Going without TV isn't that bad for me. I really don't watch tv during the day at all. Unless you want to count Virginia wanting to watch Caillou on netflix. But most the time when she watches that I read the book that I am currently reading that month. The computer is the toughest thing for me. I love reading all my craft blogs, Pinterest, checking Facebook, and checking in on CentralPiedmontMommies.com.
Today was the first day and it went well. I stuck to my rules and we spent most of the day away from the home. So that helped alot, I found myself wanting to get online when we were home. Here is how the day went.
First up we went out for a girl's lunch at McDonald's.
Next was a stop at our favorite park, Harrisburg Park. She loves watching people play soccer. Today she was lucky that there was a soccer ball left on the field. She quickly ran over and started playing and kicking the ball in the goal.
After the soccer field, she loves the swings the most. She can spend hours on these things.
The thing that is best about the park is the library is right beside it. So after the park we ran over to the library. After she picks her picks, she loves to play her favorite dora game on the computer.
Today was a special treat, because we had to go to Concord Mills to return a few items. Every time we go to the mall Virginia has to ride the Merry Go Round. She loves this thing. After the Merry Go Round we stopped in at Books a Million. This is becoming our new favorite store.
After running around we got home and I did a little house cleaning and got ready for my Moms Night Out dinner at Mi Pueblo. I had great adult conversation and met some great new moms. Overall the first screen free day was great. I can't wait to see how the rest of the week goes.
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