Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Live Report

Lisa Harland gave me the bright idea to do my first video blog entry. I had a lot of fun making this blog entry. I definitely have some improvement to make. Next time I will try to improve on keeping my hand steady.  It is a little Blair Witch effect on the camera handling.

I was also proud of myself for figuring out how to transfer the video from the recorder to the computer. Reiggin is at work so I had to figure this all out on my own. With a little help from google I figured out that I can use iMovie on Reiggin's Mac. I still got a long way to go to figure out how to use iMovie completely.

Well hope you guys enjoy my first video blog entry. I am sure it will give you guys lots to laugh at.


Mom (aka Grandma Ford) said...

Loved it. Want to see Miss V. in the basket.

The Roberts said...

I loved the live blog entry! I can't wait to see Virginia sled in the basket. The pictures were so dang cute!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Live Report

Lisa Harland gave me the bright idea to do my first video blog entry. I had a lot of fun making this blog entry. I definitely have some improvement to make. Next time I will try to improve on keeping my hand steady.  It is a little Blair Witch effect on the camera handling.

I was also proud of myself for figuring out how to transfer the video from the recorder to the computer. Reiggin is at work so I had to figure this all out on my own. With a little help from google I figured out that I can use iMovie on Reiggin's Mac. I still got a long way to go to figure out how to use iMovie completely.

Well hope you guys enjoy my first video blog entry. I am sure it will give you guys lots to laugh at.

2 comments on "First Live Report"

Mom (aka Grandma Ford) said...

Loved it. Want to see Miss V. in the basket.

The Roberts on February 13, 2010 at 9:41 PM said...

I loved the live blog entry! I can't wait to see Virginia sled in the basket. The pictures were so dang cute!

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