Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hide and Seek

We have a hider on our hands.  I was washing the dishes this morning and noticed Virginia was up too something. I turned and saw her hiding one of her books in the tupperware cabinet. Then she went and grabbed the car keys off the table and put them in the pots cabinet. I just had to giggle when she noticed me  watching and quickly shut the cabinet door. I wish I had been able to take a picture, but she quickly moved on to something else once she saw me watching.

Virginia is becoming more and more adventurous day by day. She is also losing some of her shyness. She still takes some time to warm up to new people, but she is improving. We were at the consignment store in Hickory on Monday. They have a closed in area where kids can play with blocks as the parent shops. Virginia jumped in and started playing as I watched her. She was by herself at first then a little boy came climbing over the wall. I thought for sure Virginia would jump up and start whining for me to pick her up. To my surprise she started giggling and waving her arms. She even started to pickup blocks and hand them to the little boy to stack. It was so adorable.

That night we were in search of new shoes for Virginia. We started at the consignment store in Hickory hoping to find a good deal. We didn't have much success. We did come out with a pair of blue sandals, hair clip, and a new book. Off to Babies R Us thinking they would have a huge selection. We were wrong in assuming Babies R Us had a huge selection. They only had like two racks. I was a little sad, but we moved on to Shoe Carnival. Success, we find a very cute pair of pink Sketchers. Shoe Carnival had a small back wall of shoes. I was shocked at some shoes that were meant for babies and toddlers. They had clear high heeled shoes, the kind you would think strippers would wear. I mean really who is going to put their baby or toddler in high heeled shoes.

Reiggin was off again on Tuesday so we headed back to the playground for some fun. It was a lovely day not to hot and not to cold. Virginia had a blast on the slides, swings, and duck. Reiggin had lots of fun getting to use his new camera capturing shots of Virginia and I on the playground. I am really amazed at how much better pictures our new camera takes. They are ten times more clear and crisp then my old camera. The real challenge now is to see if Reiggin can teach me to use the manual setting on the camera. Yes I took two photography classes in college and I should know how to use the manual settings, but honestly I do not remember anything that I learned in those classes.

Well that about wraps up our week so far. Friday should be a great day. Grandma and Grandpa Ford are going to babysit Virginia as we head off to the Jim Avett CD Release Party. Yes we are going to the Avett Brother's father's concert. What can I say we love all things Avett!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Virginia's World

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I have always believed that I am a dreamer. I constantly dream of things that I would like to do. There is always a laundry list of craft projects floating around in my head. Doing freelance design has always been one of those dreams in my head ever since I graduated college and got my first design job. I knew that I wanted to get married, have children, and be able to work from home so I can take care of my kids.

I finally decided to really make a go at my dream of being a freelance designer. I know it is not going to be easy. I know that I won't be making millions if thousands the first year. I am just glad that I will be back working in design. I have created my website I still have some work to do on the site, but for the most part it is almost complete. I even made a fan page on facebook to get the word out.

So I started this project about a month ago and in all places a hair salon was where I got my first client. I have not had a haircut for like a year. So finally I decided I needed to find someone up here to cut my hair. I have only had two people since I was born cut my hair. I am just goofy like that about people cutting my hair. So I was sitting in this salon in downtown Troutman talking to the hair stylist when I hear the owner and front desk woman talking about needing to make a brochure. Some how I gathered up the courage to say I can make one for you guys. Amazing that the owner Tracy actually said sure go for it. I spent the next couple of days working on the design and finally came up with a design. I spent hours cursing at Photoshop and figuring out Illustrater again. In the end I finished the design and I am really happy with the outcome.

So with one project under my belt I look forward to the journey ahead. Even if I am not a success at least I can say I tried.


Ok so I am bored and found this amusing on another blog. I figure you guys would enjoy it too. Yeah I know I need to get out more.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Playground Action

I think I could get use to this warm weather we have been having. It was so warm with a little breeze that I decided I had to get out of the house and take Virginia to the playground. A church in Troutman as their community project they made a community playground for everyone to enjoy. It is really nice and completely fenced in. So we headed down to the playground to soak in some sun for awhile until Reiggin had to go to work.

