by and gives Virginia a virgin strawberry daiquiri with whip cream on top. Virginia was so excited and the drink was awesome. 

After lunch we did a little shopping at Virginia's favorite store Target. I always enjoy going to Target and seeing what is in their dollar section. We scored a dry erase board with writing lines on it and dry erase markers for only two dollars. We also discovered that Aunt Lisa has a little shoe love affair. Lisa only gave me a minor heart attack as we were heading to the car. With Virginia in the cart and Lisa driving, you would have thought they were on the Concord Speedway. Virginia was loving every minute of it. 

Once home Lisa only had a few minutes before she had to leave. We squeezed in some painting time and then said our good byes. Virginia was not ready to say good bye. All day she was asking when Aunt Lisa was coming back to play. I am so thankful that Virginia has two amazing Aunts that I know will play a huge roll in her life. 

Saturday was just a relaxing day at home. Sunday we were on the road again. This time we were visiting MiMi and Papa up in Statesville. Once there Virginia was showering everyone with love including her favorite four legged friends. Virginia's favorite thing to do at MiMi's and Papa's is go swing. So we all walked out to the swing and Papa pushed Virginia to her hearts desire. 

After the swing Virginia and I took a walk down to the barn in hopes of seeing the cows. On the way Virginia got to pick some tomatoes from Uncle Carey's garden with MiMi. The cows were to busy staying cool under the trees to come visit with us. But Virginia still enjoyed walking and carrying her prize tomato. 

We ended the day with a delicious meal that MiMi cooked for us. Tossed the tennis ball awhile with the newest four legged addition Zena. Then it was time to hit the road and get home. This weekend was such a delight. We managed to spend good quality family time with both families. I love the fact that we live so close to both families that Virginia will be able to grow up knowing both families. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bouncy Ball


Virginia's favorite toy in the world is probably balls. When we are in any store she makes a bee line to those big bouncy ball stacks. Those quarter machines with the balls in them at the grocery stores also makes a little girl scream with delight. So I knew when I came across this super ball recipe that Virginia would be thrilled to try this with me.

In a small bowl mix together 1 Tbls. Elmers Glue and your choice of food coloring.

Mix well or in the end you will end up with a marble effect which is clue.

In another bowl mix together 1/2 tsp. Borax, 1 Tbls. cornstarch, and 4 Tbls. warm water.

Next pour the water mixture into the glue mixture. Mix these together and you will have a gooey blub. Dump out the liquid and start rolling the gooey blub into a ball. If it feels super wet roll the ball onto a paper towel. 

In the end you will have your very own homemade bouncy ball. Now it doesn't bounce super high, but it is still lots of fun for the little ones. The mixture reminds me a little more of silly putty with a bounce. The ball will lose its shape after sitting around. No worries just roll it back up into a ball and your good to go. I would store the ball in a plastic egg over night to help keep the shape. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Balloons Away

Lately Virginia has really been enjoying painting and stamping. Each morning she wakes up and watches cartoons. Then next thing I know she is running for her paints. To keep things interesting, we have been trying different methods of painting. We started with the simple paint brush and finger painting. We have explored lids, yarn, and now balloons.

First take a balloon and blow it up. I kept our balloon small since little hands were playing. Next place paint on your lid and let your little one press the balloon into the paint. We did purple, blue, and pink.
Note: I only said a few curse words under my breath as I was trying to tie that devil balloon.

Next press the balloon to the paper and lift. It is that simple. Virginia had a blast with the balloon. I even enjoyed the painting with the balloon. It is endless the amount of things you can paint with. Just a few ideas we want to test is leaves, rocks, and bubble wrap. 

I found a quote on a blog that just rung true to me this week, " It is not about the end product but the process." I am learning to just let Virginia go for it and do what she wants. Letting her explore her creativity with no limits.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slime Time

Last week at the library as we were searching for books on apples. I stumbled upon a science experiment book called Science Rocks! It is a huge book full of science experiments for all ages. It ranges from the material world, forces in motion, energy in action, electricity and magnetism, and the natural world. I thought it would be a blast to do a few of the simple experiments with Virginia.  First up we did Slime Time.

Fill a cup with cornstarch and pour it into a bowl.

Slowly add some water, stirring all the time. Keep adding water slowly until the mixture turns into a sticky paste. Don't add too much - you probably won't need more than half a cup.

Add food coloring until your mixture changes color, stirring it though until it is all blended in.

Then you have Slime! Pick the mixture up and see how it behaves. What happens if you squeeze or pull it? If you throw it on the floor it will stick together  like a solid, but if you leave it there  it will turn  into a liquid puddle. I add a blast playing in the slime. The texture is amazing and feels so funny turning from solid to a liquid. Sadly Virginia wanted nothing to do with the slime. Slowly I will make my little clean freak into a messy two year old girl.

