Monday, March 24, 2008

Bleeding Love

Ok another quick post, but this song has been in my head for weeks. Finally today I figured out who sings it. Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis is my new favorite song at the moment. It is so catchy and her voice just blows me away. I will admit the video is not that great but for some reason I can just keep listening to this song over and over. Call me crazy but it is a great song.
Check out the video I found on youtube.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Bleeding Love

Ok another quick post, but this song has been in my head for weeks. Finally today I figured out who sings it. Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis is my new favorite song at the moment. It is so catchy and her voice just blows me away. I will admit the video is not that great but for some reason I can just keep listening to this song over and over. Call me crazy but it is a great song.
Check out the video I found on youtube.

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