Just one of those days! This day was just one of those days that if something was going to go wrong it did. Started off pretty well with my sister Susan and niece Samantha deciding to come up and visit for the afternoon. But with that said it meant that I had to go into a whirlwind cleaning spree. So I quickly rushed and cleaned the kitchen, living room, and bathroom.
About halfway though the crazy cleaning I decided it was Virginia's nap time. Bring in the suspense music. Virginia did not like the idea of taking a nap. She pitched a fit, cried and ran away. This went on for about 30 minutes it seemed. Finally Virginia just shut herself in her room and read her books. This may be our compromise for during the day. If she doesn't want to nap she has to stay in her room quiet for at least an hour. But needless to say my nerves were shot by the time Susan and Samantha got here.
Then things get better. The kids play for awhile and then we head out the door to go to the Village Park Splash Pad. I called ahead and got a voice mail saying the splash pad was open from 10:00am to 7:00pm. Great, so we all hop in the van and head out. First mistake by me is assuming Susan has a GPS. She doesn't so I had to try to remember my way and the directions were a little fuzzy in my head. Finally we manage to get there with some help from Uncle Joe. Then the grey cloud above my head gets darker when I see the splash pad is closed and only open on the weekend. Yeah and the playgrounds are too big for both Virginia and Samantha. So just imagine hauling two 2 year olds back into a van screaming. That was the scene that was before me.
We head back down the road to Dorton Park to play on their toddler playground. The heat was unbearable. We stayed for maybe 20 minutes or so. It felt like an eternity. The kids got to play and they were happy. But the heat was just too much so we packed up and headed back to the apartment. Again, both kids were not happy with this decision. Once back to the apartment, Susan and Samantha packed up and headed home. Virginia and myself crashed on the couch and watched Dora the Explorer.
So my day was not as nice as I had wished. But it was nice getting to see Susan and Samantha. Hopefully next visit things will be open and the skies will be cool with a nice breeze. At least I got a few nice pictures of Samantha, Virginia, and even Susan.
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