Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mini Vacation

One of my favorite gifts for Christmas this year was having my BFF and her husband in town.  Lisa and Scott flew in on Christmas Day and flew out on Friday. Wish they could have stayed longer. But it was like a mini vacation for me and the Bean. Lisa, Scott, the Bean, and I went out for lunch to grab some Mexican and then hung out the rest of the night. Scott became a fan of my DSi XL, I thought for a second I may not be getting my game back. I tried to sell him on the idea of taking my game for letting Lisa stay in NC. He didn't go for it.

we can pretend I picked up that spare.

Scott killed us the first game but choked in the end.

Lisa's video will be added once Scott emails me the video. I am waiting patiently or maybe just waiting!

It was a blast catching up and just having some girl time. We also did our traditional bowling trip. It still cracks me up to this day watching Lisa do her little fairy hop when she bowls. We even had lunch with our best friends Katie Apple and LeAnn Lang at McAlisters. Lunch was a blast and LeAnn's little girl stole the show she was just too cute.

One of the last nights hanging out Lisa, the Bean, and I goofed off using the mac's photo booth. I seriously was laughing so hard that I was crying. It's moments like this that I hate that Lisa lives all the way in California. Sadly the fun had to come to a end and they had to fly back to California. I won't lie I teared up a little on the ride back from Gastonia after saying goodbye. It is never easy having your BFF live all the way across the country. But I enjoy our phone calls every day, emails, and of course our weekly vampire diaries phone calls.

Virginia at this point is more interested in Nick Jr.

 Oh and you have to go over to Lisa's Blog to check out the great photos she took of the Bean. Love Them All! This is one of my favorites Lisa took of Virginia. I believe we have a softball player on our hands. At least I can cross my fingers.


Lisa said...

Fun fun times!

Susan said...

Where's the "like" button on this whole post?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mini Vacation

One of my favorite gifts for Christmas this year was having my BFF and her husband in town.  Lisa and Scott flew in on Christmas Day and flew out on Friday. Wish they could have stayed longer. But it was like a mini vacation for me and the Bean. Lisa, Scott, the Bean, and I went out for lunch to grab some Mexican and then hung out the rest of the night. Scott became a fan of my DSi XL, I thought for a second I may not be getting my game back. I tried to sell him on the idea of taking my game for letting Lisa stay in NC. He didn't go for it.

we can pretend I picked up that spare.

Scott killed us the first game but choked in the end.

Lisa's video will be added once Scott emails me the video. I am waiting patiently or maybe just waiting!

It was a blast catching up and just having some girl time. We also did our traditional bowling trip. It still cracks me up to this day watching Lisa do her little fairy hop when she bowls. We even had lunch with our best friends Katie Apple and LeAnn Lang at McAlisters. Lunch was a blast and LeAnn's little girl stole the show she was just too cute.

One of the last nights hanging out Lisa, the Bean, and I goofed off using the mac's photo booth. I seriously was laughing so hard that I was crying. It's moments like this that I hate that Lisa lives all the way in California. Sadly the fun had to come to a end and they had to fly back to California. I won't lie I teared up a little on the ride back from Gastonia after saying goodbye. It is never easy having your BFF live all the way across the country. But I enjoy our phone calls every day, emails, and of course our weekly vampire diaries phone calls.

Virginia at this point is more interested in Nick Jr.

 Oh and you have to go over to Lisa's Blog to check out the great photos she took of the Bean. Love Them All! This is one of my favorites Lisa took of Virginia. I believe we have a softball player on our hands. At least I can cross my fingers.

2 comments on "Mini Vacation"

Lisa on January 6, 2011 at 6:47 PM said...

Fun fun times!

Susan said...

Where's the "like" button on this whole post?

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