So since I have been breast feeding Virginia, my appetite has sky rocketed. I mean I eat like a 500 pound man. I have noticed that there are a few food items that I just love and can't live without. Also I manage to devour them in a heartbeat. Which makes Reiggin laugh and pick on me all the time. I think he feels that he has to hide the snacks now. But the items that I love the most are Sour Cream & Onion Pringles, Chips Ahoy Rainbow M&M cookies, cupcakes, and Dr. Pepper. I mean, they don't last a day. It is bad. I am trying to get better and gain some self control. But it is tough but I know that I don't want to end up weighing as much as a 500 pound man. So I am curious what things can you not live without?
Oh, also this week Virginia has been really fussy because she is full of gas or something. And she has had trouble using the bathroom. But today she finally pooped. I never thought I would be so happy to see a poopy diaper. I really am starting to feel like a mom.
Maybe Virginia doesn't like Pringles and Dr. Pepper as much as her mother does...
I was thinking along the same lines as Reiggin! =P
Now you're scaring me about breastfeeding ;) and I thought pregnancy cravings were bad!
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