Do you find yourself running out on Sunday morning to grab a Sunday paper so you can start clipping those coupons? Or searching the web for the best deals and coupons? Well I am slowly trying to learn the coupon saving process. My friend Desirae is a coupon diva. She knows the ins and outs of coupons and saving a ton of money. She has been giving me pointers and helping me along my path to figuring out this thing called coupons.
She runs her own coupon blog called The Coupon Diva. On her blog you will find the latest coupons and deals for the week. She also posts great steals for different retail and online stores. You can even follow her coupon blog on facebook. I love this tool because well I find myself on facebook alot. This way I can get updates right on my wall of the best coupons and deals of the day while I most likely am playing some facebook game.
Desirae has taken it a step further and has started her on youtube channel where she is teaching the basics of coupons all the way to the more advanced methods of using coupons. This to me has been the best. I am a visual person so being able to sit down and watch a short youtube video of her giving step by step instructions of how to start using coupons has been the most useful tool for me.
Desirae doesn't just stop at being a coupon diva. She is also an amazing professional photographer. She has a website D. Young Photography along with a facebook page. She has taken some amazing photos of children and families. Currently she is hosting on facebook a cutest kids contest. This is my one shameless plug of the year. Virginia is in the running for the cutest kid contest. So as you go over to visit D. Young Photography on facebook make sure to like her page and go find my alittle baby Virginia photo number 15 and Like her photo as well. Ok enough of me bragging about my little one.
I know what you are thinking Desirae is one talented woman. But wait there is more, she is also a moderator with me for the Cabarrus area group on, a chapter of The Mommies Network. This is a wonderful free online support forum for moms in the central piedmont area. Together Desirae helps me keep track of the Cabarrus area forum and plan events for the kids and moms of Cabarrus to enjoy. She has been so helpful to me and the other moms on centralpiedmontmommies.
Desirae is just one of many talented and dedicated mommies on centralpiedmontmommies. I plan to showcase one mommy a week here on my blog. So check back each week to see who the next mommy will be.
The Graduate
11 years ago
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