Wednesday, March 3, 2010


my little baby girl September 22, 2008

On the third day of the third month, it is traditional in Japan to celebrate Hina-matsuri, or Girls' Day — a day for wishing all little girls health, growth and happiness. I just learned about this holiday like a minute ago. I was trying to drown out the noise of the Duke game that Reiggin is watching by browsing Etsy. Oh and Go Maryland kick some Blue Devil butt! Anyway I was looking though Etsy and I came upon this article by Heather about Hina-matsuri. You should take five minutes and read the whole article.

Basically it is the third day of the third month, traditionally in Japan, a day of celebrating little girls. How awesome is that. I think this would be a great holiday to celebrate with any little girl or beautiful woman. Now that I know more about it I will plan to celebrate next year with Virginia.

One of the traditions for this holiday is to give your little girl a set of hina-ningyo dolls I just love the idea of celebrating little girls and wishing them health, growth and happiness for the year to come. Passing down a set of dolls sounds sweet too. To think something I give Virginia now, she could pass down to her children one day just seems sweet. 

One amazing photo in the article is a shot of a ton of paper dolls floating down a river. They set paper dolls afloat down the river to carry away bad spirits. I think this would be a fun craft project to do with Virginia.

I think I would add a tradition to this day and make it a day of learning about strong women though out history. This way Virginia could learn how strong women can be and if she puts her mind to it she can do anything.

I would just like to wish all the beautiful, wise, courageous, little girls, and Mom's in my life a happy Hina-matsuri.


Annette said...

I have just rediscovered your blog and have been in heaven catching up on it. The movies are especially impressive. Wonderful to watch Virginia grow and change.

Unknown said...

My family lived on Okinawa, Japan, for three years when I was a teenager and we had a pretty good-sized collection of the Hina Matsuri dolls.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


my little baby girl September 22, 2008

On the third day of the third month, it is traditional in Japan to celebrate Hina-matsuri, or Girls' Day — a day for wishing all little girls health, growth and happiness. I just learned about this holiday like a minute ago. I was trying to drown out the noise of the Duke game that Reiggin is watching by browsing Etsy. Oh and Go Maryland kick some Blue Devil butt! Anyway I was looking though Etsy and I came upon this article by Heather about Hina-matsuri. You should take five minutes and read the whole article.

Basically it is the third day of the third month, traditionally in Japan, a day of celebrating little girls. How awesome is that. I think this would be a great holiday to celebrate with any little girl or beautiful woman. Now that I know more about it I will plan to celebrate next year with Virginia.

One of the traditions for this holiday is to give your little girl a set of hina-ningyo dolls I just love the idea of celebrating little girls and wishing them health, growth and happiness for the year to come. Passing down a set of dolls sounds sweet too. To think something I give Virginia now, she could pass down to her children one day just seems sweet. 

One amazing photo in the article is a shot of a ton of paper dolls floating down a river. They set paper dolls afloat down the river to carry away bad spirits. I think this would be a fun craft project to do with Virginia.

I think I would add a tradition to this day and make it a day of learning about strong women though out history. This way Virginia could learn how strong women can be and if she puts her mind to it she can do anything.

I would just like to wish all the beautiful, wise, courageous, little girls, and Mom's in my life a happy Hina-matsuri.

2 comments on "Hina-matsuri"

Annette said...

I have just rediscovered your blog and have been in heaven catching up on it. The movies are especially impressive. Wonderful to watch Virginia grow and change.

Unknown on March 11, 2010 at 11:00 PM said...

My family lived on Okinawa, Japan, for three years when I was a teenager and we had a pretty good-sized collection of the Hina Matsuri dolls.

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