Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Late Night....

Most nights is when I get the time to start any craft project. As you have noticed I have been diving head first into learning how to sew. Nights seem to be the best time for me to start any sewing project because Virginia is sound asleep. I don't have to worry about her climbing in my lap or pulling my fabric off the table as I am cutting it. At night I can just enjoy the peace and quiet. I can focus all my attention to the youtube instructional video or the pattern directions that I am trying to figure out. I have really enjoyed these nights so far.

Tonight I decided to finally sit down and do the draw string bag project from The Crafty Gemini's youtube video. For the most part it was pretty easy. I have started to get better with keeping my seams straight. I have slowed down on the pedal. What can I say I have a lead foot. The end product turned out great. The video is clear and very easy to follow. I have really enjoyed looking at all her videos. Videos so far have been the best instructional path for me. I like to actually see someone going though the steps. I tend to get lost and confused when I am just reading instructions and looking at a pattern. But I know eventually I will have to conquer that fear. Since I have brought two pattern packages and they are both very cute projects. Now I have a envelope pillow cover, toddler skirt, and draw string bag under my belt. I believe my next challenge will be a purse.

Monday, August 30, 2010

One of those days...

Just one of those days! This day was just one of those days that if something was going to go wrong it did. Started off pretty well with my sister Susan and niece Samantha deciding to come up and visit for the afternoon. But with that said it meant that I had to go into a whirlwind cleaning spree. So I quickly rushed and cleaned the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.

About halfway though the crazy cleaning I decided it was Virginia's nap time. Bring in the suspense music. Virginia did not like the idea of taking a nap. She pitched a fit, cried and ran away. This went on for about 30 minutes it seemed. Finally Virginia just shut herself in her room and read her books. This may be our compromise for during the day. If she doesn't want to nap she has to stay in her room quiet for at least an hour. But needless to say my nerves were shot by the time Susan and Samantha got here.

Then things get better. The kids play for awhile and then we head out the door to go to the Village Park Splash Pad. I called ahead and got a voice mail saying the splash pad was open from 10:00am to 7:00pm. Great, so we all hop in the van and head out. First mistake by me is assuming Susan has a GPS. She doesn't so I had to try to remember my way and the directions were a little fuzzy in my head. Finally we manage to get there with some help from Uncle Joe. Then the grey cloud above my head gets darker when I see the splash pad is closed and only open on the weekend. Yeah and the playgrounds are too big for both Virginia and Samantha. So just imagine hauling two 2 year olds back into a van screaming. That was the scene that was before me.

We head back down the road to Dorton Park to play on their toddler playground. The heat was unbearable. We stayed for maybe 20 minutes or so. It felt like an eternity. The kids got to play and they were happy. But the heat was just too much so we packed up and headed back to the apartment. Again, both kids were not happy with this decision. Once back to the apartment, Susan and Samantha packed up and headed home. Virginia and myself crashed on the couch and watched Dora the Explorer.

So my day was not as nice as I had wished. But it was nice getting to see Susan and Samantha. Hopefully next visit things will be open and the skies will be cool with a nice breeze. At least I got a few nice pictures of Samantha, Virginia, and even Susan.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Strike a Pose

This shirt wass not my first choice for this skirt. Maybe
my next project will be to sew a red shirt to go along with the skirt! 

Over the weekend, while I was down in Gastonia, I made a stop at Mary Jo's. I wanted to get a new pattern and some fabric for my next sewing project. First, going to Mary Jo's is an experience. It wasn't my first time there, but I guess it was my first time there actually on a mission. I managed to find a dress pattern, no real help from the lady that was in charge of that area. I then ventured out into the wild land of fabrics to decide what fabrics I wanted.

My head was spinning with all the choices. I couldn't find the fabric that was on the pattern picture. But I did choose some fabrics that I thought would go nicely together. Once I managed to find all the other items that the pattern called for I was on my way to my parents. Once I got inside and looked at the package and pattern, I knew I may have gotten in over my head. But, hey, it gives me something to shoot for.

Luckily today when I was looking at a few sewing sites, I came across a lesson for a 20 minute skirt. So I decided to give it a try. It took me about an hour and my seams are not perfectly straight. But the skirt did fit Virginia so I mark that up as a success. I am loving this sewing machine. I just have to pace myself and not try to do a project every week. My next project I want to do is a purse. Almost forgot to mention that I got the 20 minute skirt lesson from Whipstitch, a pretty great blog you got to check out.

This is Virginia's action shot!

Virginia Grows Up

I have been thinking for a while to convert Virginia's crib into a toddler bed. I just wasn't sure when I wanted to do it and when she would be ready for it. One weekend I decided to go for it, but sadly I was missing some of the main bolts.

After calling the company and requesting replacement bolts, I was told it would take a week or so. I have been stalking the mail lady ever since then. I should have been stalking the UPS guy. This past week we had been busy going to different play groups. One day, when we got home, I saw a note from the UPS guy saying we missed him and it was a package from Summer Infant. It was not connecting that Summer Infant was the company sending me the bolts. I missed the UPS guy two times and finally caught him on the final attempt. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was the crib bolts. Good thing I stayed at home that last day.

So on Saturday I decided to go ahead ask Reiggin to convert the crib into the toddler bed while Virginia and I went to visit the grandparents down in Gastonia. I figured it might be a good idea that she didn't see Daddy taking apart her bed. But I had been telling Virginia the past couple of days that she was getting a big girl bed. We spent all afternoon and night playing with Grandma and Grandpa. Virginia was worn out and sound asleep the whole way home.

I don't think she even realized when I laid her down that her crib was a little different. She went sound to sleep once I found her pacifier. I was worried the whole night. I was thinking she would fall out even though she does have rails on the bed. Or that she would climb out in the middle of the night and get into trouble. Or that she would climb out during the night and come into our bedroom and I would be scared and end up accidental hitting her in my sleep. I have been known to do crazy things in my sleep and not know it.

But all went well. She did have some weird sleep positions.  Like always, I had to check on her before I went to bed. She woke up one time at 5:30 a.m. crying. I went in and she went right back to sleep. Then at 7:00am she came walking into our bedroom to say good morning. It was cute seeing her standing in our door way all sweet. She had this look like, "Hey, I got myself out of bed, can I come in?"

I woke up and went with her into the living room to watch our morning cartoons. We sat on the couch for a second until she took me by the hand into her bedroom. Now was when she realized how cool her bed is. She climbed in and out like a monkey. She is super excited. Today will be the true test to see if she will sleep in her big girl bed without climbing in and out the whole night.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Foot in Mouth

Reiggin arrived home late from work because of a meeting. I was already pretty hungry and I knew he was picking up CookOut for dinner. When he came though the door all I wanted to do was grab the food and start eating. The first thing he says is I need to go downstairs and get everything out of the trunk. Since he said he almost didn't have enough room for all the things he needed to take for the meeting. I was not happy and said, " can't I just sit down and eat." I can get the items out of the car later. He insisted I go get it now and that it would only take a second.
So I stump back to the bedroom to put on shorts and shoes. The whole way I am calling Reiggin a butt head, dork, and other choice words in my head. I stump out the door and down the stairs. I open the trunk and to my surprise there is a brand new Janome sewing machine just for me! Reiggin surprised me and got me a new sewing machine for my belated birthday present. I have been asking to get one for awhile. I knew I had to go back upstairs and say sorry for being so mean, not that he knew I called him a butt head. I am hoping to learn how to sew. My goal is to learn how to sew clothes for Virginia and maybe some new purses for myself.

As you all know I tend to get super excited fast and go full force into projects, I don't like to wait. So at 10:30pm at night I made a run to Walmart to get all the tools and materials for my first project. Once back home I set up everything on the kitchen table. I only said a few choice words as I got the bobbin ready and finished the project. By 1:30am I had a complete envelope pillow cover. For my first project I believe it turned out great. I just need to work on cutting the fabric and sewing in a straight line. Oh and I am hoping my iron is in the trunk of my car with all the other items I still need to bring up.

Here is the youtube video I used to teach me how to sew the envelope pillow case. The woman in the video is super detailed. I found it very easy to follow along. Next up I am going to try to follow her video on how to make a draw string bag.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School Bash

No worries, Virginia isn't heading off to school just yet. The Central Piedmont Mommies threw a Back to School Bash at Dorton Park in Concord on Monday. I hadn't planned on going since a) Virginia is not going back to school and b) Reiggin was at work so I couldn't get the car. 

But that wild hair of mine got the best of me again. I decided last second to email Brandy, one of the mommies on the site that I have met a few times now. I emailed and asked her if she had room and didn't mind if she would give Virginia and myself a ride. I figured I could be a helping hand and set up. Also I knew it was at a park so I figured Virginia could go play and stay out of the way of any of the games meant for the big kids. Luckily, Brandy is awesome and agreed to come pick us up. Now the kicker was that she would be at our apartment within 15 minutes. So I had 15 minutes to take a shower, get dressed, and get Virginia ready. I don't think Virginia and myself have ever gotten ready so fast in my life. I managed to take a shower, blow dry my hair a little and throw it up in a pony tail, throw clothes on Virginia, and then fill her diaper bag full to rush down the stairs with the extra car seat to keep an eye out for Brandy. 

Once I got the car seat in Brandy's van and jumped in the front seat, we were on the road to the party. I am sure Virginia was quite confused at what was going on. Since one minute she is watching Dora the Explorer and the next minute, Mom is running around like a crazy woman and dragging her out the door to jump in a van full of little boys. But I do know Virginia was fascinated by the fact Brandy had TV's in her van. The kids watched Alvin and the Chipmunks as we headed to the park. Virginia will be so disappointed when she gets back in our Mazda and doesn't have a TV to watch on the road.

The party was a blast and I got to meet some more moms. Virginia had tons of fun playing on the playground, hula hooping, coloring, and eating popsicles. But I couldn't help but laughing at a pattern I am noticing. At every play group or outing, I notice that there is always one little kid that attaches on to Virginia. I believe they think she is just one big baby doll. This party was no different; there was one little girl and boy that were having so much fun playing with Virginia. They tried so hard to give Virginia hugs and hold her hand, but Virginia was having none of it. Virginia would run, cry, and hide behind my leg each time the girl and boy would come and try to play or help her up the playground equipment. I just couldn't help but laugh and feel bad for the boy and girl. But they didn't mind and just kept on playing. 

After the party, Virginia and myself played a little longer as we waited for Reiggin to get off work and come pick us up. This park was great; it had so many playgrounds and swings. I believe Virginia would have stayed all day and night if I allowed her. But I was happy to see Reiggin, because two and a half hours at the park is long enough for me. 

We headed back home to recover from our busy day and have dinner. Then off to bed we went. Tomorrow, I get to head down to Gastonia to meet up with my good friends Katie and Susan! I can't wait and I am sure I will have tons of photos to share with you guys tomorrow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gray Hair and One Year Older

I am not the only one with a little extra gray!
Reiggin's dog, Sadie.

Birthday cake, tacos, and monkeys is what my weekend consisted of. I know that creates a lovely image in all your heads. Let me explain a little further. Saturday, Reiggin was so kind as to let me sleep in since it was my birthday. I slept til about 10:00am and then a small child woke me help with a big smile and a birthday card in hand. It was super sweet, even if she did eat all the pancakes that Reiggin made for breakfast.

We lounged around the house for most of the morning. After Virginia's nap, we got our showers and headed up to Statesville to see Reiggin's parents. His mom offered to babysit while we went up to Hickory to do a little shopping and drop off some clothes at the Once Upon a Child shop. To my surprise, Renee had made me a birthday cake and I got two beautiful Christmas ornaments and some cash to go shopping. So with birthday money from my Mom and Renee, I was one happy girl.

Once we got up to Hickory, we made our first stop at Once Upon a Child. The store was packed out. We only had one clothes basket full of clothes. Usually they are pretty quick about checking items and telling you your quote. Not today; we walked around for about 30 minutes and picked up a few items for Virginia. I was happy to score some 50 cent books for Virginia. Then we went to check if our clothes had been checked. The lady told us they had been checked and just had to be entered into the computer and that would take another 30 minutes. I wasn't too happy by this point, but decided to go over to Toys 'R Us and kill time. So we spent 30 minutes over there and then went back to the store just to be told it would be another 30 minutes. I think steam was blowing out of Reiggin's ears by this point. We headed out again to Chick-fil-A for some lunch. It is so nice to enjoy a meal without Virginia. I love the girl but lately she has not been the best meal buddy.

After finally getting the money from the consignment shop, we headed to Michael's for me to spend some of my birthday money. I decided to buy a How to Crochet book and some yarn. My goal is to eventually do a blanket for Virginia. Hopefully I can get it finished before she is grown and has kids of her own.

