Saturday, May 5, 2012

Painting with Virginia

Lately Virginia has been wanting to do more and more painting. I have finally came up with a a routine that really isn't much work for me. Virginia still gets to enjoy her painting and I get to relax at the same time. I just tape a large piece of paper to the coffee table. It does help that our coffee table isn't brand new so I don't worry about paint getting on it. The paint is washable so clean up is quick. I put all the paints on a paper plate and roll out her brushes. I get a small cup of water and a old towel. The only thing that I have to assist her with is cleaning and drying the brushes. I basically sit back and read a book and watch my daughter create her master piece.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Painting with Virginia

Lately Virginia has been wanting to do more and more painting. I have finally came up with a a routine that really isn't much work for me. Virginia still gets to enjoy her painting and I get to relax at the same time. I just tape a large piece of paper to the coffee table. It does help that our coffee table isn't brand new so I don't worry about paint getting on it. The paint is washable so clean up is quick. I put all the paints on a paper plate and roll out her brushes. I get a small cup of water and a old towel. The only thing that I have to assist her with is cleaning and drying the brushes. I basically sit back and read a book and watch my daughter create her master piece.

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