It was Virginia's first time attempting the slides. Lets just say we still have some work to do before we master the slide. She enjoyed riding down the slide in my lap more then trying to do it solo.

The swings and the duck was the winner as Virginia's favorite part of the playground. She didn't feel comfortable yet to run around in the grass and climbing onto the playground equipment. I think she had a blast anyway just looking around and especially enjoyed when a woman came into the playground with her two dogs.

I can't wait for the summer now. Virginia is so much more active and curious then ever. I know we will be spending tons of time outside playing. Who knows maybe I will get a tan this year.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Warm Weather

I officially felt like a mom this week when I was scrubbing the door with magic eraser. As I was talking on the phone with Renee, Reiggin's mom, Virginia was writing on the front door with a ink pen. I know this is probably the first of many doodles that I will catch Virginia doing.

Virginia is so active now and wants to investigate everything. Friday was a nice warm day with just a slight breeze. So I decided to bundle up Virginia and take her outside to play. This was the first time Virginia had been outside and actually wanted to get down and ran around. It was so cute watching her check everything out. She really enjoyed waving to her shadow and trying to figure out the big bushes by the house. We took a nice walk down the driveway and up to the top of the neighborhood. I was really surprised that Virginia walked all that way and back. I think she would have just kept on walking if I had not turned her around. She doesn't fully understand that we have to turn around and go home at some point.

We had a blast outside and I took a video to share with everyone. Sorry it is really long so feel free to fast forward though parts. I know Grandma Ford will love every minute of it. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope everyone gets better and get rid of their illnesses.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Busy Week

Virginia and I have been pretty busy so far this week and it is only Tuesday. Monday, I headed over to Katherine's house to visit her and Hannah her new baby. It was nice getting out of the house and having some girl talk. Having another friend to talk with about Mom things and the struggles we face was nice. It was cool that I actually had some knowledge to pass along to her. Hannah was a perfect angel. She even didn't mind the thousands of pictures that I was talking of her. The flash on my camera was a little intense, but Hannah was a champ.

After my visit with Katherine I headed over to Walmart to pick-up a few items that we needed. Virginia has been drinking milk like crazy now that I have quit breastfeeding her. She is completely off baby food so I have been trying to find new foods. I brought a couple of Birds Eye Steamfresh meals for her to try out.

That night we all headed over to Reiggin's parents house for dinner. Renee, Reiggin's mom, made some fried chicken, peas, corn, biscuits, rice, and gravy. It all was delicious. Virginia really enjoyed the rice and peas. She tried some chicken and biscuits as well. It was nice getting to visit and Virginia had a great time playing with Grandpa and Grandma Hilderbrand. I believe that we have figured out for sure that Virginia is allergic to dogs. By the time we left she was sneezing and coughing. This is no real surprise to me. Both me and Reiggin have bad allergies and I am allergic to dogs as well.

Come Tuesday, Virginia and I got all packed up and went to our first play group in Birkdale. I have been searching for a play group in Statesville, but have had no luck finding one. Last week I came across a website called Lake Norman Mommies. Sunday I had a email from a mom on the site inviting me to her play group. I was super excited for Virginia to be able to play with some kids her age and for myself to meet some new Moms in the area. The play group was a huge success. Virginia was the oldest kid, but the other kids were close enough in age to still have fun. Virginia played nicely and even walked around playing with a little girl in the group. I was glad to see that she was not shy the whole time. The funniest moment was when one of the boys came up to Virginia and tried to give her a kiss. Virginia turned her head quickly and climbed up into my lap. I couldn't help, but giggle. The moms were all very nice and also were close to my age. I look forward to the next play group.

Later that day I was looking on the mom's website and found on the calendar that a group of moms were going to have a bunco night Wednesday. So I emailed and asked if they still had room for one more. Luckily the mom emailed back and said the more the merrier. I believe I will be enjoying my first Moms bunco night Wednesday. I will be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Thursday I believe Virginia and I will go to the Iredell Children's Museum to meet up with a new group of moms and kids. This will be our first visit to the museum. I am excited to see how Virginia reacts to all the activities and kids. I think she will have a good time and hopefully I will meet some more wonderful moms.

