Ok, seriously can you think of a better food product then CHEESE! I think not! Now you are probably asking yourself how I came up with the idea of writing about cheese. Well late Monday night, I was talking in the Etsy chat room with the great Etsy seller, TimeLessPaperArts, and we somehow got on the topic of cheese. I know, the places my mind goes at 1:00am.
I went on to tell her about how cheese is the best food on this great planet. I mean there are endless combinations you can do with cheese. My friend, Lisa, has always liked to tease me about my love of cheese ever since the day I put cheese and pizza as my favorite food on one of my online profiles. Lisa said, " Kathy only a 5 year old would put that, not a 25 year old." What can I say, cheese has always held a special spot in my heart and memories.
I can remember coming home from Sunday church with the snack my dad let me and my sisters get from the gas station. Then rushing to the fridge to grab a slice of cheese to eat. We all have our own way of eating cheese. Mine was to bite off all four corners then to pinch around the edges with my fingers. I know it is a little crazy but that is how I always did it and still do. Cheese was always the best and quickest snack.
One cheese food I always have loved is the grilled cheese.
This sandwic
And of course I can remember my dad teaching me and my sisters how to make grilled cheese. Now I know what you are saying, " Kathy how hard is it to make a grilled cheese sandwich?" Well I bet a lot of you don't know the secret ingredient. It is a shame but I will let you in on the Ford Family secret ingredient. My dad taught us that the best thing is to add mayonnaise to the grilled cheese sandwich. Now don't stick that nose up just yet. Try it out the next time you have a grilled cheese sandwich and you will be thanking me.
Ok, so the next great cheese product is the pizza. I mean what is a pizza without the cheese. A sad thing if you ask me. I mean cheese is what gives pizza its kick and its great start. I also love taking a good cheddar cheese and summer sausage and putting it together. Actually I just had some cheese and summer sausage for lunch. It always reminds me of my parents and their friends having their trivia nights. Larry Lamb would always bring cheddar c
Another great cheese dish is my mom's sausage cheese dip. MMM that is heaven for me. She usually will always make it during the holiday season. Nothing beats my mom's sausage cheese dip. I mean I could make a meal out of it. Also cheese has even made me love a green vegetable. I have become crazy about spinach dip. I do believe it is only because of that great cheese. But the spinach ain't too bad either.
So this all makes me wonder what foods would just not be the same if we didn't have cheese? That thought just sends shivers down my back. It would be a sad world if we didn't have cheese around to put a smile on our faces. What food product could you not live without?
P.S. I will leave you with this great link to the history of CHEESE!
Also since I know how much Lisa loves picture
That was just beautiful, Kathy. Now I'm hungry for some cheese. :D
Love the photos!!
Hehe, great story! Im also a fan of cheese :P
Paikesejanku from Etsy :)
hey...i posted a comment last night...what happened to it?
No joke, this is the second blog about cheese I've read today. Must be some good stuff ;)
Did I mention that I love cheese?
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