Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harbor Presbyterian Church

Reiggin and I have been researching churches lately, trying to pick out a few to visit. Today, we visited Harbor Presbyterian Church in Mooresville. This was also Virginia's second time in a nursery.

Funny story is, that we went to the 11:00 service, but they don't do 11:00 service. So we ended up getting invited by the preacher and a few of the members of the church to go to the Explorers Sunday School class. Basically, it is a class to learn more about the church and for current people to decide if they want to become members. It was a small class of ten, but everyone was very friendly. I got a good feeling about the church and the people as a whole so far. I can't wait til next Sunday when hopefully we will be able to go to the 9:30 service and get a better idea of their worship service. Virginia did pretty well in the nursery. She got a little fussy towards the end, but overall she got a good report. A major plus about the church was that it seemed to have a good number of young children. One of my main focuses is to find a good children's program that Virginia can grow up in. I will keep you posted on our church search as it continues.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harbor Presbyterian Church

Reiggin and I have been researching churches lately, trying to pick out a few to visit. Today, we visited Harbor Presbyterian Church in Mooresville. This was also Virginia's second time in a nursery.

Funny story is, that we went to the 11:00 service, but they don't do 11:00 service. So we ended up getting invited by the preacher and a few of the members of the church to go to the Explorers Sunday School class. Basically, it is a class to learn more about the church and for current people to decide if they want to become members. It was a small class of ten, but everyone was very friendly. I got a good feeling about the church and the people as a whole so far. I can't wait til next Sunday when hopefully we will be able to go to the 9:30 service and get a better idea of their worship service. Virginia did pretty well in the nursery. She got a little fussy towards the end, but overall she got a good report. A major plus about the church was that it seemed to have a good number of young children. One of my main focuses is to find a good children's program that Virginia can grow up in. I will keep you posted on our church search as it continues.

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