Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up!

This weekend was pretty much packed full of fun. Saturday Virginia and I went to our very first Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic. The project this week was to build a ginger bread house. For some reason I had it in my head that it was going to be more like a class with a instructor and everything. Boy was I wrong. We got there and signed in and there were tables set up down the back of the store. You picked your spot and then they laid down the project bag in front of you. Then everyone just went at it. The project bag had all the materials and instructions inside. Lowe's provided googles, hammer, and an apron for the kids. 

I assisted Virginia in hammering. Of course I helped her with reading the instructions which was a challenge in itself haha. It brought me back to the days of taking shop class in junior high and college. We had a blast and only had two oops on our project. The best part is she got a free apron and a badge for completing the project.

Sunday was the start of our hunt for a home church. I am super excited to find a church that is a good fit for my family. Virginia was so excited to go and loved the music. After church I got to go and enjoy a panther's game with my dad and two older sisters. Luckily the panthers decided to win for once.

Monday we spent the day out and about with good friends. It was a great start to our week. Tuesday was jammed packed. Virginia had speech in the morning. Then after speech we got ready to go see Santa. This was a big deal since last year she didn't want anything to do with Santa. She was so shy and scared of him. But this year she was ready and actually sat on his lap and told him what she wanted for Christmas. Afterwards she played on the play ground in the mall and then we were off to dance.

At dance we were able to try on the recital costume today. All I can say is she was so cute. The kids had a small Christmas party after class. We had one more stop and then we headed home. It was a busy weekend which seems to be the norm for us doing the holiday season.

Hopefully we will be back to doing some crafts this week and I will post pictures of our crafts.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up!

This weekend was pretty much packed full of fun. Saturday Virginia and I went to our very first Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic. The project this week was to build a ginger bread house. For some reason I had it in my head that it was going to be more like a class with a instructor and everything. Boy was I wrong. We got there and signed in and there were tables set up down the back of the store. You picked your spot and then they laid down the project bag in front of you. Then everyone just went at it. The project bag had all the materials and instructions inside. Lowe's provided googles, hammer, and an apron for the kids. 

I assisted Virginia in hammering. Of course I helped her with reading the instructions which was a challenge in itself haha. It brought me back to the days of taking shop class in junior high and college. We had a blast and only had two oops on our project. The best part is she got a free apron and a badge for completing the project.

Sunday was the start of our hunt for a home church. I am super excited to find a church that is a good fit for my family. Virginia was so excited to go and loved the music. After church I got to go and enjoy a panther's game with my dad and two older sisters. Luckily the panthers decided to win for once.

Monday we spent the day out and about with good friends. It was a great start to our week. Tuesday was jammed packed. Virginia had speech in the morning. Then after speech we got ready to go see Santa. This was a big deal since last year she didn't want anything to do with Santa. She was so shy and scared of him. But this year she was ready and actually sat on his lap and told him what she wanted for Christmas. Afterwards she played on the play ground in the mall and then we were off to dance.

At dance we were able to try on the recital costume today. All I can say is she was so cute. The kids had a small Christmas party after class. We had one more stop and then we headed home. It was a busy weekend which seems to be the norm for us doing the holiday season.

Hopefully we will be back to doing some crafts this week and I will post pictures of our crafts.

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