It is really starting to feel like the holidays. We have our porch fully decorated and a tree all lit up with a few ornaments that we have collected. The delight of my nights is watching ABC Family's 25 Days til Christmas. I love this time of year. It is much more enjoyable now that I don't work in a restaurant. I even love listening to the Christmas music that plays on Pandora. My Mom's post on Facebook about her and my Dad decorating the tree and their making plans for the annual trip to McAdenville made me think of the Christmas traditions that we had growing up and the traditions that I will be creating with my family now.
For the Fords, it was always tradition for my Dad and Susan to put the lights on the tree. My Mom and I would start putting the ornaments and balls on the tree. Susan would always put a old school picture ornament of her on the top as our angel. Then to finish off, the orange squirrel would find its rightful place on the tree. Don't ask where the orange squirrel came from, but the tree never feels complete until it is on. On Chrismas Eve, we would all pile into the car and drive though McAdenville to see all the Christmas lights. Man, I am going to miss that trip though McAdenville this year.
Now, I think ahead to what kind of traditions I will make with my family. Virginia is getting older and she is starting to enjoy watching the Christmas movies and cartoons with me on TV. She was thrilled watching "Yes, Virginia" the other day. Reiggin helped me decorate the tree as Virginia enjoyed the lights. We have hidden the presents for Virginia in the closet. Which reminded me that every year my parents hid our presents under their bed. I would always go and try to peek in the presents when they were gone by pulling up part of the wrapping paper. I believe they knew. If not, sorry Mom! It is amazing I stayed on Santa's good list. Virginia is no fan of Santa just yet. Reiggin dressed up as Santa for work and Virginia was scared to death. So that trip to see Santa will be postponed.
I just love this time of year and I do try to remember the true meaning behind Christmas that it is more then just the gift giving and dinners with family. But that the most important thing is that Jesus was born. So I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Also, share with me what traditions you grew up with and what traditions you have started with your family.
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