Saturday, September 11, 2010

What A Day!

I had a wonderful day today. Virginia slept til almost 8:00am, which is a super treat for me. Then as soon as I put Virginia down for her nap, I headed out the door to have lunch with some of the CPM moms at Zack's Place, which is a great little place in Concord. The people are super nice to us and great with the kids. I was the only one without their child. But it was pure paradise for me to not have a toddler climbing into my lap or trying to jump out of the seat and run around the restaurant like a crazy person. I was able to enjoy the conversation and the time so much more.

After lunch I decided to go to the Memorial Garden off Spring Street in Concord for my first letterboxing adventure. Just the other day I discovered the hobby in the monthly Macaroni Kids newsletter. The hobby is a lot like geocaching in many ways. Basically, people add Rubbermaid boxes in different locations across the world. Then they post clues and directions on different websites. Next people go hunt them down and stamp the planter's stamp in their log book and then stamp their own signature stamp in the planter's box. Then they nicely hide the box again for the next hunter to find. How awesome does that sound? Yes, I am a major dork and this whole hobby excites me to no end.

Just thought this part of the garden was beautiful.

The Memorial Garden was beautiful. I would have never guessed such a lovely place was hidden in the city. Once I walked into the garden, I started to follow the clues. At first it was going pretty easy. I was finding all the clues fast. Then I hit a road block when I had to find a certain tombstone. I walked in circles for awhile but then figured out my error and found the tombstone which led me further down the garden to the first box. I could have done a happy dance right then and there. I quickly opened the box and stamped my book and then stamped my signature stamp in his book. Well I stamped my finger print in his book. I still have to go buy the stamp I want or carve me a stamp. I did make a rookie mistake and didn't bring along a ink pad. So I had to use a pen as my ink pad. The best thing about this hunt was the first box had a clue that led to a bonus box.

Part of my journey to the first box.

The bonus box clue was "Look to high ground, L'Heure L'Amitie Passe Reste (The hour friendship passes remains)" I was very stumped for awhile thinking about the clue. I thought at first look to high ground must mean I need to go to the highest spot in the garden. But the whole next phrase had me totally confused. That is until I found a path that led to the top of the garden. I won't tell the rest just in case someone is hunting this spot. Once I reached the spot, I looked everywhere. I was just about to give up and head home when a light went off in my head and there was the box. My heart was racing with joy. I think I called my mom like four times during the whole hunt, just to be able to tell someone of my adventures.

Picture of the inside of a letterbox.

I ended up finding two boxes at the garden and heading home. I got home and did some cleaning and then just hung around the house with Virginia and Reiggin. Later I had to go to the grocery store to pick up some wings for dinner. Again, being the dork that I am, I knew there was a box hidden in a park near a Harris Teeter that isn't too far from our house. So I quickly begged Reiggin to let me make a quick pit stop along my grocery run. Being the sweet heart that he is, he agreed. So I got to find my 3rd box at Dorton Park in Concord. This one had a super nice stamp in it.

The path leading to the third box.

So now I am excited about my new hobby and the fact that some of the CPM moms want to come along the next time I go on a hunt. Reiggin thinks I am crazy or just one big dork. But hey, to each their own. I figure I am having fun and getting exercise all at the same time. My Saturday turned out to be a pretty exciting day. Now if I could only convince Reiggin to let me do some letterboxing while we visit his parents tomorrow in Statesville.

Here is the links to the clues for the 3 boxes I found today.

My first stamp in the first box I found.

One of the stamps a boxer left in the book that I thought was looked really good.

Me leaving the Memorial Garden after finding the boxes.


Laura said...

I've never heard of letterboxing. It sounds pretty fun!!!

But something must be in the water - Kaitlyn slept late this morning too...AND I got to go SHOPPING by myself today!! :) It's been a lucky day for both of us, hasn't it?!

Unknown said...

Fun post. Letterboxing new to me too.

And yes is dorky. And dorky is good!

tanya said...

I've always wanted to try letterboxing - it looks so fun! You are using the same wordpress theme as me, I haven't run across it very much so that's pretty cool too :)

In My World said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. So I decided to return the favour. Love reading about your first adventure. There is nothing dorky about letterboxing. We get to spend time outside. Some of the hikes can be very difficult. The clues can be very tricky so you have to be clever. And we get to go places and see things that other people might not ever experience. I think we are awesome . . . not dorky . . . okay maybe a little dorky . . . LOL

Melissa said...

What fun! When my kids get a bit older, I think this would be an awesome activity for us. And the gardens are beautiful.

Zombie Mom said...

Nice Blog. Found you from Mom Bloggers Club. I joined your site through google.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What A Day!

I had a wonderful day today. Virginia slept til almost 8:00am, which is a super treat for me. Then as soon as I put Virginia down for her nap, I headed out the door to have lunch with some of the CPM moms at Zack's Place, which is a great little place in Concord. The people are super nice to us and great with the kids. I was the only one without their child. But it was pure paradise for me to not have a toddler climbing into my lap or trying to jump out of the seat and run around the restaurant like a crazy person. I was able to enjoy the conversation and the time so much more.

After lunch I decided to go to the Memorial Garden off Spring Street in Concord for my first letterboxing adventure. Just the other day I discovered the hobby in the monthly Macaroni Kids newsletter. The hobby is a lot like geocaching in many ways. Basically, people add Rubbermaid boxes in different locations across the world. Then they post clues and directions on different websites. Next people go hunt them down and stamp the planter's stamp in their log book and then stamp their own signature stamp in the planter's box. Then they nicely hide the box again for the next hunter to find. How awesome does that sound? Yes, I am a major dork and this whole hobby excites me to no end.

Just thought this part of the garden was beautiful.

The Memorial Garden was beautiful. I would have never guessed such a lovely place was hidden in the city. Once I walked into the garden, I started to follow the clues. At first it was going pretty easy. I was finding all the clues fast. Then I hit a road block when I had to find a certain tombstone. I walked in circles for awhile but then figured out my error and found the tombstone which led me further down the garden to the first box. I could have done a happy dance right then and there. I quickly opened the box and stamped my book and then stamped my signature stamp in his book. Well I stamped my finger print in his book. I still have to go buy the stamp I want or carve me a stamp. I did make a rookie mistake and didn't bring along a ink pad. So I had to use a pen as my ink pad. The best thing about this hunt was the first box had a clue that led to a bonus box.

Part of my journey to the first box.

The bonus box clue was "Look to high ground, L'Heure L'Amitie Passe Reste (The hour friendship passes remains)" I was very stumped for awhile thinking about the clue. I thought at first look to high ground must mean I need to go to the highest spot in the garden. But the whole next phrase had me totally confused. That is until I found a path that led to the top of the garden. I won't tell the rest just in case someone is hunting this spot. Once I reached the spot, I looked everywhere. I was just about to give up and head home when a light went off in my head and there was the box. My heart was racing with joy. I think I called my mom like four times during the whole hunt, just to be able to tell someone of my adventures.

Picture of the inside of a letterbox.

I ended up finding two boxes at the garden and heading home. I got home and did some cleaning and then just hung around the house with Virginia and Reiggin. Later I had to go to the grocery store to pick up some wings for dinner. Again, being the dork that I am, I knew there was a box hidden in a park near a Harris Teeter that isn't too far from our house. So I quickly begged Reiggin to let me make a quick pit stop along my grocery run. Being the sweet heart that he is, he agreed. So I got to find my 3rd box at Dorton Park in Concord. This one had a super nice stamp in it.

The path leading to the third box.

So now I am excited about my new hobby and the fact that some of the CPM moms want to come along the next time I go on a hunt. Reiggin thinks I am crazy or just one big dork. But hey, to each their own. I figure I am having fun and getting exercise all at the same time. My Saturday turned out to be a pretty exciting day. Now if I could only convince Reiggin to let me do some letterboxing while we visit his parents tomorrow in Statesville.

Here is the links to the clues for the 3 boxes I found today.

My first stamp in the first box I found.

One of the stamps a boxer left in the book that I thought was looked really good.

Me leaving the Memorial Garden after finding the boxes.

6 comments on "What A Day!"

Laura on September 11, 2010 at 11:18 PM said...

I've never heard of letterboxing. It sounds pretty fun!!!

But something must be in the water - Kaitlyn slept late this morning too...AND I got to go SHOPPING by myself today!! :) It's been a lucky day for both of us, hasn't it?!

Unknown on October 3, 2010 at 9:44 AM said...

Fun post. Letterboxing new to me too.

And yes is dorky. And dorky is good!

tanya on October 8, 2010 at 4:42 PM said...

I've always wanted to try letterboxing - it looks so fun! You are using the same wordpress theme as me, I haven't run across it very much so that's pretty cool too :)

In My World on October 16, 2010 at 3:06 PM said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. So I decided to return the favour. Love reading about your first adventure. There is nothing dorky about letterboxing. We get to spend time outside. Some of the hikes can be very difficult. The clues can be very tricky so you have to be clever. And we get to go places and see things that other people might not ever experience. I think we are awesome . . . not dorky . . . okay maybe a little dorky . . . LOL

Melissa on November 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM said...

What fun! When my kids get a bit older, I think this would be an awesome activity for us. And the gardens are beautiful.

Zombie Mom on November 16, 2010 at 9:26 AM said...

Nice Blog. Found you from Mom Bloggers Club. I joined your site through google.

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