So as you can see it seems like I will have a pretty adventurous week ahead of me. I will probably need the weekend to recover.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I hope everyone gets showered with love. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 1 of Love

Day 1 of Love is all about my one true love CHEESE. Mmmm the smell and the taste. I mean is there anything better then cheese? Wait, wait, wait that's not right. My one true love is Reiggin and Virginia.

I have been blessed with a loving husband and a wonderful baby girl. I would just like to say how much I appreciate both Reiggin and Virginia. Reiggin shows me so much love and affection. I know I don't say it enough but I appreciate all his hard work and dedication to allowing me to stay at home with Virginia. He works non stop and still comes home and takes care of Virginia and I. Reiggin is also an amazing father. Watching him with Virginia really just warms my heart. As soon as he walks in the door Virginia lights up and runs for him. She is such a daddies girl.

Virginia also truly has blessed my life. She has shown me there is more to life then just myself. She makes me laugh everyday. She is such the entertainer it cracks me up to see what she will do next. Virginia has also been a very laid back baby and really has not given us any problems. Virginia now even lets me sleep though the night. She is my little baby. I just hope that I can be the best mother ever for her as she grows up.

So on Day 1 of Love I want to just say I LOVE YOU Reiggin and Virginia. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful family.

First Live Report

Lisa Harland gave me the bright idea to do my first video blog entry. I had a lot of fun making this blog entry. I definitely have some improvement to make. Next time I will try to improve on keeping my hand steady.  It is a little Blair Witch effect on the camera handling.

I was also proud of myself for figuring out how to transfer the video from the recorder to the computer. Reiggin is at work so I had to figure this all out on my own. With a little help from google I figured out that I can use iMovie on Reiggin's Mac. I still got a long way to go to figure out how to use iMovie completely.

Well hope you guys enjoy my first video blog entry. I am sure it will give you guys lots to laugh at.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 2 of Love

Day 2 of Love is all about my sisters. Even if they did put a running vacuum cleaner on my head, lock me out of the house with just a t-shirt and underwear on, and lots of other mean stuff. I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing.

Lisa was older and growing up I really don't have many memories other then watching her play softball and volleyball. But as I am older and I have been able to get closer to Lisa. I really enjoy hanging out and talking with her. She is the one that I know I can always count on. She is dependable and will help me anytime she can. She is also a great Aunt to Virginia. What I love most about Lisa is she is leveled headed. She will tell you how it is and give you the best advice. When I found out I was pregnant with Virginia. Lisa was the one that made me feel the best. She gave it to me straight and let me know that she was there for me. Lisa was always the older sister that was there and as a kid I didn't pay much attention too, but  I hope as we both get older that we can grow closer together and have lots of fun stories to create.

Susan and I were always close since we were only two years apart. Now saying that we were close can also mean trouble. Growing up I was for sure the little sister that annoyed the crap out of their older sister. Susan was the one that I followed around the neighborhood and wanted to hangout with all the time. Susan was also the one that tortured me the most. She placed a running vacuum cleaner on my head, tried sticking my head in the toilet on many occasions, and was just the typical big sister. At the same time I always knew Susan was there to look after me and make sure no one messed with me. Susan was also one of the cool kids in school. I can't believe I just typed that, but it is true. Being Susan's little sister meant that alot of the older kids were nice to me and would talk to me in the hallway. Which was nice when you were just the little 7th grader or 10th grader. Susan and I played softball together since I was 8. That was always fun competing and trying to prove I was better then her in all sports. Even thou we were super close as kids. I have to say now that we are both grown and have kids. I really enjoy her more now then I ever did as a little kid. I talk with Susan everyday on the phone or skype. We both share stories of what our crazy kids have done that day. Susan has always been my protector and for that I love her.

So on Day 2 of Love I just want to say how much I am glad I had two great sisters growing up. I also know that they will both be the best Aunts to Virginia.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 3 of Love

Day 3 of Love is going to be all about talking. I know, no big surprise that I love to talk. It always makes me laugh to think that my Mom told me that they were afraid I would never talk. I was a late talker as a child and my parents always say I am just trying to make up for lost time.

Talking is just a joy for me. I get to tell all my stories and what I have been up too that day. I also get to hear everyone's stories as well and catch up on the latest gossip. I am bad about always wanting to know what is going on in my circle of friends.

