Friday, December 17, 2010

Calling Nurse Kathy....

No worries folks I am not becoming a real nurse. But we do have a sick patient in the Hilderbrand house. Virginia has come down with a nasty cold today. She has the runny nose, cough, and watery eyes. She is not a happy camper at all. So it is Nurse Kathy to the rescue. I will be serving up a good dose of Nick Jr., hugs/kisses, and lots of reading books. Things Virginia loves the most. I am crossing my fingers that she is over this cold by Christmas. We both want to see both families and to be able to play with cousin Samantha. So cross you fingers and send us some get well vibes.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Calling Nurse Kathy....

No worries folks I am not becoming a real nurse. But we do have a sick patient in the Hilderbrand house. Virginia has come down with a nasty cold today. She has the runny nose, cough, and watery eyes. She is not a happy camper at all. So it is Nurse Kathy to the rescue. I will be serving up a good dose of Nick Jr., hugs/kisses, and lots of reading books. Things Virginia loves the most. I am crossing my fingers that she is over this cold by Christmas. We both want to see both families and to be able to play with cousin Samantha. So cross you fingers and send us some get well vibes.

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