Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome Sadie!!

Well I am glad to say that our home is almost complete now. Today, Reiggin finally went to get our dog Sadie from his parent's house. They had been so kind to keep Sadie while we got settled in at our new home. But it is great to have Sadie back. She is a awesome dog and wel-trained. We gave her the grand tour and then she popped down with us to watch some HGTV and Army Wives. Here are a few cute pictures of Sadie trying out her new bed. I am sure I will have more cute pictures in the future. I can't wait to see what Sadie thinks of the next addition to the family, Virginia.


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

I was wondering if you had forgotten about your blog! I'm sure Sadie is glad to be back with her daddy. She looks like a sweet dog. I see that the house actually looks clean in the background!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome Sadie!!

Well I am glad to say that our home is almost complete now. Today, Reiggin finally went to get our dog Sadie from his parent's house. They had been so kind to keep Sadie while we got settled in at our new home. But it is great to have Sadie back. She is a awesome dog and wel-trained. We gave her the grand tour and then she popped down with us to watch some HGTV and Army Wives. Here are a few cute pictures of Sadie trying out her new bed. I am sure I will have more cute pictures in the future. I can't wait to see what Sadie thinks of the next addition to the family, Virginia.

1 comments on "Welcome Sadie!!"

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa on August 5, 2008 at 8:01 AM said...

I was wondering if you had forgotten about your blog! I'm sure Sadie is glad to be back with her daddy. She looks like a sweet dog. I see that the house actually looks clean in the background!!

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