The highlight of my week is when I get to talk to Lisa and discuss all our favorite shows. I can talk for hours on the phone with Lisa. Which lately I have learned that it can cause some very ugly cellphone bills. But I am trying to reform my talking ways. It is so painful to think twice about spending hours on the phone talking.

Now I am talking on skype and on the computer just chatting. I love skype because I get to see Samantha and her crazy dance skills. It is fun to use skype because then you get to see the person's expressions as you are talking.

So Day 3 of Love is all about my love of talking and the people that put up with my non stop talking. Thanks guys for loving me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 4 of Love

I had to do some brainstorming on this one, but I decided that on day 4 of love it would be all about quiet. Yeah you heard me peace and quiet. Ever since I have had a child now I really appreciate the quiet times. Before I would always have to have noise like the TV or talking on the phone with someone. Now I just enjoy the time when Reiggin is at work and Virginia is napping. I can turn off the TV and crash on the couch with a blanket and a book or just play on the computer. Quiet times are always nice and help me to keep my sanity in check. I don't have to hear PBS kids shows in the back ground or have a little kid chasing me around the house. It is just peace and me time when it is quiet. So on Day 4 of Love I love quiet time.  As I finish this post I hear the ending of my quiet time as Virginia wakes up. Well off to hug my little baby girl.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 5 of Love

So on day five I have decided to write about my parents. I love my parents more then I could ever express. I appreciate them even more now that I am married and have a child of my own. They have always been there for me and I know that I can always count on them to help me out.

My Mom is the best. I don't know how she raised all three of us. She is a amazing cook and keeps the house clean as can be. Every time I go grocery shopping I always end up calling her to ask her what to get or what this means. She is also one of my best friends. I can call her anytime to just talk and let her know whats on my mind. Now that I have Virginia I really love watching my Mom light up when she has Virginia over. Mom is so good with Virginia and is the best grandma.

Now my Dad is super cool. He has always been the best Dad. I loved how involved he was with all of us when we were kids. He coached all of our softball teams and never missed a game. Now that I am older I appreciate even more how much he looks after me and my sisters. I wasn't sure how my dad would be as a grandpa. But to no surprise he is super great with Virginia. I believe my Dad and Virginia are super buddies. Virginia just chases him all over the house when we go to visit. My Dad is great with Virginia and Samantha. I enjoy just sitting back and watching my Dad and Virginia get into trouble around the house. I couldn't have asked for a better role model.

I just hope that I can be as good as a parent to Virginia as my parents have been to me. Love you guys!

Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Days of Love

                                                                photo by: Lisa Harland

I came across this blog that was doing 28 Days of Love in honor of February and Valentines day. Well since I didn't find it in time I decided to do 6 Days of Love.  My first love of the day will be in honor of Lisa Harland, birthday girl! The best thing about Lisa is that she has been my friend since junior high. Yep she has put up with me for about 14 years.

Lisa is also a great listener. You all know I can talk and Lisa is the numero uno person that I call when I have something to say. Even living all the way on the west coast doesn't stop me from calling her up and talking for hours. Lisa is always there to listen and to give me great advice.

The one thing that I miss the most about Lisa since she is living in California now is her great taste in movies. Lisa was my best movie buddy. Like myself there is not too many movies that Lisa doesn't like.
Lisa would always be willing to go see the latest chick flick with me on short notice.

Lisa is also easily excited about little things. I always love calling Lisa during the week to have our weekly chat about our awesome CW and ABC Family shows. Just like me she gets excited about talking about the latest drama on the Vampire Diaries Show. Which I must say is the best show ever on the CW and if you are not watching it SHAME ON YOU!

Lisa is also one of the best book club buddies a girl could ask for. Ok well she is my first book club buddy, but I know that she is the best. So far we have read two books and are working on our third book, Dear John. Lisa is my great motivator. She keeps me going and pushes me to finish the books on time.

