Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7 of Thanks!

For Day Seven of Thanks I am thankful for Wednesday Nights. Every wednesday Virginia and I head down to Gastonia for dinner at my parent's house. My sister Susan, Samantha, and Zach meet us there too. I am thankful that I get to see my parents each week. I am glad I get to see my niece Samantha and nephew Zach each week. It is amazing how much Zach grows each week. It is super cute watching how much Samantha and Virginia play together. They are best buds and I Love It! And you can't beat a home cooked meal from my mom. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7 of Thanks!

For Day Seven of Thanks I am thankful for Wednesday Nights. Every wednesday Virginia and I head down to Gastonia for dinner at my parent's house. My sister Susan, Samantha, and Zach meet us there too. I am thankful that I get to see my parents each week. I am glad I get to see my niece Samantha and nephew Zach each week. It is amazing how much Zach grows each week. It is super cute watching how much Samantha and Virginia play together. They are best buds and I Love It! And you can't beat a home cooked meal from my mom. 

***************************************************************************************************************Happy November! I am excited to be joining several other bloggers this month to celebrate gratitude through a 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge!! You can read more about this challenge started by Inspired by Family Magazine here. I hope you will join me in this challenge!

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