Friday, February 27, 2009

First Baseball Shirt

These cute pictures go out to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mike. Virginia yesterday was sporting a very cute pink Angels shirt. One of her first big girl shirts. She wanted to model her new outfit for everyone. So enjoy and I hope everyone has a great weekend! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday.


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

she looks adorable!!! Next step...her first game!

The Roberts said...

She looks very cute! But, she needs a Seattle Mariner's one :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

First Baseball Shirt

These cute pictures go out to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mike. Virginia yesterday was sporting a very cute pink Angels shirt. One of her first big girl shirts. She wanted to model her new outfit for everyone. So enjoy and I hope everyone has a great weekend! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday.

2 comments on "First Baseball Shirt"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on March 1, 2009 at 12:52 PM said...

she looks adorable!!! Next step...her first game!

The Roberts on March 1, 2009 at 2:10 PM said...

She looks very cute! But, she needs a Seattle Mariner's one :)

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