Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bouncy Ball

Virginia's favorite toy in the world is probably balls. When we are in any store she makes a bee line to those big bouncy ball stacks. Those quarter machines with the balls in them at the grocery stores also makes a little girl scream with delight. So I knew when I came across this super ball recipe that Virginia would be thrilled to try this with me.

In a small bowl mix together 1 Tbls. Elmers Glue and your choice of food coloring.

Mix well or in the end you will end up with a marble effect which is clue.

In another bowl mix together 1/2 tsp. Borax, 1 Tbls. cornstarch, and 4 Tbls. warm water.

Next pour the water mixture into the glue mixture. Mix these together and you will have a gooey blub. Dump out the liquid and start rolling the gooey blub into a ball. If it feels super wet roll the ball onto a paper towel. 

In the end you will have your very own homemade bouncy ball. Now it doesn't bounce super high, but it is still lots of fun for the little ones. The mixture reminds me a little more of silly putty with a bounce. The ball will lose its shape after sitting around. No worries just roll it back up into a ball and your good to go. I would store the ball in a plastic egg over night to help keep the shape. 


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bouncy Ball

Virginia's favorite toy in the world is probably balls. When we are in any store she makes a bee line to those big bouncy ball stacks. Those quarter machines with the balls in them at the grocery stores also makes a little girl scream with delight. So I knew when I came across this super ball recipe that Virginia would be thrilled to try this with me.

In a small bowl mix together 1 Tbls. Elmers Glue and your choice of food coloring.

Mix well or in the end you will end up with a marble effect which is clue.

In another bowl mix together 1/2 tsp. Borax, 1 Tbls. cornstarch, and 4 Tbls. warm water.

Next pour the water mixture into the glue mixture. Mix these together and you will have a gooey blub. Dump out the liquid and start rolling the gooey blub into a ball. If it feels super wet roll the ball onto a paper towel. 

In the end you will have your very own homemade bouncy ball. Now it doesn't bounce super high, but it is still lots of fun for the little ones. The mixture reminds me a little more of silly putty with a bounce. The ball will lose its shape after sitting around. No worries just roll it back up into a ball and your good to go. I would store the ball in a plastic egg over night to help keep the shape. 

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