We hit the road back to Reiggin's parents house for some yummy tacos. Oh, and Renee made some mac and cheese for Virginia. So I got tacos and mac n cheese, two of my favorite foods. After stuffing myself and still saving room for dessert, we all crashed around the TV and just relaxed. One super cute moment at the Hilderbrands' was when Virginia dragged Reiggin's dad into the other room and got him to sit down and watch Wonder Pets with her. I walked in and saw them both just chilling on the couch watching her cartoon.

My birthday was great and I had tons of fun getting out of the house. I had planned for Sunday to just be a relaxing day and not really do anything but I got a wild hare and decided to take Virginia to Monkey Joe's. Don't ask me what I was thinking. This is another example of my high expectations for a childhood moment with Virginia coming up short. We got there and got our socks on and headed out to explore. Virginia was super pumped and excited to see all the blow ups and kids. Just not so excited to actually get in the blow up slides and play. I did manage to get her to go down a few slides, but I don't believe she liked how it felt to walk on the blow ups. Some of the big slides that I was crazy enough to try to climb in with her and climb to the top were like climbing Mt. Everest. I thought I was going to die by the time we got to the top. Virginia enjoyed walking around the whole play area and really enjoyed the small arcade area the most. So after about an hour and a half we decided to pack it in.

We ended our night with going out to eat with our good friends Donnie and Meredith at this Mexican place near Concord Mills. The food was amazing but the two year old dinner partner was not as enjoyable. Luckily, we were out on the porch area and there were only two other tables out there with us. She started off great and was behaving for the most part. Then she decided she would rather walk around the porch and check out what was going on. From that point, everything went down hill. I was trying not to be that parent that lets their child run all over the place but it wasn't looking good. Finally, after I ate and the check hit the table, I took her outside and waited there for Reiggin to pay and get out. I believe we will be just enjoying short lunches with Virginia from now on.

So my weekend was packed with lot of fun and my week ahead looks like it is going to be just as busy. Other then having a sore back and a few extra gray hairs, my first few days of being 28 are looking good.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Spotless Art

This morning I thought I would give the finger painting another try.  Virginia loves playing with the tube of paint, but not so much with her fingers. I decided to dig though my art bag and find some of my oil painting brushes that are not in the best shape. I let her have two of my brushes and showed her how to dip the brushes in the paint.

BINGO!!! We have an artist. Maybe just a very clean artist. Which I laugh at because when I was a child and was taking painting lessons I would come home with paint all over me, my hair, and even in my ears. Virginia loved painting with the paint brush. If she did manage to get paint on her finger she quickly came over to me to have it washed off. I just laughed watching her have so much fun painting. I do believe she may also become a water color artist like her grandma because she really enjoyed dipping the brush in the water and mixing the colors on the paper.  I can't wait til she gets older and we can do more crafts together.

I also attempted to get a hand print of Virginia. Since at the hospital they only did a foot print.  I was a lazy mom and didn't get a hand print when she was a baby. This was a challenge since Virginia hates getting stuff on her hands. I did my hand print first so she could see how it is done. She just gave me the duck face like you expect me to get paint all over my hand, "You Crazy!" But I was a little sneaky and gave her the paint brush in one hand and I quickly painted her other hand. Still it took me a few tries to get a good print.

As you can see in the pictures, I am crazy and let her finger paint in the house with white carpet. I just spread out the blanket that my good friend Susan Roberts gave Virginia when she was a baby. I use that blanket for everything. I wasn't to worried since the paint is washable. I heart Crayola and all their washable kid products. Now I am off to clean up everything since Dora has caught Virginia's attention and she is done with the paint.

Also as a added bonus here are a few pictures of Virginia enjoying some of the chocolate pudding we made yesterday! Guess she doesn't mind a mess on her face.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Race & Roll....

Wednesday turned into a pretty fun filled day for both Virginia and myself. After our naps, yes I said our naps. Sometimes after my late night sessions of watching Dexter with Reiggin. I just have to take a nap the next day with Virginia. Since Virginia has started taking 2 to 3 hour long naps, it makes this mommy very happy.

Once we woke up from our naps, I jumped on the phone and called my good friend Sarah to come over. We have been trying for weeks to get together. Every time something comes up either I am sick or she is sick. Finally the stars aligned and she was able to make the trip to Concord to hang out with us.

Sarah  arrived and like always Virginia was a little shy and not sure if she could trust this new person that was coming into her home. But once she realized that Sarah was coming with us to the pool and would play ball with her. She decided that Sarah was one cool chick. Sarah got to witness our crazy pool routine of swimming for maybe 15 minutes then the rest of the almost 2 hours climbing in and out of the pool because doesn't everyone do their laps on the outside of the pool.

Virginia did get more courageous in jumping from the second step into my arms. She even went under the water a little and didn't freak out. Well she cried for like a mini second and then giggled. After about an hour and a half of swimming and walking around the pool checking out what the construction guys were doing. We decided to pack up and head back to the apartment.

I quickly gave Virginia a bath and then put a new diaper on her. I let her head back to the living room while I got changed out of my bathing suit. I walk into the living room to find Virginia just lounging on the couch up against Sarah. It is super funny how quick Virginia goes from being a little unsure about someone to being their lap buddy. Sarah quickly became Virginia's new buddy. They played blocks and played smash the turtle toy.

Virginia was trying very hard to lift my 12lb ball!

After Sarah's visit the night still had more fun events in store for me. Yesterday was my first night for my Fall bowling league Race & Roll. After joining the central piedmont mommies network I decided to try to get together a mommies bowling team for this Fall league. I ended up getting two moms to sign up for my bowling team. One of the moms roped one of her friends in to give us 4 players so we were just short one. I felt like a little girl getting ready for her first day of school. I rocked out my Avett Brothers t-shirt and even tried out my new make-up. Reiggin thought this was all funny. He asked me who I was trying to impress at the bowling alley. I told him I had to be prepared if Scott or Seth Avett came in to bowl. Hey a girl can dream!

I was a little nervous once I got to the bowling alley. It is always a little funny meeting someone for the first time and not even knowing what they look like. Luckily one of the moms Crystal was standing outside. So it was like a blind date I am walking up and we both are staring at each other waiting for one of us to say hey are you...? Crystal makes the first move and asks if I am Kathy from the mommies website which I smiled and said yes. Crystal and her friend Faby which by the way I love Faby's name. It just makes me smile every time I say her name. I think of Fantastic when I say Faby. The bowling alley was pretty small, but there was a good crowd gathered for the Race and Roll league.

