Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 13 of Thanks!

On Day 13 of Thanks, I am thankful for Chocolate cake and Chinese food. We were suppose to have a big Sofia the First premiere party today at our house. Virginia had invited all of her friends over for a princess and knight party and then at 7pm we were going to watch Sofia the First on Disney Jr.

Well Friday she ended up getting sick so we had to cancel the party. I felt really bad for her and me. We both were super excited about having our friends come over. So to make it up to her I told her we would still make a special chocolate cake to celebrate Sofia the First. She helped me step by step bake the cake. She insisted on wearing her belle dress pretty much the whole day. I am thankful that simple things like chocolate cake still puts a smile on my babies face.

As for me I was thankful for Chinese food. The best thing to run out and get when you are just to lazy to run to the grocery store and cook dinner. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Building a City

Today I knew it was going to be a stay at home day. Virginia had gotten sick Friday and was pretty pitiful all friday night. So Saturday we spent most of the morning cuddled up in bed watching Peppa the Pig. Afterwards we baked some muffins and watched a few more cartoons.

I have been really enjoying In Lieu of Preschool's blog lately. I knew I wanted to try out the foam city in the shower with Virginia. Figured what better day then today. I had planned to set it all up and surprise her. But she knew something was up since I was staying in the bedroom while she watched cartoons in the living room. She came walking in as I was just starting to cut the foam. I told her what I was up too and she was ready to join the fun.

All I used was a big pack of foam sheets I picked up from AC Moore. Our shower has a small bench in the corner. There is where I cut out large black triangles to use as Mountains. Did a circle for the sun and cut white clouds out also. Down below we had to add snow to the mountains and the mountain tops.

Below on the shower floor we added houses. I asked Virginia what color she wanted each house, window, and door. This whole activity was a great lesson in shapes since I was only using triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles. I let Virginia tell me what to put in the city. We did sky scrapers, grocery store, car wash, and of course every city needs a Walgreens ( Daddies work as Virginia says). We also added a park in the city too with some small trees. 

After it was all set up I let her go pick out some of her plastic animals, people, and cars to play with in the shower too. All the foam sticks to the wall and other foam sheets with just water. The best part is the clean up is simple. Let the foam dry on the wall and then take down. And just spray down the snow ( shaving cream ) with your shower head or cup of water. Can't beat that!

Day 12 of Thanks!

Bear with me as I catch up with my day of thanks posts. I didn't realize how far behind I had gotten. But for Day 12 I am thankful for lazy Saturday afternoons. Yesterday poor Virginia was sick and pretty sure had caught Reiggin's cold. So she was up off and on last night in our bed dealing with a light fever and sore throat. Not fun for Mom or Virginia. But thankfully she woke up Saturday feeling much better and just has a little sore throat and funny voice left to get over. We spent most of the morning cuddled up in my bed watching Disney Jr. cartoons. Then made our way into the kitchen to bake some muffins. Virginia loves baking with me. She likes to dump all the ingredients into the bowl and help me stir. We even added an extra liner to one of the muffins. Growing up my mom would make muffins for breakfast and we would always say that the person that got a double liner muffin was lucky for the day. I am just thankful to have the whole weekend with Virginia to play and relax together. Who knows maybe I will even clean house :-)

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bath Time Fun!

I follow a ton of great Kid Bloggers and recently have really been enjoying In Lieu of Preschool.  The other day she linked to a new blog called Bath Activities for Kids that is all about fun bath games. So tonight I decided I would surprise Virginia and give her some fun during bath time. 

While she was playing games on the Ipad. I went into the bathroom and started her bath. I added a few drops of purple food coloring. I was a little nervous the food coloring would stain her skin, but it didn't. I used foam squares and wrote numbers 1 - 10 on them. I also blew up balloons and wrote numbers 1 - 9 on them, I was short one balloon. We also have some great foam sticks that she plays with in the tub too that I tossed in, ( they look like foam popsicle sticks basically).

