Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Days of Love

                                                                photo by: Lisa Harland

I came across this blog that was doing 28 Days of Love in honor of February and Valentines day. Well since I didn't find it in time I decided to do 6 Days of Love.  My first love of the day will be in honor of Lisa Harland, birthday girl! The best thing about Lisa is that she has been my friend since junior high. Yep she has put up with me for about 14 years.

Lisa is also a great listener. You all know I can talk and Lisa is the numero uno person that I call when I have something to say. Even living all the way on the west coast doesn't stop me from calling her up and talking for hours. Lisa is always there to listen and to give me great advice.

The one thing that I miss the most about Lisa since she is living in California now is her great taste in movies. Lisa was my best movie buddy. Like myself there is not too many movies that Lisa doesn't like.
Lisa would always be willing to go see the latest chick flick with me on short notice.

Lisa is also easily excited about little things. I always love calling Lisa during the week to have our weekly chat about our awesome CW and ABC Family shows. Just like me she gets excited about talking about the latest drama on the Vampire Diaries Show. Which I must say is the best show ever on the CW and if you are not watching it SHAME ON YOU!

Lisa is also one of the best book club buddies a girl could ask for. Ok well she is my first book club buddy, but I know that she is the best. So far we have read two books and are working on our third book, Dear John. Lisa is my great motivator. She keeps me going and pushes me to finish the books on time.

Last but not least Lisa is dependable. I have always known I can count on Lisa to be there for me. Even thou she lives all the way in California. She still made it back to North Carolina in time to see Virginia born and to help me out that first week. She has  been though thick and thin with me. She always listens to me complain about the dumbest things. She is the best BFF a girl could wish for.



Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

That's great that you guys have remained so close after all these years!!

Lisa said...

Thank you! I feel special!

Monday, February 8, 2010

6 Days of Love

                                                                photo by: Lisa Harland

I came across this blog that was doing 28 Days of Love in honor of February and Valentines day. Well since I didn't find it in time I decided to do 6 Days of Love.  My first love of the day will be in honor of Lisa Harland, birthday girl! The best thing about Lisa is that she has been my friend since junior high. Yep she has put up with me for about 14 years.

Lisa is also a great listener. You all know I can talk and Lisa is the numero uno person that I call when I have something to say. Even living all the way on the west coast doesn't stop me from calling her up and talking for hours. Lisa is always there to listen and to give me great advice.

The one thing that I miss the most about Lisa since she is living in California now is her great taste in movies. Lisa was my best movie buddy. Like myself there is not too many movies that Lisa doesn't like.
Lisa would always be willing to go see the latest chick flick with me on short notice.

Lisa is also easily excited about little things. I always love calling Lisa during the week to have our weekly chat about our awesome CW and ABC Family shows. Just like me she gets excited about talking about the latest drama on the Vampire Diaries Show. Which I must say is the best show ever on the CW and if you are not watching it SHAME ON YOU!

Lisa is also one of the best book club buddies a girl could ask for. Ok well she is my first book club buddy, but I know that she is the best. So far we have read two books and are working on our third book, Dear John. Lisa is my great motivator. She keeps me going and pushes me to finish the books on time.

Last but not least Lisa is dependable. I have always known I can count on Lisa to be there for me. Even thou she lives all the way in California. She still made it back to North Carolina in time to see Virginia born and to help me out that first week. She has  been though thick and thin with me. She always listens to me complain about the dumbest things. She is the best BFF a girl could wish for.


2 comments on "6 Days of Love"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on February 9, 2010 at 6:28 PM said...

That's great that you guys have remained so close after all these years!!

Lisa on February 9, 2010 at 7:13 PM said...

Thank you! I feel special!

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