We were waiting for our fourth mom to arrive. We texted and called her several times. Well we went on in to the meeting and got all the details and even picked up one more player, Shane. Which was a great thing because it turned out since it is a mixed league we had to have at least one guy on our team. I was happy to find out we were going to bowl that night also. Of course this meant it was going to be a late night. But I knew Virginia was in good hands back at home with Reiggin.

So we all went and got ready to bowl and talk with each other since none of us really knew each other really well. I was super happy to find out that we all got along great and within the first few minutes we all were laughing and joking around with each other. To make things even better Faby has a daughter that is close to Virginia in age and she lives super close to me. So  a play date is in the works.

We were still short one player, but Shane came to the rescue and called up his friend Woody. After a little coaching from us over the cellphone. The girls won over Woody and convinced him to come join our team. So now The Strikers  had a full team and were ready to kick some butt.

We all were pretty rusty at first. It had been two years since I had bowled last. But we were having fun and that is what really mattered. At least I am trying to tell my super competitive self that is the real reason I bowl in a league. I ended up scoring a 112, 133, and 101. Not my best scores, but hopefully I will just improve once I get back into the swing of things. Once we finished all three of our games and since I was the sucker who got voted Team Captain. I wrote up the score card and made sure to turn it in and I was out the door and heading home around 10:40 something.

Reiggin was resting on the couch when I got home. He fed Virginia and got her to bed with no problems. I was pretty wide awake so we watched Dexter and then headed to bed. I knew I was going to be sore today, but surprising my thumb is really the only thing sore.

My Wednesday turned into a pretty wonderful fun filled day. I can't wait now for Wednesdays to roll around so I can enjoy my Mom's night out at the bowling alley.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not a Night Owl Anymore!

Monday I had a moment of DUH! I got up and fed Virginia breakfast and decided to take her up to the pool. I got us both dressed and bags packed and even pulled out the big stroller to push her in. Thinking if she threw another fit at least I can just put her in the stroller and not carry her the whole way home.

So off we went walking up to the pool. We get all the way up there and the close sign was on the gate. I ask the mainetance guy if the pool was going to be closed all day long.  He informs me the pool is closed every Monday. I just hit myself on the head, because I do remember seeing that piece of paper with the pool schedule at one point. Luckily I quickly turned Virginia around and headed to the playground.

I made up for the disappointed Monday pool trip by taking her today for two hours. Two hours at the pool with a 2 year old feels like eternality sometimes. But I was happy she didn't throw a fit this time when we left. Once we got back home and had our baths and I put Virginia down for her nap. I realized that I am not the night owl I use to be. Last night Reiggin convinced me to stay up til 1:30am watching Dexter. Of course Virginia still got up at her usual 7:00am. So the early pool trip and little sleep was catching up with me.

I pretty much have been sluggish all day long. I also made the mistake of pushing Virginia in the stroller in the apartment. So all day long she has been climbing into the stroller and whining for me to push her around. I tried to show her how to push her baby dolls around and that lasted about 5 minutes. I think Virginia is trying out for the role of my personal trainer.

Tuesdays are always long days for me. Reiggin closes and doesn't get home til late. So it is just Virginia and myself all day long. But we do entertain ourselves with cartoons and crayons. Oh and she has become my Pretty Little Liars and Make it or Break it tv buddy.

Tonight as I am doing my usual web surfing, I came across a banana ice cream recipe on my mother's website. So I knew I had two riped bananas in the freezer. So I said what the hell lets try this. First it is very hard to peel a frozen banana. Once I figured out to microwave the bananas for a few minutes enough to soften them up to be able to peel them. I threw all the ingredients in the blender. After a total of maybe 5 minutes I had a mug full of yummy banana ice cream. The cinnamon for me was a little to strong so I would use less cinnamon. Also I added some honey to the ice cream as well. Overall it was a quick and easy recipe.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Expectations

Sunday came and we hit the road to Grandma's house. It is always great going down and seeing my folks. It is a break from the normal day and Virginia gets to run around like crazy with both grandma and grandpa. My dad and Virginia are double trouble. They get together and they get into trouble. I am not sure which one is the ring leader, but I know Virginia loves her Grandpa.

Once we arrived Virginia gave Grandma a big hug and grabbed Grandpa and made a bee line for the upstairs. Both Virginia and Samantha have discovered that my Mom keeps all her toys, books, and what nots that she uses to teach preschool kids and younger children. Virginia pulled Grandpa upstairs and started dragging out everything in sight. As Virginia was having fun discovering new toys. I ended up discovering some old photos of my Mom and Annette. I love looking at old photos of my Mom and Dad. I found some real gems of my mother and annette. Some were perfect canidates for facebook profile pictures, but at las Mom and Annette did not agree.

After a yummy lunch, Grandpa took Virginia outside for some fun in the sun. My Mom and I were smarter and stayed inside and watched from the kitchen table. Virginia did her usual thing and played with the rocks. Then Grandpa decided to give Virginia a tour of the flowers along the fence. Everything was going smooth until Grandpa decided to show Virginia the inside of the bird house. All of a sudden we see Grandpa running down the hill like a bat out of hell carrying Virginia. Turns out that birds had not nested in the bird house, but Wasps had. Being the Super Grandpa that my dad is, he took  the hit and ended up saving Virginia from a Wasp string.

After all that excitement we decided to try a more safe activity and took Virginia to the front porch to do some finger painting. Ok so you parents out there know what I am talking about when I saw that sometimes you build up a huge expectation in your head when it comes to certain toys and events in your child's life. Well I had gotten so excited when I saw pictures of my friend Laura finger painting with her young daughter. I thought this would be super fun and something new for Virginia to enjoy. I didn't take into account the fact that Virginia is a neat freak when it comes to her hands. She can't stand for anything to be on her hands. She immediately wants her hands cleaned when she gets super messy. I believe my Mom ended up finger painting more then Virginia. Virginia did about two dots and decided that finger painting is just not her thing. I was a little sad, but keeping my fingers crossed that when she gets older she will be more willing to get messy.

We packed it up and went back inside to play with Grandpa. Virginia got super excited running around the living room giggling and playing with Grandpa. It is funny the things that keep Virginia entertained. My Dad started pulling on Virginia's shirt while she tried running away. Virginia thought this was the best thing on earth. After all the playing, running, and eating Virginia finally crashed on the bed and took a nap with Grandpa.

Once she woke up we packed our bags and hit the road for home. Both Virginia and I were sad to say goodbye, but I know it won't be long until we are heading back done for more fun and more trouble making.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Late Night....