Warning: Your hands will be tinted the color of food dye you use.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A is for Apples


Ais for Apples. 

This week I decided to start the Letter of the Week with Virginia. I wanted something fun and educational to do each day with her. Something that we both could enjoy with the TV off. Less TV time this summer is my goal. 

My BFF Lisa told me about Confessions of a Homeschooler, a home school blog, that shares tons of printable activities for kids of all ages. Most of the activities are free printable files and some are for sale. Luckily for me most of the Letter of the Week is free. 

Tuesday we headed to the library for the books about apples. The library is always a great activity for the summer. Virginia enjoys the puzzles and games. I enjoy getting out of the house and picking out some cute books. Most of the books for the letter A that Confessions of a Homeschooler recommends was checked out. I guess the letter A is coming back into style. The wonderful Kannapolis libarian helped us pick out some new ones. We ended up walking out with Apples to Oregon by Deborah Hopkinson & Nancy Carpenter, The Lady with the Alligator Purse by Nadine Bernard Westcott, Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg, Down the Road by Alice Schertle, and The Apple Pie that Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson. Some of these books are a little long for Virginia so I plan to break them up reading half in the morning and half at night. 

So far we have read The Lady with the Alligator Purse which is adapted from the poem. This book is pure silly and Virginia insists on reading the book at least 100 times a day. The poem is about a little baby that gets into lets of trouble taking a bath. This is a cute book and short. We also have read Apples to Oregon. This book is longer and tells the story of a family making their way to Oregon with all of their prized apple trees. They get into all kinds of trouble and adventures. I was amazed that the story kept Virginia's attention til the end. 

Wednesday was the first official day of Letter A. The night before I sewed a magnetic apple. The apple was very simple to create. 

First take a strip of red fabric. I used red cotton fabric, but you can use any fabric. Next take a mug and fabric marker. You will trace a circle onto the fabric using the mug.

Once you have traced the circle, you will want to fold the fabric up like an ecordian. This way you will only have to cut out the circle once. Also this method will make all the circles the same size.

Next I took two of the circles and placed a square of poly-fil traditional batting between them. I didn't pin the layers together, but it is a good idea to pin. Next take the layers to the sewing machine and sew around the circle. Leave just a small space at the top open so you can sew in the stem. If you don't have a sewing machine you could always use fabric glue or even a glue gun.

Note: After I sewed the layers together I thought about putting in magnetic discs. So I took three magnetic discs and placed them on tape and slid the tape inside the apple. In the future I would tape the magnetic discs to one of the layers before I sewed them together. 

Next you will trim very close to the edge of the apple. Then take some brown felt and free hand a stem. I took the stem and placed it in the open space of the apple. I took the lazy route and quickly sewed up the  opening along with the stem on the sewing machine. You could also hand stitch the stem into the apple. Next take green felt and cut out a leave. I did hand stitch the leave onto the apple. Now you have your very own magnetic apple. Beware of fish that are looking for a snack. 

Every apple needs a tree don't you think. Ok so I went a little over the top and made an apple tree for our  fridge. My husband was surprised when he came home Tuesday night. Virginia woke up Wednesday and walked into the kitchen and just froze. Virginia said, " tree mama." She really enjoyed placing the apple on her tree. The tree is very simple to make. I took some left over green fabric and cut out the tree top. I just took a fabric marker and free handed the top of the tree. I took brown felt and cut out the trunk of the tree. Next I took velcro and attached the top and trunk of the tree to the fridge. Simple as 1, 2, 3. 

My plan is to create a magnet for each letter of the week. Wednesday we continued with some more apple activities that we found on Confessions of a Homeschooler. There are so many to choose from. All the prints are free. I picked the activities that I felt would be best for Virginia's age. I would recommend downloading all the files and taking it somewhere to print. If you print at home you will use up alot of ink. I plan in the future to print all the activities onto card stock and taking them to get laminated. 

Here is Virginia coloring in her A is for Apple coloring page.

Virginia is matching the apple halves together by color. This was her favorite game.

In this game Virginia had to match the upper and lowercase a's to the apples on the tree.

For this game I printed the file and then cut and pasted one half of the apple onto construction paper. 

Virginia insisted that her apples be purple. Here is the coloring page and the child can trace the upper and lowercase A's at the top of the page.

Upper and Lowercase Matching Game.

Here is the large floor numbers. I took the magnetic apple and let Virginia place the apple on the correct number that I called out. I hope in the future to make ten apples. That way she can place the correct number of apples on each card. All the activities were lots of fun and kept Virginia's attention. Thursday she woke up and ran into the living room asking for Apple Game. Hope you enjoy and make sure to pay  Confessions of a Homeschooler a visit.
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers