While she was playing games on the Ipad. I went into the bathroom and started her bath. I added a few drops of purple food coloring. I was a little nervous the food coloring would stain her skin, but it didn't. I used foam squares and wrote numbers 1 - 10 on them. I also blew up balloons and wrote numbers 1 - 9 on them, I was short one balloon. We also have some great foam sticks that she plays with in the tub too that I tossed in, ( they look like foam popsicle sticks basically).
I called her in and her face was priceless. First she was a little unsure about the purple water. Then once I added the balloons and foam items she jumped right in and started playing. I didn't give her any instructions at first and just let her play. She hunted for numbers and started putting the numbers on the wall by herself in order. Then I started to ask her to put up number 5 and put 5 foam sticks up beside it.
On the Ipad she has been enjoying this addition game so I took this time to test her addition skills too. She picked two foam square numbers and then I asked her to add them together and tell me what she came up with. She did pretty good since we have just started to play with addition.
Overall this bath game was a big hit with Virginia. She loved the balloons the best. She spent forever in the tub too. The best thing was I got all the supplies at the dollar store.
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