Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cable or No Cable?
Ok so I am on day 2 of just basic cable. I have to say that it has not been that much of a change. I say this and think that most my shows are on holiday break. So ask me in January how I am doing. I have had more time to read my book and play with Virginia. I am still able to follow my morning routine of watching The Early Show and then The Rachael Ray Show. Life is good!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's Christmas Time!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Book Club
We made our way downstairs to the children's area. I some what remember what the Gastonia libraries children's area looked like. But I was truely amazed at the set up that the Statesville Library had. They took up the whole downstairs. There was an area for kids to use computers. Then the best of all they had each section organized by age. It was very easy for me to find the baby section and find a good first book for Virginia. Her first book was a great Peek A Boo book. Virginia has fallen in love with this kind of book. So when we returned my first book I found a great series called Peek A Boo!
Overall I was very happy and our book club was off to a great start. I rushed home and jumped right into my book. It took me about a week to finish the whole book. It wasn't to long or to short of a book. It made me cry, laugh, and say what? I would recommend this book to anyone. It has a little romance, mystery, and full of emotions. I also enjoyed being able to call Lisa up and discuss with her what was going on in the book. I started reading the book a few days before Lisa. Which was a good thing because I remembered that Lisa is a super fast reader.
Now we are on to our second book which is The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I just picked it up from the library yesterday. I read a little last night and so far so good. But I am a little worried at how big this book is. I am sure that it will be ok and that Lisa will keep me motivated though this book.
If you guys have any suggestions on books that we should read, please leave me a comment and tell me the name of the book.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Broiled Herb Butter Chicken
I Am Not My Mother...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Yes I know
Yes I know I have not blogged in a long long time. I really have no excuses other then I am lazy. So just for Lisa Harland, I decided I would update my blog. The nice shout out she gave me on her blog has pushed me to write.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cooking with Kathy
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Day in the LIfe of Virginia
Happy Birthday Reiggin!
So today is a lovely day. The weather is nice, cool, and shady. I am enjoying this day completely. Virginia slept great last night and has been taking great naps. She even has been quite pleasant and playful. But to get to the most important part of today. Happy Birthday Reiggin!!! Yep Reiggin turned 30 today at 1:01pm. He may think he is falling apart, but I have to disagree. I told him that his life is just beginning. I mean he has a lovely wife and a beautiful little girl. Life is grande for both of us.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Harbor Presbyterian Church
Reiggin and I have been researching churches lately, trying to pick out a few to visit. Today, we visited Harbor Presbyterian Church in Mooresville. This was also Virginia's second time in a nursery.
Funny story is, that we went to the 11:00 service, but they don't do 11:00 service. So we ended up getting invited by the preacher and a few of the members of the church to go to the Explorers Sunday School class. Basically, it is a class to learn more about the church and for current people to decide if they want to become members. It was a small class of ten, but everyone was very friendly. I got a good feeling about the church and the people as a whole so far. I can't wait til next Sunday when hopefully we will be able to go to the 9:30 service and get a better idea of their worship service. Virginia did pretty well in the nursery. She got a little fussy towards the end, but overall she got a good report. A major plus about the church was that it seemed to have a good number of young children. One of my main focuses is to find a good children's program that Virginia can grow up in. I will keep you posted on our church search as it continues.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Good Times
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
WARNING Super mushy and cute post coming your way!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kathy in the Kitchen!
Well lately I have been trying to be a better cook. My past cooking record has not been the best. I have left melted spatulas and smoke filled kitchens in my past. I found, this great recipe site a long time ago, but never really made good use of it. Now I have started to pick one recipe every week to try. This week I made this great chicken casserole recipe. This recipe was simple and quick. I mean when I can make it and not burn down my house you know it is simple. I even got great reviews from Reiggin. Thought I would share the recipe with you guys. Also to update people on my fingernail biting challenge. Well I have had a set back, but I am starting back strong.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Battle Begins
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Short and Sweet
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Double Trouble!
Oh yeah I am super excited to say I am picking up Lisa tonight! It has been way to long since I have gotten to see her. We got big plans for this weekend. Friday we are going to get together with all the girls in Gastonia at Katie's house for some lunch. We will be having some good
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
First Sippy Cup Alert!
This is a exciting day. Yesterday when I went to the grocery store I decided to buy Virginia her first sippy cup. She lately has been not loving her bottle. I believe it was just because she was teething. So today before I fed her applesauce I gave her some breast milk in her new sippy cup. It was a success. She loved the cup. She also took to it quite well. When I went to take it away and put her in her chair she was not happy. It was just to cute. My little girl is growing up.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Catch Up!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Cable or No Cable?
Ok so I am on day 2 of just basic cable. I have to say that it has not been that much of a change. I say this and think that most my shows are on holiday break. So ask me in January how I am doing. I have had more time to read my book and play with Virginia. I am still able to follow my morning routine of watching The Early Show and then The Rachael Ray Show. Life is good!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's Christmas Time!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Book Club
We made our way downstairs to the children's area. I some what remember what the Gastonia libraries children's area looked like. But I was truely amazed at the set up that the Statesville Library had. They took up the whole downstairs. There was an area for kids to use computers. Then the best of all they had each section organized by age. It was very easy for me to find the baby section and find a good first book for Virginia. Her first book was a great Peek A Boo book. Virginia has fallen in love with this kind of book. So when we returned my first book I found a great series called Peek A Boo!
Overall I was very happy and our book club was off to a great start. I rushed home and jumped right into my book. It took me about a week to finish the whole book. It wasn't to long or to short of a book. It made me cry, laugh, and say what? I would recommend this book to anyone. It has a little romance, mystery, and full of emotions. I also enjoyed being able to call Lisa up and discuss with her what was going on in the book. I started reading the book a few days before Lisa. Which was a good thing because I remembered that Lisa is a super fast reader.
Now we are on to our second book which is The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I just picked it up from the library yesterday. I read a little last night and so far so good. But I am a little worried at how big this book is. I am sure that it will be ok and that Lisa will keep me motivated though this book.
If you guys have any suggestions on books that we should read, please leave me a comment and tell me the name of the book.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Broiled Herb Butter Chicken
I Am Not My Mother...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Yes I know
Yes I know I have not blogged in a long long time. I really have no excuses other then I am lazy. So just for Lisa Harland, I decided I would update my blog. The nice shout out she gave me on her blog has pushed me to write.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cooking with Kathy
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Day in the LIfe of Virginia
Happy Birthday Reiggin!
So today is a lovely day. The weather is nice, cool, and shady. I am enjoying this day completely. Virginia slept great last night and has been taking great naps. She even has been quite pleasant and playful. But to get to the most important part of today. Happy Birthday Reiggin!!! Yep Reiggin turned 30 today at 1:01pm. He may think he is falling apart, but I have to disagree. I told him that his life is just beginning. I mean he has a lovely wife and a beautiful little girl. Life is grande for both of us.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Harbor Presbyterian Church
Reiggin and I have been researching churches lately, trying to pick out a few to visit. Today, we visited Harbor Presbyterian Church in Mooresville. This was also Virginia's second time in a nursery.
Funny story is, that we went to the 11:00 service, but they don't do 11:00 service. So we ended up getting invited by the preacher and a few of the members of the church to go to the Explorers Sunday School class. Basically, it is a class to learn more about the church and for current people to decide if they want to become members. It was a small class of ten, but everyone was very friendly. I got a good feeling about the church and the people as a whole so far. I can't wait til next Sunday when hopefully we will be able to go to the 9:30 service and get a better idea of their worship service. Virginia did pretty well in the nursery. She got a little fussy towards the end, but overall she got a good report. A major plus about the church was that it seemed to have a good number of young children. One of my main focuses is to find a good children's program that Virginia can grow up in. I will keep you posted on our church search as it continues.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Good Times
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
WARNING Super mushy and cute post coming your way!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kathy in the Kitchen!
Well lately I have been trying to be a better cook. My past cooking record has not been the best. I have left melted spatulas and smoke filled kitchens in my past. I found, this great recipe site a long time ago, but never really made good use of it. Now I have started to pick one recipe every week to try. This week I made this great chicken casserole recipe. This recipe was simple and quick. I mean when I can make it and not burn down my house you know it is simple. I even got great reviews from Reiggin. Thought I would share the recipe with you guys. Also to update people on my fingernail biting challenge. Well I have had a set back, but I am starting back strong.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Battle Begins
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Short and Sweet
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Double Trouble!
Oh yeah I am super excited to say I am picking up Lisa tonight! It has been way to long since I have gotten to see her. We got big plans for this weekend. Friday we are going to get together with all the girls in Gastonia at Katie's house for some lunch. We will be having some good
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
First Sippy Cup Alert!
This is a exciting day. Yesterday when I went to the grocery store I decided to buy Virginia her first sippy cup. She lately has been not loving her bottle. I believe it was just because she was teething. So today before I fed her applesauce I gave her some breast milk in her new sippy cup. It was a success. She loved the cup. She also took to it quite well. When I went to take it away and put her in her chair she was not happy. It was just to cute. My little girl is growing up.