Thursday, August 5, 2010

Moments That Make Me Smile

There are little moments though out my day that just put a smile on my face.  Today my smile came before I even got out of bed. Virginia usually wakes up around 7:30am, but today she slept until after 9:00am. Oh the joys of sleeping in late. It is funny to think sleeping past 8:00am is sleeping late for me now. I can remember as a child hearing my Dad climbing the stairs to wake up me and my sisters at 11:00am. That was the latest we could sleep most weekends. Like my Dad always said we were wasting the best part of the day away.

My second smile and a little bit of a giggle was when I was sharing some cream cheese, colby jack cheese, and wheat thins with Virginia. Virginia decided that she wanted a little more cream cheese and decided to ditch the cracker and go for the finger dipping approach. Oh it gets better, I go into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I come back to find Virginia holding the big block of colby jack cheese and just nibbling on the corner. I just had to laugh at the site.

Since we are talking about food. I also was happy to get a phone call from Reiggin telling me he was coming home for lunch and bringing some Cook Out in for me. Having a Cook Out just five minutes down the road is super dangerous for my waist line. I just can't resist a good Cook Out burger and milk shake. Oh I also have to add how great it is enjoying a Cook Out lunch with my hubby while Virginia takes her nap.

I can't help but smile and laugh when Virginia farts really loud and she turns around like Wow who did that? You would never think such a little girl could make such a loud sound.

Also I guess I left our camera a little to close to the edge of the table.  I come out of the kitchen to find Virginia with the camera perfectly around her neck taking pictures of me. I guess she has watched Reiggin and I enough to know what to do with the camera.

Got to love the simple pleasures of the day. Virginia's small silly things make a big difference in keeping me happy though out the day.


Laura said...

Ah I love this post Kathy! Love it :) I love the pics of Virginia too! I can't believe how much I've watched her grow through your pictures. She is so stinkin cute and that little yellow outfit is adorable! Hope you guys are feeling better today!

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

cute pictures. you should try the cheerwine float at cook out

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Moments That Make Me Smile

There are little moments though out my day that just put a smile on my face.  Today my smile came before I even got out of bed. Virginia usually wakes up around 7:30am, but today she slept until after 9:00am. Oh the joys of sleeping in late. It is funny to think sleeping past 8:00am is sleeping late for me now. I can remember as a child hearing my Dad climbing the stairs to wake up me and my sisters at 11:00am. That was the latest we could sleep most weekends. Like my Dad always said we were wasting the best part of the day away.

My second smile and a little bit of a giggle was when I was sharing some cream cheese, colby jack cheese, and wheat thins with Virginia. Virginia decided that she wanted a little more cream cheese and decided to ditch the cracker and go for the finger dipping approach. Oh it gets better, I go into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I come back to find Virginia holding the big block of colby jack cheese and just nibbling on the corner. I just had to laugh at the site.

Since we are talking about food. I also was happy to get a phone call from Reiggin telling me he was coming home for lunch and bringing some Cook Out in for me. Having a Cook Out just five minutes down the road is super dangerous for my waist line. I just can't resist a good Cook Out burger and milk shake. Oh I also have to add how great it is enjoying a Cook Out lunch with my hubby while Virginia takes her nap.

I can't help but smile and laugh when Virginia farts really loud and she turns around like Wow who did that? You would never think such a little girl could make such a loud sound.

Also I guess I left our camera a little to close to the edge of the table.  I come out of the kitchen to find Virginia with the camera perfectly around her neck taking pictures of me. I guess she has watched Reiggin and I enough to know what to do with the camera.

Got to love the simple pleasures of the day. Virginia's small silly things make a big difference in keeping me happy though out the day.

2 comments on "Moments That Make Me Smile"

Laura on August 5, 2010 at 5:40 PM said...

Ah I love this post Kathy! Love it :) I love the pics of Virginia too! I can't believe how much I've watched her grow through your pictures. She is so stinkin cute and that little yellow outfit is adorable! Hope you guys are feeling better today!

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on August 5, 2010 at 7:43 PM said...

cute pictures. you should try the cheerwine float at cook out

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