Saturday, May 12, 2012

Moments from MawMaw's

 I believe we have made it a tradition now to go to my parent's house every Wednesday for dinner.  Here are a few moments from MawMaw's house this week.

It had been raining all day so MawMaw pulled her car out of the garage and let the girl's hit the christmas ball that hangs from the ceiling. Virginia loves this game.

Big Man got to test out MawMaw's swing and loved it so much he fell asleep.

Two little munchkins found MawMaw's weights.

Who needs a playground when you have PawPaw

This is the part I love most about MawMaw's I get to put my feet up and read my book in peace and quiet. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Moments from MawMaw's

 I believe we have made it a tradition now to go to my parent's house every Wednesday for dinner.  Here are a few moments from MawMaw's house this week.

It had been raining all day so MawMaw pulled her car out of the garage and let the girl's hit the christmas ball that hangs from the ceiling. Virginia loves this game.

Big Man got to test out MawMaw's swing and loved it so much he fell asleep.

Two little munchkins found MawMaw's weights.

Who needs a playground when you have PawPaw

This is the part I love most about MawMaw's I get to put my feet up and read my book in peace and quiet. 

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