Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dinosaur Boy turns 3

     Today we celebrated Breck's third birthday. It is hard to believe he is already three years old. Some of the things he loves is Mario Brothers and Dinosaurs. Playing outside and running with the big kids in the neighborhood are also things  he looks forward to each day. His language skills have improved greatly over the year.

We had already had a big party down at my parent's house so we kept it simple today at home. He enjoyed pancakes for breakfast, his favorite, and then opened up presents from us and Virginia. An extra special surprise was that today was the day our local fire department was driving though our neighborhood with Santa on the top of the fire truck. The kids were all smiles as the fire truck came though with music and free candy canes. 

Afterwards we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for an early dinner. Forward by cupcakes at home. Rest of the night was spent playing with all his new toys. I can't wait to watch Breck grow and learn throughout the next year. 


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dinosaur Boy turns 3

     Today we celebrated Breck's third birthday. It is hard to believe he is already three years old. Some of the things he loves is Mario Brothers and Dinosaurs. Playing outside and running with the big kids in the neighborhood are also things  he looks forward to each day. His language skills have improved greatly over the year.

We had already had a big party down at my parent's house so we kept it simple today at home. He enjoyed pancakes for breakfast, his favorite, and then opened up presents from us and Virginia. An extra special surprise was that today was the day our local fire department was driving though our neighborhood with Santa on the top of the fire truck. The kids were all smiles as the fire truck came though with music and free candy canes. 

Afterwards we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for an early dinner. Forward by cupcakes at home. Rest of the night was spent playing with all his new toys. I can't wait to watch Breck grow and learn throughout the next year. 

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