Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Friend

Today my Best Friend in the whole world Lisa Harland is turning 29. The years have flown by, we met each other about 16 years ago back in junior high. We met though a friend of ours Heather in the summer of 8th grade. I can remember that I didn't much care for Lisa when I met her, maybe because I thought Heather would like her better then me. You know silly girl stuff.

But we quickly became great friends. I still laugh at one of our first conversations on the phone one night when I told her my mom was calling me for dinner to have spaghetti and she thought I said my mom spanks me with spaghetti. We have had many laughs over the years and many firsts together over the years. It is hard to believe we have been friends for over half our lives.

We made it though junior high and even made it though high school. Involving moving from one high school to a brand new high school. She graduated and went to UT and I went to UNCC. We managed to stay close friends though college and after. Been there for each other though the good times and bad times. Thankfully lately it has been mostly good times.

Now she is living in California with her husband Scott and I am in North Carolina with my husband and daughter. We may live across the country but we still talk every day and stay close as ever. I am blessed to have such a wonderful friend and hope to grow old and grey with her. Who knows maybe we all will eventually find our way back to the same town together.

Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you are having a wonderful day and that Scott is treating you to a Birthday dinner or something special. Wishing I was out there in California to celebrate with you.  I am in much need of a chick flick movie night or just some Lisa time. Hugs and Virginia says Happy Birthday as well.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Friend

Today my Best Friend in the whole world Lisa Harland is turning 29. The years have flown by, we met each other about 16 years ago back in junior high. We met though a friend of ours Heather in the summer of 8th grade. I can remember that I didn't much care for Lisa when I met her, maybe because I thought Heather would like her better then me. You know silly girl stuff.

But we quickly became great friends. I still laugh at one of our first conversations on the phone one night when I told her my mom was calling me for dinner to have spaghetti and she thought I said my mom spanks me with spaghetti. We have had many laughs over the years and many firsts together over the years. It is hard to believe we have been friends for over half our lives.

We made it though junior high and even made it though high school. Involving moving from one high school to a brand new high school. She graduated and went to UT and I went to UNCC. We managed to stay close friends though college and after. Been there for each other though the good times and bad times. Thankfully lately it has been mostly good times.

Now she is living in California with her husband Scott and I am in North Carolina with my husband and daughter. We may live across the country but we still talk every day and stay close as ever. I am blessed to have such a wonderful friend and hope to grow old and grey with her. Who knows maybe we all will eventually find our way back to the same town together.

Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you are having a wonderful day and that Scott is treating you to a Birthday dinner or something special. Wishing I was out there in California to celebrate with you.  I am in much need of a chick flick movie night or just some Lisa time. Hugs and Virginia says Happy Birthday as well.

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