Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear Samantha, Happy Birthday to You. My awesome niece Samantha turned 2 on Friday. Sunday we went down to Clover, South Carolina to celebrate. It seems like just yesterday that Lisa and I went to Gastonia to see my sister Susan, Joe, and Samantha in the hospital.
Now she is two and she is talking non stop and jumping like she is a NBA player. I couldn't have asked for a cooler niece. I also love how much Samantha and Virginia enjoy playing together. I hope as they get older that they will stay close friends.
Samantha can get mad air when she jumps.
Sunday started off great. Reiggin was so kind as to get up early with Virginia and let me sleep in. Virginia wasn't to happy about this fact at first. She is so use to me getting up that she was a little confused when I told her that Daddy was getting up with her and to leave me in bed. But after some sneaky maneuvers I did manage to sneak back to bed.
Virginia and I quickly got a bath and got on the road. I really hate my GPS system some days. I wasn't sure what route we were going to take to get to Clover. But my GPS took me in one big circle at one point. The GPS got us on I-77 and then off and right back on I-85 South. It was just one big loop. But luckily we were super early so we just decided to stop at my parent's house in Gastonia for a bit before heading to clover. My grandparents were also meeting there to ride down to Clover with my parents.
As we are all heading out the door to Clover I am putting Virginia in her car seat when I think my heart jumped out of my chest when I saw my Grandma trip on a cement flower pot and fall down on the sidewalk. She didn't get up so I grabbed Virginia and ran up the lawn. Luckily she just scraped her wrist and her cheek was bruised. I am sure she is sore today though. I was so scared that she had broken something or worse.
Samantha looking a little confused.
We all made it to Clover and Ralph and Judy's house was full of family. Samantha was having a little snack at the table as every body was piling into the house. She had this look on her face like what the crap is going on. But she was super excited to see Gi-Gi and was ready to give her the grand tour of the house.
Joe made a delicious lunch and afterwards we all watched Samantha open her gifts. I was thankful that Virginia didn't jump in with her and try to open the gifts. She was very well behaved to my delight. Samantha scored some great gifts. She even got a super cool tricycle from my parents. Both Virginia and Samantha were ready to jump on and take a ride. The Balloons were the second biggest hit. It is funny how the simpliest things will keep kids happy.
After filling our bellies with cake and conversation. We all said our good byes and headed back to my parent's house. Virginia got some extra play time with the grandparents and then we called it a day and headed home. It was so nice getting to see everyone and it is always great seeing Joe's family. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family!
Birthday Girl!
Grandma Ford with Virginia
Susan and Samantha
Samantha is such the entertainer.
My parents with Virginia
Getting ready to blow out the candles.
Virginia waiting for permission to help open gifts.
Samantha was super excited over her gifts.
Judy, Joe's Mom, helping Samantha open gifts.
Grandma Brown was appointed gift holder by Samantha
good pictures. It was a fun day.
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