Friday, August 27, 2010

Foot in Mouth

Reiggin arrived home late from work because of a meeting. I was already pretty hungry and I knew he was picking up CookOut for dinner. When he came though the door all I wanted to do was grab the food and start eating. The first thing he says is I need to go downstairs and get everything out of the trunk. Since he said he almost didn't have enough room for all the things he needed to take for the meeting. I was not happy and said, " can't I just sit down and eat." I can get the items out of the car later. He insisted I go get it now and that it would only take a second.
So I stump back to the bedroom to put on shorts and shoes. The whole way I am calling Reiggin a butt head, dork, and other choice words in my head. I stump out the door and down the stairs. I open the trunk and to my surprise there is a brand new Janome sewing machine just for me! Reiggin surprised me and got me a new sewing machine for my belated birthday present. I have been asking to get one for awhile. I knew I had to go back upstairs and say sorry for being so mean, not that he knew I called him a butt head. I am hoping to learn how to sew. My goal is to learn how to sew clothes for Virginia and maybe some new purses for myself.

As you all know I tend to get super excited fast and go full force into projects, I don't like to wait. So at 10:30pm at night I made a run to Walmart to get all the tools and materials for my first project. Once back home I set up everything on the kitchen table. I only said a few choice words as I got the bobbin ready and finished the project. By 1:30am I had a complete envelope pillow cover. For my first project I believe it turned out great. I just need to work on cutting the fabric and sewing in a straight line. Oh and I am hoping my iron is in the trunk of my car with all the other items I still need to bring up.

Here is the youtube video I used to teach me how to sew the envelope pillow case. The woman in the video is super detailed. I found it very easy to follow along. Next up I am going to try to follow her video on how to make a draw string bag.


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

Great present...I'm impressed that you want to sew. That is a dying art. maybe you can become a seamstress and do alterations.

Laura said...

Such a great job!! Check out They have pretty good girls sewing projects on there.

Also - the clothes K is wearing on the picture on my blog - all from Target :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Foot in Mouth

Reiggin arrived home late from work because of a meeting. I was already pretty hungry and I knew he was picking up CookOut for dinner. When he came though the door all I wanted to do was grab the food and start eating. The first thing he says is I need to go downstairs and get everything out of the trunk. Since he said he almost didn't have enough room for all the things he needed to take for the meeting. I was not happy and said, " can't I just sit down and eat." I can get the items out of the car later. He insisted I go get it now and that it would only take a second.
So I stump back to the bedroom to put on shorts and shoes. The whole way I am calling Reiggin a butt head, dork, and other choice words in my head. I stump out the door and down the stairs. I open the trunk and to my surprise there is a brand new Janome sewing machine just for me! Reiggin surprised me and got me a new sewing machine for my belated birthday present. I have been asking to get one for awhile. I knew I had to go back upstairs and say sorry for being so mean, not that he knew I called him a butt head. I am hoping to learn how to sew. My goal is to learn how to sew clothes for Virginia and maybe some new purses for myself.

As you all know I tend to get super excited fast and go full force into projects, I don't like to wait. So at 10:30pm at night I made a run to Walmart to get all the tools and materials for my first project. Once back home I set up everything on the kitchen table. I only said a few choice words as I got the bobbin ready and finished the project. By 1:30am I had a complete envelope pillow cover. For my first project I believe it turned out great. I just need to work on cutting the fabric and sewing in a straight line. Oh and I am hoping my iron is in the trunk of my car with all the other items I still need to bring up.

Here is the youtube video I used to teach me how to sew the envelope pillow case. The woman in the video is super detailed. I found it very easy to follow along. Next up I am going to try to follow her video on how to make a draw string bag.

2 comments on "Foot in Mouth"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on August 27, 2010 at 6:50 PM said...

Great present...I'm impressed that you want to sew. That is a dying art. maybe you can become a seamstress and do alterations.

Laura on August 29, 2010 at 12:50 AM said...

Such a great job!! Check out They have pretty good girls sewing projects on there.

Also - the clothes K is wearing on the picture on my blog - all from Target :)

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers