Virginia for awhile has been wanting me to make friendship bracelets. I even have tons of the strings to make the traditional friendship bracelets with. But I don't know what it is about the traditional friendship bracelet, but I just can't make them. So when I saw a tutorial for DIY: Fabric bracelets. I knew this would be a great alternative to the traditional friendship bracelet.
We picked up all our supplies at Michaels on our weekly trip to Maw Maw's and used some of our gift card money. All the supplies we needed were in the jewelry making section. I already had tons of scrap fabric to pick from. I let Virginia pick her favorite and then she picked out fabric for all her friends.
I won't go though the step by step process since LBG Studio didn't a wonderful job in her tutorial with some beautiful pictures to go along. I think it took me less then 30 minutes to complete this project. Everything went smooth I would just say double check your wrist measurement before making that final cut of the fabric. I made a mistake on Virginia's wrist measurement, but I just added some extra jump rings and it worked out fine.
To end out the night I made good on my promise to Virginia to sleep in her room. I dragged out the air mattress and after failing to figure out how to pump it up we asked Reiggin nicely to do it for us. It was alot of fun and the excitement on Virginia's face was priceless. Then came 1am and I realized that the air mattress must have a link because we were both sunken down in the middle touching the floor. I tapped Virginia and told her lets make the move to my bed. Reiggin was a good sport and didn't mind an extra body in the bed even if she does kick a little.
Our next sewing project is going to be a mermaid tail to add to Virginia's dress up collection.
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