Most nights is when I get the time to start any craft project. As you have noticed I have been diving head first into learning how to sew. Nights seem to be the best time for me to start any sewing project because Virginia is sound asleep. I don't have to worry about her climbing in my lap or pulling my fabric off the table as I am cutting it. At night I can just enjoy the peace and quiet. I can focus all my attention to the youtube instructional video or the pattern directions that I am trying to figure out. I have really enjoyed these nights so far.

Tonight I decided to finally sit down and do the draw string bag project from The Crafty Gemini's youtube video. For the most part it was pretty easy. I have started to get better with keeping my seams straight. I have slowed down on the pedal. What can I say I have a lead foot. The end product turned out great. The video is clear and very easy to follow. I have really enjoyed looking at all her videos. Videos so far have been the best instructional path for me. I like to actually see someone going though the steps. I tend to get lost and confused when I am just reading instructions and looking at a pattern. But I know eventually I will have to conquer that fear. Since I have brought two pattern packages and they are both very cute projects. Now I have a envelope pillow cover, toddler skirt, and draw string bag under my belt. I believe my next challenge will be a purse.

Monday, August 30, 2010

One of those days...


Just one of those days! This day was just one of those days that if something was going to go wrong it did. Started off pretty well with my sister Susan and niece Samantha deciding to come up and visit for the afternoon. But with that said it meant that I had to go into a whirlwind cleaning spree. So I quickly rushed and cleaned the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.

About halfway though the crazy cleaning I decided it was Virginia's nap time. Bring in the suspense music. Virginia did not like the idea of taking a nap. She pitched a fit, cried and ran away. This went on for about 30 minutes it seemed. Finally Virginia just shut herself in her room and read her books. This may be our compromise for during the day. If she doesn't want to nap she has to stay in her room quiet for at least an hour. But needless to say my nerves were shot by the time Susan and Samantha got here.

Then things get better. The kids play for awhile and then we head out the door to go to the Village Park Splash Pad. I called ahead and got a voice mail saying the splash pad was open from 10:00am to 7:00pm. Great, so we all hop in the van and head out. First mistake by me is assuming Susan has a GPS. She doesn't so I had to try to remember my way and the directions were a little fuzzy in my head. Finally we manage to get there with some help from Uncle Joe. Then the grey cloud above my head gets darker when I see the splash pad is closed and only open on the weekend. Yeah and the playgrounds are too big for both Virginia and Samantha. So just imagine hauling two 2 year olds back into a van screaming. That was the scene that was before me.

We head back down the road to Dorton Park to play on their toddler playground. The heat was unbearable. We stayed for maybe 20 minutes or so. It felt like an eternity. The kids got to play and they were happy. But the heat was just too much so we packed up and headed back to the apartment. Again, both kids were not happy with this decision. Once back to the apartment, Susan and Samantha packed up and headed home. Virginia and myself crashed on the couch and watched Dora the Explorer.

So my day was not as nice as I had wished. But it was nice getting to see Susan and Samantha. Hopefully next visit things will be open and the skies will be cool with a nice breeze. At least I got a few nice pictures of Samantha, Virginia, and even Susan.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Strike a Pose

This shirt wass not my first choice for this skirt. Maybe
my next project will be to sew a red shirt to go along with the skirt! 

Over the weekend, while I was down in Gastonia, I made a stop at Mary Jo's. I wanted to get a new pattern and some fabric for my next sewing project. First, going to Mary Jo's is an experience. It wasn't my first time there, but I guess it was my first time there actually on a mission. I managed to find a dress pattern, no real help from the lady that was in charge of that area. I then ventured out into the wild land of fabrics to decide what fabrics I wanted.

My head was spinning with all the choices. I couldn't find the fabric that was on the pattern picture. But I did choose some fabrics that I thought would go nicely together. Once I managed to find all the other items that the pattern called for I was on my way to my parents. Once I got inside and looked at the package and pattern, I knew I may have gotten in over my head. But, hey, it gives me something to shoot for.

Luckily today when I was looking at a few sewing sites, I came across a lesson for a 20 minute skirt. So I decided to give it a try. It took me about an hour and my seams are not perfectly straight. But the skirt did fit Virginia so I mark that up as a success. I am loving this sewing machine. I just have to pace myself and not try to do a project every week. My next project I want to do is a purse. Almost forgot to mention that I got the 20 minute skirt lesson from Whipstitch, a pretty great blog you got to check out.

This is Virginia's action shot!

Virginia Grows Up


I have been thinking for a while to convert Virginia's crib into a toddler bed. I just wasn't sure when I wanted to do it and when she would be ready for it. One weekend I decided to go for it, but sadly I was missing some of the main bolts.

After calling the company and requesting replacement bolts, I was told it would take a week or so. I have been stalking the mail lady ever since then. I should have been stalking the UPS guy. This past week we had been busy going to different play groups. One day, when we got home, I saw a note from the UPS guy saying we missed him and it was a package from Summer Infant. It was not connecting that Summer Infant was the company sending me the bolts. I missed the UPS guy two times and finally caught him on the final attempt. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was the crib bolts. Good thing I stayed at home that last day.

So on Saturday I decided to go ahead ask Reiggin to convert the crib into the toddler bed while Virginia and I went to visit the grandparents down in Gastonia. I figured it might be a good idea that she didn't see Daddy taking apart her bed. But I had been telling Virginia the past couple of days that she was getting a big girl bed. We spent all afternoon and night playing with Grandma and Grandpa. Virginia was worn out and sound asleep the whole way home.

I don't think she even realized when I laid her down that her crib was a little different. She went sound to sleep once I found her pacifier. I was worried the whole night. I was thinking she would fall out even though she does have rails on the bed. Or that she would climb out in the middle of the night and get into trouble. Or that she would climb out during the night and come into our bedroom and I would be scared and end up accidental hitting her in my sleep. I have been known to do crazy things in my sleep and not know it.

But all went well. She did have some weird sleep positions.  Like always, I had to check on her before I went to bed. She woke up one time at 5:30 a.m. crying. I went in and she went right back to sleep. Then at 7:00am she came walking into our bedroom to say good morning. It was cute seeing her standing in our door way all sweet. She had this look like, "Hey, I got myself out of bed, can I come in?"

