Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Special Day!

Putting aside my view of the election, it is exciting to be watching the Inauguration. The crowds are just beyond what I could have imagined. It is like a rock star is in town. Virginia and I are watching it on the couch. The excitement is a little to much for Virginia she has fallen asleep. The gold dress Michelle is wearing is stunning.  But I look at Laura Bush and Michelle Obama beside each other and can't help but notice the difference. Mrs. Bush has a nice calm dress on while Michelle Obama has a bright flashy gold dress on. 

You have to wonder what is going though President Bushes mind today. He is wrapping up eight years of taking care of our nation. He went to bed as President of the United States of America and is waking up as a regular citizen again. Also what is Obama thinking? So many people's hopes and dreams are riding on his shoulders. People are expecting large changes. I wonder if he is ready for the weight of the job that lays ahead. 

This is a huge event for our time, I wonder what will be the big event for Virginia's generation?  Will race and religion be a non combative subject for her time? I am intrigued to see what lays ahead with the new president. I pray that God will give him the wisdom to make the right decisions. 

I can only imagine what his kids are going though. I mean what a change. They are so young and I wonder if they can grasp the weight of change that is coming their way. 

Some funny facts were mentioned today on the TV. I never thought about how Presidents don't get to drive a car that much. That is just to funny. Also intriguing to think while all this is going on movers are making the switch at the white house. Stinks for them in a way but I guess day to day stuff has to be taken care of. 


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Special Day!

Putting aside my view of the election, it is exciting to be watching the Inauguration. The crowds are just beyond what I could have imagined. It is like a rock star is in town. Virginia and I are watching it on the couch. The excitement is a little to much for Virginia she has fallen asleep. The gold dress Michelle is wearing is stunning.  But I look at Laura Bush and Michelle Obama beside each other and can't help but notice the difference. Mrs. Bush has a nice calm dress on while Michelle Obama has a bright flashy gold dress on. 

You have to wonder what is going though President Bushes mind today. He is wrapping up eight years of taking care of our nation. He went to bed as President of the United States of America and is waking up as a regular citizen again. Also what is Obama thinking? So many people's hopes and dreams are riding on his shoulders. People are expecting large changes. I wonder if he is ready for the weight of the job that lays ahead. 

This is a huge event for our time, I wonder what will be the big event for Virginia's generation?  Will race and religion be a non combative subject for her time? I am intrigued to see what lays ahead with the new president. I pray that God will give him the wisdom to make the right decisions. 

I can only imagine what his kids are going though. I mean what a change. They are so young and I wonder if they can grasp the weight of change that is coming their way. 

Some funny facts were mentioned today on the TV. I never thought about how Presidents don't get to drive a car that much. That is just to funny. Also intriguing to think while all this is going on movers are making the switch at the white house. Stinks for them in a way but I guess day to day stuff has to be taken care of. 

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