Tuesday, January 4, 2011

365 Project

One of my goals this year is to keep my photos more organized. I am hoping to take more photos this year of my family and friends. With this in mind I was super excited when I started to notice a bunch of my friends doing this photography project called 365 Project. Basically you take a photo a day for the whole year. I thought this was a pretty cool concept. Also something that I thought I may be able to keep up with.

So I created my profile on 365 Project and have decided to have my theme be Family and Friends. I am sure I will probably end up putting other photos up that don't fall in that theme. But my main goal is to track my whole year in photos. I am also enjoying just viewing other people's photos and what adventures they get into.

I chose a photo of Virginia on our afternoon walk as my first photo to kick off the project. I thought it was super cute with her holding her baby doll. I also thought the long shadow in the picture was interesting. Now I just have to keep my camera ready to snag the photo for today. I am going to try to not make this whole project about the Bean but it may be tough. She is the one that is always with me. So watch out if you are around me you may just end up in my 365 Project.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

365 Project

One of my goals this year is to keep my photos more organized. I am hoping to take more photos this year of my family and friends. With this in mind I was super excited when I started to notice a bunch of my friends doing this photography project called 365 Project. Basically you take a photo a day for the whole year. I thought this was a pretty cool concept. Also something that I thought I may be able to keep up with.

So I created my profile on 365 Project and have decided to have my theme be Family and Friends. I am sure I will probably end up putting other photos up that don't fall in that theme. But my main goal is to track my whole year in photos. I am also enjoying just viewing other people's photos and what adventures they get into.

I chose a photo of Virginia on our afternoon walk as my first photo to kick off the project. I thought it was super cute with her holding her baby doll. I also thought the long shadow in the picture was interesting. Now I just have to keep my camera ready to snag the photo for today. I am going to try to not make this whole project about the Bean but it may be tough. She is the one that is always with me. So watch out if you are around me you may just end up in my 365 Project.

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