I woke up and went with her into the living room to watch our morning cartoons. We sat on the couch for a second until she took me by the hand into her bedroom. Now was when she realized how cool her bed is. She climbed in and out like a monkey. She is super excited. Today will be the true test to see if she will sleep in her big girl bed without climbing in and out the whole night.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Foot in Mouth

Reiggin arrived home late from work because of a meeting. I was already pretty hungry and I knew he was picking up CookOut for dinner. When he came though the door all I wanted to do was grab the food and start eating. The first thing he says is I need to go downstairs and get everything out of the trunk. Since he said he almost didn't have enough room for all the things he needed to take for the meeting. I was not happy and said, " can't I just sit down and eat." I can get the items out of the car later. He insisted I go get it now and that it would only take a second.
So I stump back to the bedroom to put on shorts and shoes. The whole way I am calling Reiggin a butt head, dork, and other choice words in my head. I stump out the door and down the stairs. I open the trunk and to my surprise there is a brand new Janome sewing machine just for me! Reiggin surprised me and got me a new sewing machine for my belated birthday present. I have been asking to get one for awhile. I knew I had to go back upstairs and say sorry for being so mean, not that he knew I called him a butt head. I am hoping to learn how to sew. My goal is to learn how to sew clothes for Virginia and maybe some new purses for myself.

As you all know I tend to get super excited fast and go full force into projects, I don't like to wait. So at 10:30pm at night I made a run to Walmart to get all the tools and materials for my first project. Once back home I set up everything on the kitchen table. I only said a few choice words as I got the bobbin ready and finished the project. By 1:30am I had a complete envelope pillow cover. For my first project I believe it turned out great. I just need to work on cutting the fabric and sewing in a straight line. Oh and I am hoping my iron is in the trunk of my car with all the other items I still need to bring up.

Here is the youtube video I used to teach me how to sew the envelope pillow case. The woman in the video is super detailed. I found it very easy to follow along. Next up I am going to try to follow her video on how to make a draw string bag.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School Bash

No worries, Virginia isn't heading off to school just yet. The Central Piedmont Mommies threw a Back to School Bash at Dorton Park in Concord on Monday. I hadn't planned on going since a) Virginia is not going back to school and b) Reiggin was at work so I couldn't get the car. 

But that wild hair of mine got the best of me again. I decided last second to email Brandy, one of the mommies on the site that I have met a few times now. I emailed and asked her if she had room and didn't mind if she would give Virginia and myself a ride. I figured I could be a helping hand and set up. Also I knew it was at a park so I figured Virginia could go play and stay out of the way of any of the games meant for the big kids. Luckily, Brandy is awesome and agreed to come pick us up. Now the kicker was that she would be at our apartment within 15 minutes. So I had 15 minutes to take a shower, get dressed, and get Virginia ready. I don't think Virginia and myself have ever gotten ready so fast in my life. I managed to take a shower, blow dry my hair a little and throw it up in a pony tail, throw clothes on Virginia, and then fill her diaper bag full to rush down the stairs with the extra car seat to keep an eye out for Brandy. 

Once I got the car seat in Brandy's van and jumped in the front seat, we were on the road to the party. I am sure Virginia was quite confused at what was going on. Since one minute she is watching Dora the Explorer and the next minute, Mom is running around like a crazy woman and dragging her out the door to jump in a van full of little boys. But I do know Virginia was fascinated by the fact Brandy had TV's in her van. The kids watched Alvin and the Chipmunks as we headed to the park. Virginia will be so disappointed when she gets back in our Mazda and doesn't have a TV to watch on the road.

The party was a blast and I got to meet some more moms. Virginia had tons of fun playing on the playground, hula hooping, coloring, and eating popsicles. But I couldn't help but laughing at a pattern I am noticing. At every play group or outing, I notice that there is always one little kid that attaches on to Virginia. I believe they think she is just one big baby doll. This party was no different; there was one little girl and boy that were having so much fun playing with Virginia. They tried so hard to give Virginia hugs and hold her hand, but Virginia was having none of it. Virginia would run, cry, and hide behind my leg each time the girl and boy would come and try to play or help her up the playground equipment. I just couldn't help but laugh and feel bad for the boy and girl. But they didn't mind and just kept on playing. 

After the party, Virginia and myself played a little longer as we waited for Reiggin to get off work and come pick us up. This park was great; it had so many playgrounds and swings. I believe Virginia would have stayed all day and night if I allowed her. But I was happy to see Reiggin, because two and a half hours at the park is long enough for me. 

We headed back home to recover from our busy day and have dinner. Then off to bed we went. Tomorrow, I get to head down to Gastonia to meet up with my good friends Katie and Susan! I can't wait and I am sure I will have tons of photos to share with you guys tomorrow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gray Hair and One Year Older

I am not the only one with a little extra gray!
Reiggin's dog, Sadie.

Birthday cake, tacos, and monkeys is what my weekend consisted of. I know that creates a lovely image in all your heads. Let me explain a little further. Saturday, Reiggin was so kind as to let me sleep in since it was my birthday. I slept til about 10:00am and then a small child woke me help with a big smile and a birthday card in hand. It was super sweet, even if she did eat all the pancakes that Reiggin made for breakfast.

We lounged around the house for most of the morning. After Virginia's nap, we got our showers and headed up to Statesville to see Reiggin's parents. His mom offered to babysit while we went up to Hickory to do a little shopping and drop off some clothes at the Once Upon a Child shop. To my surprise, Renee had made me a birthday cake and I got two beautiful Christmas ornaments and some cash to go shopping. So with birthday money from my Mom and Renee, I was one happy girl.

Once we got up to Hickory, we made our first stop at Once Upon a Child. The store was packed out. We only had one clothes basket full of clothes. Usually they are pretty quick about checking items and telling you your quote. Not today; we walked around for about 30 minutes and picked up a few items for Virginia. I was happy to score some 50 cent books for Virginia. Then we went to check if our clothes had been checked. The lady told us they had been checked and just had to be entered into the computer and that would take another 30 minutes. I wasn't too happy by this point, but decided to go over to Toys 'R Us and kill time. So we spent 30 minutes over there and then went back to the store just to be told it would be another 30 minutes. I think steam was blowing out of Reiggin's ears by this point. We headed out again to Chick-fil-A for some lunch. It is so nice to enjoy a meal without Virginia. I love the girl but lately she has not been the best meal buddy.

After finally getting the money from the consignment shop, we headed to Michael's for me to spend some of my birthday money. I decided to buy a How to Crochet book and some yarn. My goal is to eventually do a blanket for Virginia. Hopefully I can get it finished before she is grown and has kids of her own.

