Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cloth Diaper Covers

So as all of you know I have started the cloth diaper routine. It is going pretty smooth. I am starting to get a better grasp at the whole thing. Getting my routine down is slowly coming along. But one thing I have noticed is that I really want some new covers. Now covers is what you use to go over top of your cloth diaper. They protect the babies clothes basically. They just act as a barrier keeping the poop and pee from the babies clothes. Now a days there are some really cool designer covers. I have a few but not enough. I was searching the web today and came across some really cool covers. Here are just a few. 


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

I think you should get her the skull cloth diaper cover...Rock On!!

Katie said...

You really need to hit http://hyenacart.com/

and do a search. There are just freakin' awesome covers out there...unforunately, cute & functionable don't always go hand in hand!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cloth Diaper Covers

So as all of you know I have started the cloth diaper routine. It is going pretty smooth. I am starting to get a better grasp at the whole thing. Getting my routine down is slowly coming along. But one thing I have noticed is that I really want some new covers. Now covers is what you use to go over top of your cloth diaper. They protect the babies clothes basically. They just act as a barrier keeping the poop and pee from the babies clothes. Now a days there are some really cool designer covers. I have a few but not enough. I was searching the web today and came across some really cool covers. Here are just a few. 

2 comments on "Cloth Diaper Covers"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on December 2, 2008 at 7:20 PM said...

I think you should get her the skull cloth diaper cover...Rock On!!

Katie on December 4, 2008 at 1:39 PM said...

You really need to hit http://hyenacart.com/

and do a search. There are just freakin' awesome covers out there...unforunately, cute & functionable don't always go hand in hand!

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