Last but not least Lisa is dependable. I have always known I can count on Lisa to be there for me. Even thou she lives all the way in California. She still made it back to North Carolina in time to see Virginia born and to help me out that first week. She has  been though thick and thin with me. She always listens to me complain about the dumbest things. She is the best BFF a girl could wish for.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hide and Seek

We have a hider on our hands.  I was washing the dishes this morning and noticed Virginia was up too something. I turned and saw her hiding one of her books in the tupperware cabinet. Then she went and grabbed the car keys off the table and put them in the pots cabinet. I just had to giggle when she noticed me  watching and quickly shut the cabinet door. I wish I had been able to take a picture, but she quickly moved on to something else once she saw me watching.

Virginia is becoming more and more adventurous day by day. She is also losing some of her shyness. She still takes some time to warm up to new people, but she is improving. We were at the consignment store in Hickory on Monday. They have a closed in area where kids can play with blocks as the parent shops. Virginia jumped in and started playing as I watched her. She was by herself at first then a little boy came climbing over the wall. I thought for sure Virginia would jump up and start whining for me to pick her up. To my surprise she started giggling and waving her arms. She even started to pickup blocks and hand them to the little boy to stack. It was so adorable.

That night we were in search of new shoes for Virginia. We started at the consignment store in Hickory hoping to find a good deal. We didn't have much success. We did come out with a pair of blue sandals, hair clip, and a new book. Off to Babies R Us thinking they would have a huge selection. We were wrong in assuming Babies R Us had a huge selection. They only had like two racks. I was a little sad, but we moved on to Shoe Carnival. Success, we find a very cute pair of pink Sketchers. Shoe Carnival had a small back wall of shoes. I was shocked at some shoes that were meant for babies and toddlers. They had clear high heeled shoes, the kind you would think strippers would wear. I mean really who is going to put their baby or toddler in high heeled shoes.

Reiggin was off again on Tuesday so we headed back to the playground for some fun. It was a lovely day not to hot and not to cold. Virginia had a blast on the slides, swings, and duck. Reiggin had lots of fun getting to use his new camera capturing shots of Virginia and I on the playground. I am really amazed at how much better pictures our new camera takes. They are ten times more clear and crisp then my old camera. The real challenge now is to see if Reiggin can teach me to use the manual setting on the camera. Yes I took two photography classes in college and I should know how to use the manual settings, but honestly I do not remember anything that I learned in those classes.

Well that about wraps up our week so far. Friday should be a great day. Grandma and Grandpa Ford are going to babysit Virginia as we head off to the Jim Avett CD Release Party. Yes we are going to the Avett Brother's father's concert. What can I say we love all things Avett!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Virginia's World


Sunday, February 21, 2010



I have always believed that I am a dreamer. I constantly dream of things that I would like to do. There is always a laundry list of craft projects floating around in my head. Doing freelance design has always been one of those dreams in my head ever since I graduated college and got my first design job. I knew that I wanted to get married, have children, and be able to work from home so I can take care of my kids.

I finally decided to really make a go at my dream of being a freelance designer. I know it is not going to be easy. I know that I won't be making millions if thousands the first year. I am just glad that I will be back working in design. I have created my website I still have some work to do on the site, but for the most part it is almost complete. I even made a fan page on facebook to get the word out.

So I started this project about a month ago and in all places a hair salon was where I got my first client. I have not had a haircut for like a year. So finally I decided I needed to find someone up here to cut my hair. I have only had two people since I was born cut my hair. I am just goofy like that about people cutting my hair. So I was sitting in this salon in downtown Troutman talking to the hair stylist when I hear the owner and front desk woman talking about needing to make a brochure. Some how I gathered up the courage to say I can make one for you guys. Amazing that the owner Tracy actually said sure go for it. I spent the next couple of days working on the design and finally came up with a design. I spent hours cursing at Photoshop and figuring out Illustrater again. In the end I finished the design and I am really happy with the outcome.

So with one project under my belt I look forward to the journey ahead. Even if I am not a success at least I can say I tried.



Ok so I am bored and found this amusing on another blog. I figure you guys would enjoy it too. Yeah I know I need to get out more.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Playground Action

I think I could get use to this warm weather we have been having. It was so warm with a little breeze that I decided I had to get out of the house and take Virginia to the playground. A church in Troutman as their community project they made a community playground for everyone to enjoy. It is really nice and completely fenced in. So we headed down to the playground to soak in some sun for awhile until Reiggin had to go to work.

