Friday, May 11, 2012

Books, Books, and more Books

This year I have found myself  reading more and more books. I am usually not one to read a ton of books. Really I am lucky if I read two in one year. But with many things I tend to get on a roll and go with it. It has helped that I have joined two books clubs. 

I am in charge of the CentralPiedmontMommies book club and I joined the Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers group on Goodreads. Both groups work well for me. It gives me a nice mix of books to enjoy each month. And the nice thing with the Goodreads group is that I can read at my own pace. After I finish a book I go online and post my thoughts in the right thread. 

The Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers group basically lists almost the whole years book choices at the beginning of the year. That way fast readers can move ahead and slow readers don't have to rush. There are threads set up and as people finish a book they go online and start discussing their thoughts on the book. I have started to take the same approach with the CentralPiedmontMommies group. We were running into the same problem each month.  Not everyone was able to get the book at the library in time before our meeting. So this approach has been nice because now if one person can't get the book for this month. They can move on to the next month while they are waiting for last month's book to come in.  And we don't have to stress over picking a certain day and time that works well for everyone's schedule.

Since I have been reading more I decided to start keeping track of my books read on Goodreads. This has been fun because I enjoy seeing all the books listed and I get to see what my friends are reading. A bonus also is on Goodreads the Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers are doing a Book Scavenger Hunt for the year. They have a list of things that you have to find by the end of the year. You can only use one book for each item. 

Along with Goodreads I got the idea from my good friend Katie, I thought I would add a page to my blog to keep track of my books  read and to give a short review for others to read. The link to my bookshelf is at the top right of my blog. I am slowly adding the books and my reviews. I hope you will check them out and share any books that you have read that you have enjoyed. I need some more suggestions for the rest of the year.


FreeBeing said...

I need to get back to reading more. It's great that you are joining book clubs.

Nice blog, Kathy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Books, Books, and more Books

This year I have found myself  reading more and more books. I am usually not one to read a ton of books. Really I am lucky if I read two in one year. But with many things I tend to get on a roll and go with it. It has helped that I have joined two books clubs. 

I am in charge of the CentralPiedmontMommies book club and I joined the Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers group on Goodreads. Both groups work well for me. It gives me a nice mix of books to enjoy each month. And the nice thing with the Goodreads group is that I can read at my own pace. After I finish a book I go online and post my thoughts in the right thread. 

The Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers group basically lists almost the whole years book choices at the beginning of the year. That way fast readers can move ahead and slow readers don't have to rush. There are threads set up and as people finish a book they go online and start discussing their thoughts on the book. I have started to take the same approach with the CentralPiedmontMommies group. We were running into the same problem each month.  Not everyone was able to get the book at the library in time before our meeting. So this approach has been nice because now if one person can't get the book for this month. They can move on to the next month while they are waiting for last month's book to come in.  And we don't have to stress over picking a certain day and time that works well for everyone's schedule.

Since I have been reading more I decided to start keeping track of my books read on Goodreads. This has been fun because I enjoy seeing all the books listed and I get to see what my friends are reading. A bonus also is on Goodreads the Kannapolis Paranormal Booksuckers are doing a Book Scavenger Hunt for the year. They have a list of things that you have to find by the end of the year. You can only use one book for each item. 

Along with Goodreads I got the idea from my good friend Katie, I thought I would add a page to my blog to keep track of my books  read and to give a short review for others to read. The link to my bookshelf is at the top right of my blog. I am slowly adding the books and my reviews. I hope you will check them out and share any books that you have read that you have enjoyed. I need some more suggestions for the rest of the year.

1 comments on "Books, Books, and more Books"

FreeBeing on May 11, 2012 at 12:47 PM said...

I need to get back to reading more. It's great that you are joining book clubs.

Nice blog, Kathy!

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