Well this week has been a series of social ge-togethers. What can I say; Virginia is on high demand. Thursday we traveled down to Huntersville to have lunch at Chili's with my old college buddy Liz. We had so much fun catching up and talking about the college days. It had been about 2 years since I had seen Liz so we had alot to talk about. And of course, Virginia wanted some attention too so Liz happily held her at the end to soothe a crabby baby . Of course Virginia lit right up. I think someone is spoiled.
Next, we made the ride over to Aunt Lisa's house in Statesville to have a girl's nite in. It was really nice; just me and Lisa hanging out. We got a tour of Lisa's new house. Which, I must say, is beautiful. Then we had some dinner and watched some "What Not To Wear." Afterwards, we did a test run on the cake Lisa wants to bake for Susan's baby shower. Well, I should say, Lisa did all the baking. Virginia was wide awake and wanted my attention. But Lisa did a great job and the cake was tasty. After all the baking, Lisa got some Virginia time in and we finalized some baby shower details.
Then, on Saturday, the whole family got together at The Talley House for dinner. The grandparents had to squeeze some Virginia time in before going home. It was great seeing everyone. And it is always great to see the joy on my mom's face when she is holding Virginia. It was a short but sweet visit. Then we headed home for a nice treat of Mr. Pibb, Italian Ice, and some Food Network Challenges. Reiggin knows how to make me happy.
Sunday is going to involve a visit from Grandma Hilderbrand and an early thanksgiving dinner at the Lassiters'. I will do another blog on that later.
Here are some updated pictures of Virginia to please a certain birdy in California. ENJOY!