It was Virginia's first time attempting the slides. Lets just say we still have some work to do before we master the slide. She enjoyed riding down the slide in my lap more then trying to do it solo.

The swings and the duck was the winner as Virginia's favorite part of the playground. She didn't feel comfortable yet to run around in the grass and climbing onto the playground equipment. I think she had a blast anyway just looking around and especially enjoyed when a woman came into the playground with her two dogs.

I can't wait for the summer now. Virginia is so much more active and curious then ever. I know we will be spending tons of time outside playing. Who knows maybe I will get a tan this year.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Warm Weather

I officially felt like a mom this week when I was scrubbing the door with magic eraser. As I was talking on the phone with Renee, Reiggin's mom, Virginia was writing on the front door with a ink pen. I know this is probably the first of many doodles that I will catch Virginia doing.

Virginia is so active now and wants to investigate everything. Friday was a nice warm day with just a slight breeze. So I decided to bundle up Virginia and take her outside to play. This was the first time Virginia had been outside and actually wanted to get down and ran around. It was so cute watching her check everything out. She really enjoyed waving to her shadow and trying to figure out the big bushes by the house. We took a nice walk down the driveway and up to the top of the neighborhood. I was really surprised that Virginia walked all that way and back. I think she would have just kept on walking if I had not turned her around. She doesn't fully understand that we have to turn around and go home at some point.

We had a blast outside and I took a video to share with everyone. Sorry it is really long so feel free to fast forward though parts. I know Grandma Ford will love every minute of it. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope everyone gets better and get rid of their illnesses.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Busy Week


Virginia and I have been pretty busy so far this week and it is only Tuesday. Monday, I headed over to Katherine's house to visit her and Hannah her new baby. It was nice getting out of the house and having some girl talk. Having another friend to talk with about Mom things and the struggles we face was nice. It was cool that I actually had some knowledge to pass along to her. Hannah was a perfect angel. She even didn't mind the thousands of pictures that I was talking of her. The flash on my camera was a little intense, but Hannah was a champ.

After my visit with Katherine I headed over to Walmart to pick-up a few items that we needed. Virginia has been drinking milk like crazy now that I have quit breastfeeding her. She is completely off baby food so I have been trying to find new foods. I brought a couple of Birds Eye Steamfresh meals for her to try out.

That night we all headed over to Reiggin's parents house for dinner. Renee, Reiggin's mom, made some fried chicken, peas, corn, biscuits, rice, and gravy. It all was delicious. Virginia really enjoyed the rice and peas. She tried some chicken and biscuits as well. It was nice getting to visit and Virginia had a great time playing with Grandpa and Grandma Hilderbrand. I believe that we have figured out for sure that Virginia is allergic to dogs. By the time we left she was sneezing and coughing. This is no real surprise to me. Both me and Reiggin have bad allergies and I am allergic to dogs as well.

Come Tuesday, Virginia and I got all packed up and went to our first play group in Birkdale. I have been searching for a play group in Statesville, but have had no luck finding one. Last week I came across a website called Lake Norman Mommies. Sunday I had a email from a mom on the site inviting me to her play group. I was super excited for Virginia to be able to play with some kids her age and for myself to meet some new Moms in the area. The play group was a huge success. Virginia was the oldest kid, but the other kids were close enough in age to still have fun. Virginia played nicely and even walked around playing with a little girl in the group. I was glad to see that she was not shy the whole time. The funniest moment was when one of the boys came up to Virginia and tried to give her a kiss. Virginia turned her head quickly and climbed up into my lap. I couldn't help, but giggle. The moms were all very nice and also were close to my age. I look forward to the next play group.

Later that day I was looking on the mom's website and found on the calendar that a group of moms were going to have a bunco night Wednesday. So I emailed and asked if they still had room for one more. Luckily the mom emailed back and said the more the merrier. I believe I will be enjoying my first Moms bunco night Wednesday. I will be sure to let you all know how it goes.

Thursday I believe Virginia and I will go to the Iredell Children's Museum to meet up with a new group of moms and kids. This will be our first visit to the museum. I am excited to see how Virginia reacts to all the activities and kids. I think she will have a good time and hopefully I will meet some more wonderful moms.

So as you can see it seems like I will have a pretty adventurous week ahead of me. I will probably need the weekend to recover.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I hope everyone gets showered with love. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 1 of Love


Day 1 of Love is all about my one true love CHEESE. Mmmm the smell and the taste. I mean is there anything better then cheese? Wait, wait, wait that's not right. My one true love is Reiggin and Virginia.

I have been blessed with a loving husband and a wonderful baby girl. I would just like to say how much I appreciate both Reiggin and Virginia. Reiggin shows me so much love and affection. I know I don't say it enough but I appreciate all his hard work and dedication to allowing me to stay at home with Virginia. He works non stop and still comes home and takes care of Virginia and I. Reiggin is also an amazing father. Watching him with Virginia really just warms my heart. As soon as he walks in the door Virginia lights up and runs for him. She is such a daddies girl.

Virginia also truly has blessed my life. She has shown me there is more to life then just myself. She makes me laugh everyday. She is such the entertainer it cracks me up to see what she will do next. Virginia has also been a very laid back baby and really has not given us any problems. Virginia now even lets me sleep though the night. She is my little baby. I just hope that I can be the best mother ever for her as she grows up.

So on Day 1 of Love I want to just say I LOVE YOU Reiggin and Virginia. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful family.

First Live Report


Lisa Harland gave me the bright idea to do my first video blog entry. I had a lot of fun making this blog entry. I definitely have some improvement to make. Next time I will try to improve on keeping my hand steady.  It is a little Blair Witch effect on the camera handling.

I was also proud of myself for figuring out how to transfer the video from the recorder to the computer. Reiggin is at work so I had to figure this all out on my own. With a little help from google I figured out that I can use iMovie on Reiggin's Mac. I still got a long way to go to figure out how to use iMovie completely.

Well hope you guys enjoy my first video blog entry. I am sure it will give you guys lots to laugh at.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 2 of Love


Day 2 of Love is all about my sisters. Even if they did put a running vacuum cleaner on my head, lock me out of the house with just a t-shirt and underwear on, and lots of other mean stuff. I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing.

Lisa was older and growing up I really don't have many memories other then watching her play softball and volleyball. But as I am older and I have been able to get closer to Lisa. I really enjoy hanging out and talking with her. She is the one that I know I can always count on. She is dependable and will help me anytime she can. She is also a great Aunt to Virginia. What I love most about Lisa is she is leveled headed. She will tell you how it is and give you the best advice. When I found out I was pregnant with Virginia. Lisa was the one that made me feel the best. She gave it to me straight and let me know that she was there for me. Lisa was always the older sister that was there and as a kid I didn't pay much attention too, but  I hope as we both get older that we can grow closer together and have lots of fun stories to create.

Susan and I were always close since we were only two years apart. Now saying that we were close can also mean trouble. Growing up I was for sure the little sister that annoyed the crap out of their older sister. Susan was the one that I followed around the neighborhood and wanted to hangout with all the time. Susan was also the one that tortured me the most. She placed a running vacuum cleaner on my head, tried sticking my head in the toilet on many occasions, and was just the typical big sister. At the same time I always knew Susan was there to look after me and make sure no one messed with me. Susan was also one of the cool kids in school. I can't believe I just typed that, but it is true. Being Susan's little sister meant that alot of the older kids were nice to me and would talk to me in the hallway. Which was nice when you were just the little 7th grader or 10th grader. Susan and I played softball together since I was 8. That was always fun competing and trying to prove I was better then her in all sports. Even thou we were super close as kids. I have to say now that we are both grown and have kids. I really enjoy her more now then I ever did as a little kid. I talk with Susan everyday on the phone or skype. We both share stories of what our crazy kids have done that day. Susan has always been my protector and for that I love her.

So on Day 2 of Love I just want to say how much I am glad I had two great sisters growing up. I also know that they will both be the best Aunts to Virginia.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 3 of Love


Day 3 of Love is going to be all about talking. I know, no big surprise that I love to talk. It always makes me laugh to think that my Mom told me that they were afraid I would never talk. I was a late talker as a child and my parents always say I am just trying to make up for lost time.

Talking is just a joy for me. I get to tell all my stories and what I have been up too that day. I also get to hear everyone's stories as well and catch up on the latest gossip. I am bad about always wanting to know what is going on in my circle of friends.