We hit the road back to Reiggin's parents house for some yummy tacos. Oh, and Renee made some mac and cheese for Virginia. So I got tacos and mac n cheese, two of my favorite foods. After stuffing myself and still saving room for dessert, we all crashed around the TV and just relaxed. One super cute moment at the Hilderbrands' was when Virginia dragged Reiggin's dad into the other room and got him to sit down and watch Wonder Pets with her. I walked in and saw them both just chilling on the couch watching her cartoon.

My birthday was great and I had tons of fun getting out of the house. I had planned for Sunday to just be a relaxing day and not really do anything but I got a wild hare and decided to take Virginia to Monkey Joe's. Don't ask me what I was thinking. This is another example of my high expectations for a childhood moment with Virginia coming up short. We got there and got our socks on and headed out to explore. Virginia was super pumped and excited to see all the blow ups and kids. Just not so excited to actually get in the blow up slides and play. I did manage to get her to go down a few slides, but I don't believe she liked how it felt to walk on the blow ups. Some of the big slides that I was crazy enough to try to climb in with her and climb to the top were like climbing Mt. Everest. I thought I was going to die by the time we got to the top. Virginia enjoyed walking around the whole play area and really enjoyed the small arcade area the most. So after about an hour and a half we decided to pack it in.

We ended our night with going out to eat with our good friends Donnie and Meredith at this Mexican place near Concord Mills. The food was amazing but the two year old dinner partner was not as enjoyable. Luckily, we were out on the porch area and there were only two other tables out there with us. She started off great and was behaving for the most part. Then she decided she would rather walk around the porch and check out what was going on. From that point, everything went down hill. I was trying not to be that parent that lets their child run all over the place but it wasn't looking good. Finally, after I ate and the check hit the table, I took her outside and waited there for Reiggin to pay and get out. I believe we will be just enjoying short lunches with Virginia from now on.

So my weekend was packed with lot of fun and my week ahead looks like it is going to be just as busy. Other then having a sore back and a few extra gray hairs, my first few days of being 28 are looking good.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Spotless Art


This morning I thought I would give the finger painting another try.  Virginia loves playing with the tube of paint, but not so much with her fingers. I decided to dig though my art bag and find some of my oil painting brushes that are not in the best shape. I let her have two of my brushes and showed her how to dip the brushes in the paint.

BINGO!!! We have an artist. Maybe just a very clean artist. Which I laugh at because when I was a child and was taking painting lessons I would come home with paint all over me, my hair, and even in my ears. Virginia loved painting with the paint brush. If she did manage to get paint on her finger she quickly came over to me to have it washed off. I just laughed watching her have so much fun painting. I do believe she may also become a water color artist like her grandma because she really enjoyed dipping the brush in the water and mixing the colors on the paper.  I can't wait til she gets older and we can do more crafts together.

I also attempted to get a hand print of Virginia. Since at the hospital they only did a foot print.  I was a lazy mom and didn't get a hand print when she was a baby. This was a challenge since Virginia hates getting stuff on her hands. I did my hand print first so she could see how it is done. She just gave me the duck face like you expect me to get paint all over my hand, "You Crazy!" But I was a little sneaky and gave her the paint brush in one hand and I quickly painted her other hand. Still it took me a few tries to get a good print.

As you can see in the pictures, I am crazy and let her finger paint in the house with white carpet. I just spread out the blanket that my good friend Susan Roberts gave Virginia when she was a baby. I use that blanket for everything. I wasn't to worried since the paint is washable. I heart Crayola and all their washable kid products. Now I am off to clean up everything since Dora has caught Virginia's attention and she is done with the paint.

Also as a added bonus here are a few pictures of Virginia enjoying some of the chocolate pudding we made yesterday! Guess she doesn't mind a mess on her face.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Race & Roll....


Wednesday turned into a pretty fun filled day for both Virginia and myself. After our naps, yes I said our naps. Sometimes after my late night sessions of watching Dexter with Reiggin. I just have to take a nap the next day with Virginia. Since Virginia has started taking 2 to 3 hour long naps, it makes this mommy very happy.

Once we woke up from our naps, I jumped on the phone and called my good friend Sarah to come over. We have been trying for weeks to get together. Every time something comes up either I am sick or she is sick. Finally the stars aligned and she was able to make the trip to Concord to hang out with us.

Sarah  arrived and like always Virginia was a little shy and not sure if she could trust this new person that was coming into her home. But once she realized that Sarah was coming with us to the pool and would play ball with her. She decided that Sarah was one cool chick. Sarah got to witness our crazy pool routine of swimming for maybe 15 minutes then the rest of the almost 2 hours climbing in and out of the pool because doesn't everyone do their laps on the outside of the pool.

Virginia did get more courageous in jumping from the second step into my arms. She even went under the water a little and didn't freak out. Well she cried for like a mini second and then giggled. After about an hour and a half of swimming and walking around the pool checking out what the construction guys were doing. We decided to pack up and head back to the apartment.

I quickly gave Virginia a bath and then put a new diaper on her. I let her head back to the living room while I got changed out of my bathing suit. I walk into the living room to find Virginia just lounging on the couch up against Sarah. It is super funny how quick Virginia goes from being a little unsure about someone to being their lap buddy. Sarah quickly became Virginia's new buddy. They played blocks and played smash the turtle toy.

Virginia was trying very hard to lift my 12lb ball!

After Sarah's visit the night still had more fun events in store for me. Yesterday was my first night for my Fall bowling league Race & Roll. After joining the central piedmont mommies network I decided to try to get together a mommies bowling team for this Fall league. I ended up getting two moms to sign up for my bowling team. One of the moms roped one of her friends in to give us 4 players so we were just short one. I felt like a little girl getting ready for her first day of school. I rocked out my Avett Brothers t-shirt and even tried out my new make-up. Reiggin thought this was all funny. He asked me who I was trying to impress at the bowling alley. I told him I had to be prepared if Scott or Seth Avett came in to bowl. Hey a girl can dream!

I was a little nervous once I got to the bowling alley. It is always a little funny meeting someone for the first time and not even knowing what they look like. Luckily one of the moms Crystal was standing outside. So it was like a blind date I am walking up and we both are staring at each other waiting for one of us to say hey are you...? Crystal makes the first move and asks if I am Kathy from the mommies website which I smiled and said yes. Crystal and her friend Faby which by the way I love Faby's name. It just makes me smile every time I say her name. I think of Fantastic when I say Faby. The bowling alley was pretty small, but there was a good crowd gathered for the Race and Roll league.

We were waiting for our fourth mom to arrive. We texted and called her several times. Well we went on in to the meeting and got all the details and even picked up one more player, Shane. Which was a great thing because it turned out since it is a mixed league we had to have at least one guy on our team. I was happy to find out we were going to bowl that night also. Of course this meant it was going to be a late night. But I knew Virginia was in good hands back at home with Reiggin.

So we all went and got ready to bowl and talk with each other since none of us really knew each other really well. I was super happy to find out that we all got along great and within the first few minutes we all were laughing and joking around with each other. To make things even better Faby has a daughter that is close to Virginia in age and she lives super close to me. So  a play date is in the works.

We were still short one player, but Shane came to the rescue and called up his friend Woody. After a little coaching from us over the cellphone. The girls won over Woody and convinced him to come join our team. So now The Strikers  had a full team and were ready to kick some butt.

We all were pretty rusty at first. It had been two years since I had bowled last. But we were having fun and that is what really mattered. At least I am trying to tell my super competitive self that is the real reason I bowl in a league. I ended up scoring a 112, 133, and 101. Not my best scores, but hopefully I will just improve once I get back into the swing of things. Once we finished all three of our games and since I was the sucker who got voted Team Captain. I wrote up the score card and made sure to turn it in and I was out the door and heading home around 10:40 something.

Reiggin was resting on the couch when I got home. He fed Virginia and got her to bed with no problems. I was pretty wide awake so we watched Dexter and then headed to bed. I knew I was going to be sore today, but surprising my thumb is really the only thing sore.

My Wednesday turned into a pretty wonderful fun filled day. I can't wait now for Wednesdays to roll around so I can enjoy my Mom's night out at the bowling alley.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not a Night Owl Anymore!

Monday I had a moment of DUH! I got up and fed Virginia breakfast and decided to take her up to the pool. I got us both dressed and bags packed and even pulled out the big stroller to push her in. Thinking if she threw another fit at least I can just put her in the stroller and not carry her the whole way home.

So off we went walking up to the pool. We get all the way up there and the close sign was on the gate. I ask the mainetance guy if the pool was going to be closed all day long.  He informs me the pool is closed every Monday. I just hit myself on the head, because I do remember seeing that piece of paper with the pool schedule at one point. Luckily I quickly turned Virginia around and headed to the playground.

I made up for the disappointed Monday pool trip by taking her today for two hours. Two hours at the pool with a 2 year old feels like eternality sometimes. But I was happy she didn't throw a fit this time when we left. Once we got back home and had our baths and I put Virginia down for her nap. I realized that I am not the night owl I use to be. Last night Reiggin convinced me to stay up til 1:30am watching Dexter. Of course Virginia still got up at her usual 7:00am. So the early pool trip and little sleep was catching up with me.

I pretty much have been sluggish all day long. I also made the mistake of pushing Virginia in the stroller in the apartment. So all day long she has been climbing into the stroller and whining for me to push her around. I tried to show her how to push her baby dolls around and that lasted about 5 minutes. I think Virginia is trying out for the role of my personal trainer.

Tuesdays are always long days for me. Reiggin closes and doesn't get home til late. So it is just Virginia and myself all day long. But we do entertain ourselves with cartoons and crayons. Oh and she has become my Pretty Little Liars and Make it or Break it tv buddy.

Tonight as I am doing my usual web surfing, I came across a banana ice cream recipe on my mother's website. So I knew I had two riped bananas in the freezer. So I said what the hell lets try this. First it is very hard to peel a frozen banana. Once I figured out to microwave the bananas for a few minutes enough to soften them up to be able to peel them. I threw all the ingredients in the blender. After a total of maybe 5 minutes I had a mug full of yummy banana ice cream. The cinnamon for me was a little to strong so I would use less cinnamon. Also I added some honey to the ice cream as well. Overall it was a quick and easy recipe.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Expectations


Sunday came and we hit the road to Grandma's house. It is always great going down and seeing my folks. It is a break from the normal day and Virginia gets to run around like crazy with both grandma and grandpa. My dad and Virginia are double trouble. They get together and they get into trouble. I am not sure which one is the ring leader, but I know Virginia loves her Grandpa.

Once we arrived Virginia gave Grandma a big hug and grabbed Grandpa and made a bee line for the upstairs. Both Virginia and Samantha have discovered that my Mom keeps all her toys, books, and what nots that she uses to teach preschool kids and younger children. Virginia pulled Grandpa upstairs and started dragging out everything in sight. As Virginia was having fun discovering new toys. I ended up discovering some old photos of my Mom and Annette. I love looking at old photos of my Mom and Dad. I found some real gems of my mother and annette. Some were perfect canidates for facebook profile pictures, but at las Mom and Annette did not agree.

After a yummy lunch, Grandpa took Virginia outside for some fun in the sun. My Mom and I were smarter and stayed inside and watched from the kitchen table. Virginia did her usual thing and played with the rocks. Then Grandpa decided to give Virginia a tour of the flowers along the fence. Everything was going smooth until Grandpa decided to show Virginia the inside of the bird house. All of a sudden we see Grandpa running down the hill like a bat out of hell carrying Virginia. Turns out that birds had not nested in the bird house, but Wasps had. Being the Super Grandpa that my dad is, he took  the hit and ended up saving Virginia from a Wasp string.

After all that excitement we decided to try a more safe activity and took Virginia to the front porch to do some finger painting. Ok so you parents out there know what I am talking about when I saw that sometimes you build up a huge expectation in your head when it comes to certain toys and events in your child's life. Well I had gotten so excited when I saw pictures of my friend Laura finger painting with her young daughter. I thought this would be super fun and something new for Virginia to enjoy. I didn't take into account the fact that Virginia is a neat freak when it comes to her hands. She can't stand for anything to be on her hands. She immediately wants her hands cleaned when she gets super messy. I believe my Mom ended up finger painting more then Virginia. Virginia did about two dots and decided that finger painting is just not her thing. I was a little sad, but keeping my fingers crossed that when she gets older she will be more willing to get messy.

We packed it up and went back inside to play with Grandpa. Virginia got super excited running around the living room giggling and playing with Grandpa. It is funny the things that keep Virginia entertained. My Dad started pulling on Virginia's shirt while she tried running away. Virginia thought this was the best thing on earth. After all the playing, running, and eating Virginia finally crashed on the bed and took a nap with Grandpa.

Once she woke up we packed our bags and hit the road for home. Both Virginia and I were sad to say goodbye, but I know it won't be long until we are heading back done for more fun and more trouble making.
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers