Ok, so I know this seems silly. Ranch or no Ranch? But one night as Reiggin was doing his usual surfing of the web. He came across a article on Ranch dressing that was just funny. In this article two cousins have banned the use of Ranch dressing on their pizza. Crazy is what I say. As many of you know I am in love with Ranch. I use Ranch on my pizza, chicken, pretty much anything. My sister Susan even had us using Ranch on our spaghetti. So there is no way I could say no to Ranch on pizza. You have to go read the article it is pretty good. It gives the history or Ranch and the debate on how America has made Ranch the new ketchup. Go read the article and leave a comment telling me your opinion on the debate. Should Ranch be restricted? Where do you stand on the topic?
The Graduate
11 years ago
That was Lisa with the Ranch on spaghetti thing, well I did try it, but I didn't start it. By the way I no longer do that. And I don't put Ranch on my pizza anymore either unless I'm at Mom's. So you're flying solo on you Ranch obsession!
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