The highlight of my week is when I get to talk to Lisa and discuss all our favorite shows. I can talk for hours on the phone with Lisa. Which lately I have learned that it can cause some very ugly cellphone bills. But I am trying to reform my talking ways. It is so painful to think twice about spending hours on the phone talking.

Now I am talking on skype and on the computer just chatting. I love skype because I get to see Samantha and her crazy dance skills. It is fun to use skype because then you get to see the person's expressions as you are talking.

So Day 3 of Love is all about my love of talking and the people that put up with my non stop talking. Thanks guys for loving me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 4 of Love


I had to do some brainstorming on this one, but I decided that on day 4 of love it would be all about quiet. Yeah you heard me peace and quiet. Ever since I have had a child now I really appreciate the quiet times. Before I would always have to have noise like the TV or talking on the phone with someone. Now I just enjoy the time when Reiggin is at work and Virginia is napping. I can turn off the TV and crash on the couch with a blanket and a book or just play on the computer. Quiet times are always nice and help me to keep my sanity in check. I don't have to hear PBS kids shows in the back ground or have a little kid chasing me around the house. It is just peace and me time when it is quiet. So on Day 4 of Love I love quiet time.  As I finish this post I hear the ending of my quiet time as Virginia wakes up. Well off to hug my little baby girl.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 5 of Love

So on day five I have decided to write about my parents. I love my parents more then I could ever express. I appreciate them even more now that I am married and have a child of my own. They have always been there for me and I know that I can always count on them to help me out.

My Mom is the best. I don't know how she raised all three of us. She is a amazing cook and keeps the house clean as can be. Every time I go grocery shopping I always end up calling her to ask her what to get or what this means. She is also one of my best friends. I can call her anytime to just talk and let her know whats on my mind. Now that I have Virginia I really love watching my Mom light up when she has Virginia over. Mom is so good with Virginia and is the best grandma.

Now my Dad is super cool. He has always been the best Dad. I loved how involved he was with all of us when we were kids. He coached all of our softball teams and never missed a game. Now that I am older I appreciate even more how much he looks after me and my sisters. I wasn't sure how my dad would be as a grandpa. But to no surprise he is super great with Virginia. I believe my Dad and Virginia are super buddies. Virginia just chases him all over the house when we go to visit. My Dad is great with Virginia and Samantha. I enjoy just sitting back and watching my Dad and Virginia get into trouble around the house. I couldn't have asked for a better role model.

I just hope that I can be as good as a parent to Virginia as my parents have been to me. Love you guys!

Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Days of Love

                                                                photo by: Lisa Harland

I came across this blog that was doing 28 Days of Love in honor of February and Valentines day. Well since I didn't find it in time I decided to do 6 Days of Love.  My first love of the day will be in honor of Lisa Harland, birthday girl! The best thing about Lisa is that she has been my friend since junior high. Yep she has put up with me for about 14 years.

Lisa is also a great listener. You all know I can talk and Lisa is the numero uno person that I call when I have something to say. Even living all the way on the west coast doesn't stop me from calling her up and talking for hours. Lisa is always there to listen and to give me great advice.

The one thing that I miss the most about Lisa since she is living in California now is her great taste in movies. Lisa was my best movie buddy. Like myself there is not too many movies that Lisa doesn't like.
Lisa would always be willing to go see the latest chick flick with me on short notice.

Lisa is also easily excited about little things. I always love calling Lisa during the week to have our weekly chat about our awesome CW and ABC Family shows. Just like me she gets excited about talking about the latest drama on the Vampire Diaries Show. Which I must say is the best show ever on the CW and if you are not watching it SHAME ON YOU!

Lisa is also one of the best book club buddies a girl could ask for. Ok well she is my first book club buddy, but I know that she is the best. So far we have read two books and are working on our third book, Dear John. Lisa is my great motivator. She keeps me going and pushes me to finish the books on time.

Last but not least Lisa is dependable. I have always known I can count on Lisa to be there for me. Even thou she lives all the way in California. She still made it back to North Carolina in time to see Virginia born and to help me out that first week. She has  been though thick and thin with me. She always listens to me complain about the dumbest things. She is the best BFF a girl could wish for.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers