Friday, March 14, 2008

Life is Good!

WARNING: This is a unedited post. Wrote by Kathy herself. So bad grammar, misspellings, and run-on sentences are sure to follow.

Well I hope everyone is doing well out there today. I have been sick for the past couple of weeks. Things have just not been going my way health wise. But yesterday I finally started to feel better. And in this life there are just a few simple pleasures that I believe we forget. Those for me yesterday was the great taste of a McDonald's McFlurry, Coke, and French Fries. Since being sick I have not been able to eat anything and keep it down.

So just taking a mouthful of that sweet cold McFlurry put a smile to my face. And tasting the salty French fries yum. The Coke oh my gosh was the best after a week worth of nothing but water. Do I need to say anything else. But luckily I am doing better.

Unfortunately today I am feeling a little kidney stone pain. But cross your fingers that this passes quickly. I am ready to be back to my cheerful Kathy self. Also to be back to making more blog entries for you great people. Have a great weekend all.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Life is Good!

WARNING: This is a unedited post. Wrote by Kathy herself. So bad grammar, misspellings, and run-on sentences are sure to follow.

Well I hope everyone is doing well out there today. I have been sick for the past couple of weeks. Things have just not been going my way health wise. But yesterday I finally started to feel better. And in this life there are just a few simple pleasures that I believe we forget. Those for me yesterday was the great taste of a McDonald's McFlurry, Coke, and French Fries. Since being sick I have not been able to eat anything and keep it down.

So just taking a mouthful of that sweet cold McFlurry put a smile to my face. And tasting the salty French fries yum. The Coke oh my gosh was the best after a week worth of nothing but water. Do I need to say anything else. But luckily I am doing better.

Unfortunately today I am feeling a little kidney stone pain. But cross your fingers that this passes quickly. I am ready to be back to my cheerful Kathy self. Also to be back to making more blog entries for you great people. Have a great weekend all.

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