I called her in and her face was priceless. First she was a little unsure about the purple water. Then once I added the balloons and foam items she jumped right in and started playing. I didn't give her any instructions at first and just let her play. She hunted for numbers and started putting the numbers on the wall by herself in order. Then I started to ask her to put up number 5 and put 5 foam sticks up beside it.

On the Ipad she has been enjoying this addition game so I took this time to test her addition skills too. She picked two foam square numbers and then I asked her to add them together and tell me what she came up with. She did pretty good since we have just started to play with addition. 

Overall this bath game was a big hit with Virginia. She loved the balloons the best. She spent forever in the tub too. The best thing was I got all the supplies at the dollar store. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 11 of Thanks!

For Day 11 of Thanks, I am thankful to have a beautiful and healthy daughter. Virginia had to go for her dentist cleaning today and thankfully checked out with flying colors. She was a champ and didn't cry or give the dentist problems. We have been so lucky to have few health issues with Virginia has she is growing. "Knock on Wood". But I am truly thankful for this because I see some of my friends struggling with health issues in their families and with their kids and it breaks my heart. It is never easy to see our kids hurting or struggling. And I just thank God each day that passes and I have my healthy, joyful, loving Virginia.

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Day 10 of Thanks

I am a little behind on my posts. But on Day 10 I am thankful for being a Stay at Home Mother. I am thankful for the chance to stay at home and watch my daughter grow and learn. I know that I am lucky and that not everyone gets this chance. I am thankful that my husband works so hard to provide for our family. I enjoy that my daughter and I can go on fun trips and really explore our town. It may be tough at times, but I am glad four years ago we made the decision for me to quit my job and stay at home. I wouldn't change a thing!

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 9 of Thanks!

Day Nine of Thanks I am thankful for sleep. Since adjusting to working part time now and just doing one over night shift a week and taking care of Virginia and the house. I have realized that sleep is a treasure. I made the mistake this week to not take a nap before my over night shift and man did I feel it Friday. I know now to sleep when I can and that I really need a cleaning routine. Because we all know I am not a national born domestic house wife. But I am trying and know I can rock this role in my life.

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8 of Thanks

For Day 8 of Thanks, I am thankful for my friends. I thought I would start with my oldest and best friend Lisa. We have been friends since 8th grade. I am glad I decided back then to get over my thought of her trying to steal my good friend Heather and got to know her better. We have been close ever since that summer spent with Heather at her house. 

I am thankful that she answers all my phone calls and listens to me whine, complain, and celebrate things in my life. I love our weekly talks on the phone about our favorite CW shows. I still love her even if she did move all the way to California. She has been more like a sister to me over the years. She even flew all the way home to see me when I had my first daughter Virginia. 

We couldn't be more different in some ways yet we do balance each other out I think. So just want to say Thanks Lisa for putting up with me all these years!

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7 of Thanks!

For Day Seven of Thanks I am thankful for Wednesday Nights. Every wednesday Virginia and I head down to Gastonia for dinner at my parent's house. My sister Susan, Samantha, and Zach meet us there too. I am thankful that I get to see my parents each week. I am glad I get to see my niece Samantha and nephew Zach each week. It is amazing how much Zach grows each week. It is super cute watching how much Samantha and Virginia play together. They are best buds and I Love It! And you can't beat a home cooked meal from my mom. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6 of Thanks

For Day 6, I am thankful that I live in a country that I have the freedom to go vote no matter what sex I am.  I was thrilled to take Virginia with me today to let her see what voting was all about. Of course she  is still to young to fully understand what is going on. I tried to explain what the USA is and who the president is and what his job is. But I know most of it went right over her head. 

Tonight we printed out a coloring sheet of all the states and she is coloring in the states blue or red as the results come in. She is enjoying that part. The funniest thing today was when we went to vote she insisted on bringing her piggy bank. It is a new piggy bank that she is super attached too for some reason. But as we were leaving and the guy at the door handed me a I Voted sticker and then handed Virginia one. He asked her if Piggy needed a sticker and she shook her head with the biggest smile. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5 of Thanks!

For Day Five I am thankful for my two older sisters. I may not have said this as much back when I was a kid. For good reasons, Susan tried dunking my head in the toilet. Susan also put a running vacuum cleaner on my head. Both Susan and Lisa locked me out of the house with just a t-shirt and undies on. Yeah they were loving older sisters. 

But we had some great times together playing softball and basketball growing up. Susan was always the protective big sister of me growing up since we were just two years apart. Most of the time we were in the same school and played on the same sports teams. 

Now that we are all older I feel like we have grown closer together. I couldn't ask for a better set of aunts for Virginia. Lisa is amazing with Virginia and Samantha. Lisa is always taking them fun places and keep track of what they are doing. Susan and I had the luck of both being pregnant with our first kids at the same time. So now our daughters are growing up together. It is great having them so close in age so far they are best buds.

What I love most about my sisters is that I know that they love and care about me. If I need anything I can call either one of them and they are there to help. Love you both, Susan and Lisa!

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4 of Thanks!

For Day Four of thanks I am thankful for my Dad. I am thankful I have such a strong, loving, and caring dad. He was always a great example to me and my sisters to what to look for in a man. He was always active in my life and my sisters from being our softball coach or basketball coach growing up. Now I love seeing how much he loves Virginia and Samantha. Every Wednesday we go down to my parents to have dinner and hang out. Virginia can't wait to run around with my dad. He takes them in the back yard to swing. He is the one that picks them up and tosses them over his shoulder. Or takes them to play shoe shiner, I know it is silly but Virginia and Samantha love to play with his shoe shining kit.  I know that Virginia is going to have tons of great memories of her PawPaw. So I am thankful that I was blessed with such a loving and AWESOME dad! 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3 of Thanks!

Inspired by Family Magazine

For Day Three I am thankful for my Mom. I know everyone thinks they have the best mom ever. But I know I truly have the most amazing Mom. I don't know how she raised three girls and still is sane. She always made breakfast for me and my sisters every morning before school. She was at all of our softball games and basketball games. She is an awesome grandma to Virginia. Virginia lights up every time I tell her we are going to see MawMaw and PawPaw. She has always been so loving to me and my sisters. Still to this day I talk to my mom almost every day on the phone. She is always there when I need her. I know if I need help or advise she is the one to call. Love You Mom and thank you for all you have done for me :-)

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 of Thanks

Inspired by Family Magazine

For Day Two I am thankful for my husband Reiggin. We have been married for Four Years now. It is hard to believe we have been together for that long ( and not killed each other ) I kid. It has been a great four years with him, we have had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't change a thing. He makes me smile and laugh. He has introduced me to so much new music and made me fall in love with the Avett Brothers. I am thankful for the fact that he is the best father I could ever ask for my daughter. I am thankful for how hard he works so I can stay at home with Virginia. I am also thankful that he is a better cook then I am and takes care of me when I am sick. I am thankful that I have him in my life and enjoy the quiet moments after Virginia is asleep watching TV and talking with him at night. I am so happy to know that he is always there for me and I look forward to see what kind of adventures we get into down the road in our marriage. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here.

Inspired by Family Magazine

Each day for the next 21 days I'll be sharing about something I am grateful for. I will either share on the blog, Instagram, or Facebook.

I'd like to challenge you to join in!

For Day One, I will be sharing what I am most thankful for, my daughter. Having my daughter changed my whole world. It really made me grow up and see the world in a different light. I have enjoyed watching her grow and watching her discover new things. She is so goofy and yet shy. I really love the fact that so far she is sharing my love of the arts.

She is always asking me to do crafts, paint, or create something with her. I hope she continues to enjoy and explore the arts. I also love how she is so loving. She is my cuddle bug. My heart melts when she tells me, " Mommy we make a great team." Lately too she has been focused on us being together. So if we are apart for a bit the next time I see her she runs into my arms and says she is so happy to be with me. It is the best feeling ever. 

I just hope to continue to have such a loving and tight relationship with my daughter. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow and see what kind of woman she becomes. I couldn't ask for a better daughter and thank God every day that she is in my life. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 13 of Thanks!


On Day 13 of Thanks, I am thankful for Chocolate cake and Chinese food. We were suppose to have a big Sofia the First premiere party today at our house. Virginia had invited all of her friends over for a princess and knight party and then at 7pm we were going to watch Sofia the First on Disney Jr.

Well Friday she ended up getting sick so we had to cancel the party. I felt really bad for her and me. We both were super excited about having our friends come over. So to make it up to her I told her we would still make a special chocolate cake to celebrate Sofia the First. She helped me step by step bake the cake. She insisted on wearing her belle dress pretty much the whole day. I am thankful that simple things like chocolate cake still puts a smile on my babies face.

As for me I was thankful for Chinese food. The best thing to run out and get when you are just to lazy to run to the grocery store and cook dinner. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Building a City

Today I knew it was going to be a stay at home day. Virginia had gotten sick Friday and was pretty pitiful all friday night. So Saturday we spent most of the morning cuddled up in bed watching Peppa the Pig. Afterwards we baked some muffins and watched a few more cartoons.

I have been really enjoying In Lieu of Preschool's blog lately. I knew I wanted to try out the foam city in the shower with Virginia. Figured what better day then today. I had planned to set it all up and surprise her. But she knew something was up since I was staying in the bedroom while she watched cartoons in the living room. She came walking in as I was just starting to cut the foam. I told her what I was up too and she was ready to join the fun.

All I used was a big pack of foam sheets I picked up from AC Moore. Our shower has a small bench in the corner. There is where I cut out large black triangles to use as Mountains. Did a circle for the sun and cut white clouds out also. Down below we had to add snow to the mountains and the mountain tops.

Below on the shower floor we added houses. I asked Virginia what color she wanted each house, window, and door. This whole activity was a great lesson in shapes since I was only using triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles. I let Virginia tell me what to put in the city. We did sky scrapers, grocery store, car wash, and of course every city needs a Walgreens ( Daddies work as Virginia says). We also added a park in the city too with some small trees. 

After it was all set up I let her go pick out some of her plastic animals, people, and cars to play with in the shower too. All the foam sticks to the wall and other foam sheets with just water. The best part is the clean up is simple. Let the foam dry on the wall and then take down. And just spray down the snow ( shaving cream ) with your shower head or cup of water. Can't beat that!

Day 12 of Thanks!


Bear with me as I catch up with my day of thanks posts. I didn't realize how far behind I had gotten. But for Day 12 I am thankful for lazy Saturday afternoons. Yesterday poor Virginia was sick and pretty sure had caught Reiggin's cold. So she was up off and on last night in our bed dealing with a light fever and sore throat. Not fun for Mom or Virginia. But thankfully she woke up Saturday feeling much better and just has a little sore throat and funny voice left to get over. We spent most of the morning cuddled up in my bed watching Disney Jr. cartoons. Then made our way into the kitchen to bake some muffins. Virginia loves baking with me. She likes to dump all the ingredients into the bowl and help me stir. We even added an extra liner to one of the muffins. Growing up my mom would make muffins for breakfast and we would always say that the person that got a double liner muffin was lucky for the day. I am just thankful to have the whole weekend with Virginia to play and relax together. Who knows maybe I will even clean house :-)

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bath Time Fun!


I follow a ton of great Kid Bloggers and recently have really been enjoying In Lieu of Preschool.  The other day she linked to a new blog called Bath Activities for Kids that is all about fun bath games. So tonight I decided I would surprise Virginia and give her some fun during bath time. 

While she was playing games on the Ipad. I went into the bathroom and started her bath. I added a few drops of purple food coloring. I was a little nervous the food coloring would stain her skin, but it didn't. I used foam squares and wrote numbers 1 - 10 on them. I also blew up balloons and wrote numbers 1 - 9 on them, I was short one balloon. We also have some great foam sticks that she plays with in the tub too that I tossed in, ( they look like foam popsicle sticks basically).

I called her in and her face was priceless. First she was a little unsure about the purple water. Then once I added the balloons and foam items she jumped right in and started playing. I didn't give her any instructions at first and just let her play. She hunted for numbers and started putting the numbers on the wall by herself in order. Then I started to ask her to put up number 5 and put 5 foam sticks up beside it.

On the Ipad she has been enjoying this addition game so I took this time to test her addition skills too. She picked two foam square numbers and then I asked her to add them together and tell me what she came up with. She did pretty good since we have just started to play with addition. 

Overall this bath game was a big hit with Virginia. She loved the balloons the best. She spent forever in the tub too. The best thing was I got all the supplies at the dollar store. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 11 of Thanks!


For Day 11 of Thanks, I am thankful to have a beautiful and healthy daughter. Virginia had to go for her dentist cleaning today and thankfully checked out with flying colors. She was a champ and didn't cry or give the dentist problems. We have been so lucky to have few health issues with Virginia has she is growing. "Knock on Wood". But I am truly thankful for this because I see some of my friends struggling with health issues in their families and with their kids and it breaks my heart. It is never easy to see our kids hurting or struggling. And I just thank God each day that passes and I have my healthy, joyful, loving Virginia.

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Day 10 of Thanks


I am a little behind on my posts. But on Day 10 I am thankful for being a Stay at Home Mother. I am thankful for the chance to stay at home and watch my daughter grow and learn. I know that I am lucky and that not everyone gets this chance. I am thankful that my husband works so hard to provide for our family. I enjoy that my daughter and I can go on fun trips and really explore our town. It may be tough at times, but I am glad four years ago we made the decision for me to quit my job and stay at home. I wouldn't change a thing!

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 9 of Thanks!


Day Nine of Thanks I am thankful for sleep. Since adjusting to working part time now and just doing one over night shift a week and taking care of Virginia and the house. I have realized that sleep is a treasure. I made the mistake this week to not take a nap before my over night shift and man did I feel it Friday. I know now to sleep when I can and that I really need a cleaning routine. Because we all know I am not a national born domestic house wife. But I am trying and know I can rock this role in my life.

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8 of Thanks


For Day 8 of Thanks, I am thankful for my friends. I thought I would start with my oldest and best friend Lisa. We have been friends since 8th grade. I am glad I decided back then to get over my thought of her trying to steal my good friend Heather and got to know her better. We have been close ever since that summer spent with Heather at her house. 

I am thankful that she answers all my phone calls and listens to me whine, complain, and celebrate things in my life. I love our weekly talks on the phone about our favorite CW shows. I still love her even if she did move all the way to California. She has been more like a sister to me over the years. She even flew all the way home to see me when I had my first daughter Virginia. 

We couldn't be more different in some ways yet we do balance each other out I think. So just want to say Thanks Lisa for putting up with me all these years!

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7 of Thanks!


For Day Seven of Thanks I am thankful for Wednesday Nights. Every wednesday Virginia and I head down to Gastonia for dinner at my parent's house. My sister Susan, Samantha, and Zach meet us there too. I am thankful that I get to see my parents each week. I am glad I get to see my niece Samantha and nephew Zach each week. It is amazing how much Zach grows each week. It is super cute watching how much Samantha and Virginia play together. They are best buds and I Love It! And you can't beat a home cooked meal from my mom. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 6 of Thanks


For Day 6, I am thankful that I live in a country that I have the freedom to go vote no matter what sex I am.  I was thrilled to take Virginia with me today to let her see what voting was all about. Of course she  is still to young to fully understand what is going on. I tried to explain what the USA is and who the president is and what his job is. But I know most of it went right over her head. 

Tonight we printed out a coloring sheet of all the states and she is coloring in the states blue or red as the results come in. She is enjoying that part. The funniest thing today was when we went to vote she insisted on bringing her piggy bank. It is a new piggy bank that she is super attached too for some reason. But as we were leaving and the guy at the door handed me a I Voted sticker and then handed Virginia one. He asked her if Piggy needed a sticker and she shook her head with the biggest smile. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5 of Thanks!


