Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Rewind

This weekend was all about family. Friday my sister Lisa came down to visit. She stopped in and we all went out to lunch at Mi Pueblo. The food was delicious. We visit Mi Pueblo a lot, it is our go to Mexican restaurant. The staff and owner are always so kind to us. This visit was no different, Virginia was wanting one of the adult beverages pictured on the table. The owner came by to check to see how our lunch was and noticed Virginia begging for the drink. Next thing we know the owner comes by and gives Virginia a virgin strawberry daiquiri with whip cream on top. Virginia was so excited and the drink was awesome. 

After lunch we did a little shopping at Virginia's favorite store Target. I always enjoy going to Target and seeing what is in their dollar section. We scored a dry erase board with writing lines on it and dry erase markers for only two dollars. We also discovered that Aunt Lisa has a little shoe love affair. Lisa only gave me a minor heart attack as we were heading to the car. With Virginia in the cart and Lisa driving, you would have thought they were on the Concord Speedway. Virginia was loving every minute of it. 

Once home Lisa only had a few minutes before she had to leave. We squeezed in some painting time and then said our good byes. Virginia was not ready to say good bye. All day she was asking when Aunt Lisa was coming back to play. I am so thankful that Virginia has two amazing Aunts that I know will play a huge roll in her life. 

Saturday was just a relaxing day at home. Sunday we were on the road again. This time we were visiting MiMi and Papa up in Statesville. Once there Virginia was showering everyone with love including her favorite four legged friends. Virginia's favorite thing to do at MiMi's and Papa's is go swing. So we all walked out to the swing and Papa pushed Virginia to her hearts desire. 

After the swing Virginia and I took a walk down to the barn in hopes of seeing the cows. On the way Virginia got to pick some tomatoes from Uncle Carey's garden with MiMi. The cows were to busy staying cool under the trees to come visit with us. But Virginia still enjoyed walking and carrying her prize tomato. 

We ended the day with a delicious meal that MiMi cooked for us. Tossed the tennis ball awhile with the newest four legged addition Zena. Then it was time to hit the road and get home. This weekend was such a delight. We managed to spend good quality family time with both families. I love the fact that we live so close to both families that Virginia will be able to grow up knowing both families. 


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

I loved my visit with sweet Virginia!!!

Annette said...

I'm glad Virginia is learning about gardens and appreciates four legged friends. She is a lucky girl.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Rewind

This weekend was all about family. Friday my sister Lisa came down to visit. She stopped in and we all went out to lunch at Mi Pueblo. The food was delicious. We visit Mi Pueblo a lot, it is our go to Mexican restaurant. The staff and owner are always so kind to us. This visit was no different, Virginia was wanting one of the adult beverages pictured on the table. The owner came by to check to see how our lunch was and noticed Virginia begging for the drink. Next thing we know the owner comes by and gives Virginia a virgin strawberry daiquiri with whip cream on top. Virginia was so excited and the drink was awesome. 

After lunch we did a little shopping at Virginia's favorite store Target. I always enjoy going to Target and seeing what is in their dollar section. We scored a dry erase board with writing lines on it and dry erase markers for only two dollars. We also discovered that Aunt Lisa has a little shoe love affair. Lisa only gave me a minor heart attack as we were heading to the car. With Virginia in the cart and Lisa driving, you would have thought they were on the Concord Speedway. Virginia was loving every minute of it. 

Once home Lisa only had a few minutes before she had to leave. We squeezed in some painting time and then said our good byes. Virginia was not ready to say good bye. All day she was asking when Aunt Lisa was coming back to play. I am so thankful that Virginia has two amazing Aunts that I know will play a huge roll in her life. 

Saturday was just a relaxing day at home. Sunday we were on the road again. This time we were visiting MiMi and Papa up in Statesville. Once there Virginia was showering everyone with love including her favorite four legged friends. Virginia's favorite thing to do at MiMi's and Papa's is go swing. So we all walked out to the swing and Papa pushed Virginia to her hearts desire. 

After the swing Virginia and I took a walk down to the barn in hopes of seeing the cows. On the way Virginia got to pick some tomatoes from Uncle Carey's garden with MiMi. The cows were to busy staying cool under the trees to come visit with us. But Virginia still enjoyed walking and carrying her prize tomato. 

We ended the day with a delicious meal that MiMi cooked for us. Tossed the tennis ball awhile with the newest four legged addition Zena. Then it was time to hit the road and get home. This weekend was such a delight. We managed to spend good quality family time with both families. I love the fact that we live so close to both families that Virginia will be able to grow up knowing both families. 

2 comments on "Weekend Rewind"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on July 18, 2011 at 6:24 PM said...

I loved my visit with sweet Virginia!!!

Annette said...

I'm glad Virginia is learning about gardens and appreciates four legged friends. She is a lucky girl.

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