Monday, January 31, 2011

Keeping it Simple

I woke up this morning and was doing my usual routine, checking email, facebook, centralpiedmontmommies, and some of my favorite blogs.  When on ProBlogger I came across a post titled  "Use Google Reading Level to Improve Your Blog Message".

This caught my eye and got me thinking what the crap is Google Reading Level.  Last month Google launched its new Google Reading Level feature. What this does is algorithmically work out the reading level of the search results, to help users more easily decide which search results to click on.

I was sure when I searched for AbsolutelyKathy that the results would say, " Does this person know how to write the english language or is she 2 years old." I headed over to google and like the blog post said I clicked the advanced search ( the hyperlink is located next to the search box on Google's home page).  Type your search query in the first form box-the one annotated with "all these words"-and make sure that the Reading Level drop-down box shows "annotate results with reading levels". You should see the results for my blog's home page below:

I was actually quite happy with my results. I believe my reading level is nicely balanced and at the level I want my blog to be at. I was even happy to see 3% for the advanced, so maybe I am a little higher then a 2 year old. Just glad there is not a grammar writing level tool that Google has come out with. I don't think my results would be so kind. 

Head on over to Google and tell me what your favorite blog site receives for their reading level or your blogs reading level. I am curious to see the range that people receive and see if my blog stands up in my blogs category. Also if you get a chance head over to ProBlogger's blog and read his post on Google Reading Level for a more detailed post on the tool. 


Diplo_Daddy said...

That's a great tip. Thanks for telling everyone. My blog is "middle of the road", which is where I sort of expected it to be.

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

You're still a two year old in my mind

MMAR said...

Stopping by from MBC! This is an interesting tool! I'm gonna have to check it out!

I Am Yours Exclusive said...

Hey Kathy,

I did my search and here are the results. This is awesome and I will tweet this on twitter and post this on FB. Of course I give you all the credit and not problogger, cause I found it on your blog. Okay, thanks and have a great weekend!!!

Basic 5%
Intermediate 64%
Advanced 29%

Best Wishes~

Absolutely Kathy said...

Thanks BestMomEver! And also thanks for reposting it on the other sites.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Keeping it Simple

I woke up this morning and was doing my usual routine, checking email, facebook, centralpiedmontmommies, and some of my favorite blogs.  When on ProBlogger I came across a post titled  "Use Google Reading Level to Improve Your Blog Message".

This caught my eye and got me thinking what the crap is Google Reading Level.  Last month Google launched its new Google Reading Level feature. What this does is algorithmically work out the reading level of the search results, to help users more easily decide which search results to click on.

I was sure when I searched for AbsolutelyKathy that the results would say, " Does this person know how to write the english language or is she 2 years old." I headed over to google and like the blog post said I clicked the advanced search ( the hyperlink is located next to the search box on Google's home page).  Type your search query in the first form box-the one annotated with "all these words"-and make sure that the Reading Level drop-down box shows "annotate results with reading levels". You should see the results for my blog's home page below:

I was actually quite happy with my results. I believe my reading level is nicely balanced and at the level I want my blog to be at. I was even happy to see 3% for the advanced, so maybe I am a little higher then a 2 year old. Just glad there is not a grammar writing level tool that Google has come out with. I don't think my results would be so kind. 

Head on over to Google and tell me what your favorite blog site receives for their reading level or your blogs reading level. I am curious to see the range that people receive and see if my blog stands up in my blogs category. Also if you get a chance head over to ProBlogger's blog and read his post on Google Reading Level for a more detailed post on the tool. 

5 comments on "Keeping it Simple"

Diplo_Daddy on January 31, 2011 at 12:03 PM said...

That's a great tip. Thanks for telling everyone. My blog is "middle of the road", which is where I sort of expected it to be.

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on January 31, 2011 at 7:12 PM said...

You're still a two year old in my mind

MMAR on February 1, 2011 at 2:39 PM said...

Stopping by from MBC! This is an interesting tool! I'm gonna have to check it out!

I Am Yours Exclusive on February 12, 2011 at 1:46 PM said...

Hey Kathy,

I did my search and here are the results. This is awesome and I will tweet this on twitter and post this on FB. Of course I give you all the credit and not problogger, cause I found it on your blog. Okay, thanks and have a great weekend!!!

Basic 5%
Intermediate 64%
Advanced 29%

Best Wishes~

Absolutely Kathy on February 12, 2011 at 1:55 PM said...

Thanks BestMomEver! And also thanks for reposting it on the other sites.

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