Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Foot Sponge Painting

This week I pretty much raided the art section of my local library. I was delighted when I found a bunch of MaryAnn F. Kohl books. She has written a bunch of books on art projects to do with kids. I found the Foot Sponge Painting idea from The Big Messy Art Book.


Big Butcher Paper ( I used my roll of Ikea paper )
masking tape ( I used some blue painters tape I had on hand )
tempera paint
sturdy, shallow pans ( I just used paper plates)
big sponges ( found mine at the dollar store )
Velcro straps ( I just used the painters tape to hold the sponges onto Virginia's feet )
plastic dish tub of warm soapy water ( I just had a wet towel on hand to clean up any spots )
old towels

First I rolled out the Ikea paper across my living room floor. I used the painters tape and taped down both ends of the paper.

Next I took two paper plates and the paint. I swirled two colors on each plate.

Then I started off by taping just one sponge to Virginia's feet. That way she could get a feel of how it is walking on sponges. Then after she was fine with one I taped the second sponge to her feet. I would say that when your child steps on the plates, it is helpful that you help them step on and off. It can get a little slippery when they are stepping onto the paint plates and off. Also you have to pull the paint plates off their feet before stepping down the paper. 

I did this project inside and at first was a little worried about the mess. But Virginia was super careful and really the spots she did make on the hardwood floor were easy to clean up with just a wet towel. Now if you have a bunch of kids or young kids that like to run all over the place. Then I suggest moving this project outdoors. 

I think this project has to be my all time favorite so far that we have done. Virginia had a blast and was amazed that I was letting her paint on the living room floor. That was the first thing she said to me was, " We are painting on the floor?" I always love mixing things up and trying new things. I plan to look deeper in MaryAnn F. Kohl's books and find some more new projects for us to do this week. 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Foot Sponge Painting

This week I pretty much raided the art section of my local library. I was delighted when I found a bunch of MaryAnn F. Kohl books. She has written a bunch of books on art projects to do with kids. I found the Foot Sponge Painting idea from The Big Messy Art Book.


Big Butcher Paper ( I used my roll of Ikea paper )
masking tape ( I used some blue painters tape I had on hand )
tempera paint
sturdy, shallow pans ( I just used paper plates)
big sponges ( found mine at the dollar store )
Velcro straps ( I just used the painters tape to hold the sponges onto Virginia's feet )
plastic dish tub of warm soapy water ( I just had a wet towel on hand to clean up any spots )
old towels

First I rolled out the Ikea paper across my living room floor. I used the painters tape and taped down both ends of the paper.

Next I took two paper plates and the paint. I swirled two colors on each plate.

Then I started off by taping just one sponge to Virginia's feet. That way she could get a feel of how it is walking on sponges. Then after she was fine with one I taped the second sponge to her feet. I would say that when your child steps on the plates, it is helpful that you help them step on and off. It can get a little slippery when they are stepping onto the paint plates and off. Also you have to pull the paint plates off their feet before stepping down the paper. 

I did this project inside and at first was a little worried about the mess. But Virginia was super careful and really the spots she did make on the hardwood floor were easy to clean up with just a wet towel. Now if you have a bunch of kids or young kids that like to run all over the place. Then I suggest moving this project outdoors. 

I think this project has to be my all time favorite so far that we have done. Virginia had a blast and was amazed that I was letting her paint on the living room floor. That was the first thing she said to me was, " We are painting on the floor?" I always love mixing things up and trying new things. I plan to look deeper in MaryAnn F. Kohl's books and find some more new projects for us to do this week. 

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