For Day Five I am thankful for my two older sisters. I may not have said this as much back when I was a kid. For good reasons, Susan tried dunking my head in the toilet. Susan also put a running vacuum cleaner on my head. Both Susan and Lisa locked me out of the house with just a t-shirt and undies on. Yeah they were loving older sisters. 

But we had some great times together playing softball and basketball growing up. Susan was always the protective big sister of me growing up since we were just two years apart. Most of the time we were in the same school and played on the same sports teams. 

Now that we are all older I feel like we have grown closer together. I couldn't ask for a better set of aunts for Virginia. Lisa is amazing with Virginia and Samantha. Lisa is always taking them fun places and keep track of what they are doing. Susan and I had the luck of both being pregnant with our first kids at the same time. So now our daughters are growing up together. It is great having them so close in age so far they are best buds.

What I love most about my sisters is that I know that they love and care about me. If I need anything I can call either one of them and they are there to help. Love you both, Susan and Lisa!

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4 of Thanks!


For Day Four of thanks I am thankful for my Dad. I am thankful I have such a strong, loving, and caring dad. He was always a great example to me and my sisters to what to look for in a man. He was always active in my life and my sisters from being our softball coach or basketball coach growing up. Now I love seeing how much he loves Virginia and Samantha. Every Wednesday we go down to my parents to have dinner and hang out. Virginia can't wait to run around with my dad. He takes them in the back yard to swing. He is the one that picks them up and tosses them over his shoulder. Or takes them to play shoe shiner, I know it is silly but Virginia and Samantha love to play with his shoe shining kit.  I know that Virginia is going to have tons of great memories of her PawPaw. So I am thankful that I was blessed with such a loving and AWESOME dad! 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3 of Thanks!


Inspired by Family Magazine

For Day Three I am thankful for my Mom. I know everyone thinks they have the best mom ever. But I know I truly have the most amazing Mom. I don't know how she raised three girls and still is sane. She always made breakfast for me and my sisters every morning before school. She was at all of our softball games and basketball games. She is an awesome grandma to Virginia. Virginia lights up every time I tell her we are going to see MawMaw and PawPaw. She has always been so loving to me and my sisters. Still to this day I talk to my mom almost every day on the phone. She is always there when I need her. I know if I need help or advise she is the one to call. Love You Mom and thank you for all you have done for me :-)

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2 of Thanks


Inspired by Family Magazine

For Day Two I am thankful for my husband Reiggin. We have been married for Four Years now. It is hard to believe we have been together for that long ( and not killed each other ) I kid. It has been a great four years with him, we have had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't change a thing. He makes me smile and laugh. He has introduced me to so much new music and made me fall in love with the Avett Brothers. I am thankful for the fact that he is the best father I could ever ask for my daughter. I am thankful for how hard he works so I can stay at home with Virginia. I am also thankful that he is a better cook then I am and takes care of me when I am sick. I am thankful that I have him in my life and enjoy the quiet moments after Virginia is asleep watching TV and talking with him at night. I am so happy to know that he is always there for me and I look forward to see what kind of adventures we get into down the road in our marriage. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

21 Days of Contagious Gratitude

Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here.

Inspired by Family Magazine

Each day for the next 21 days I'll be sharing about something I am grateful for. I will either share on the blog, Instagram, or Facebook.

I'd like to challenge you to join in!

For Day One, I will be sharing what I am most thankful for, my daughter. Having my daughter changed my whole world. It really made me grow up and see the world in a different light. I have enjoyed watching her grow and watching her discover new things. She is so goofy and yet shy. I really love the fact that so far she is sharing my love of the arts.

She is always asking me to do crafts, paint, or create something with her. I hope she continues to enjoy and explore the arts. I also love how she is so loving. She is my cuddle bug. My heart melts when she tells me, " Mommy we make a great team." Lately too she has been focused on us being together. So if we are apart for a bit the next time I see her she runs into my arms and says she is so happy to be with me. It is the best feeling ever. 

I just hope to continue to have such a loving and tight relationship with my daughter. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow and see what kind of woman she becomes. I couldn't ask for a better daughter and thank God every day that she is in my life. 

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