Saturday, December 1, 2007

What a Day!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for it being so long since I have wrote a blog. I have been filling my day with time on etsy. It's like a drug for me I think. I wake up and the first thing I want to do is go check my Etsy Shop. Or go into the chat rooms and start talking to people on etsy. I think I need a patch made to wing myself off Etsy lol. Ok well that is my excuse a lame one but it's a excuse. So other than bowling, working, and making my jewelry I have not been to happy. My job at the moment is making my life a living hell. And I am sure my family and friends and boyfriend are sick and tired of hearing me complain about work. The first thing I do when I get home or get on the phone is start talking about the latest episode at work and what the Company A I will call it is doing to all the employees. It is definetly time to get my portfolio together and website rolling and start looking for a graphic design job that makes me happy. Tonight was the last straw. I was 40min away from Company A with my boyfriend when my lovely boss called and told me that she was just leaving the Company A and that she needed me to drive 40min keep in mind to fix a problem with a ad. Now that right there made me mad knowing that my boss was 5min from Company A and wouldn't fix the problem for me. Instead I drove 40min. and fixed a ad that the customer had not gotten the correction to us by the deadline we stated in the email. But I know customer is always right. Luckily the customer was kind and sweet when I had to talk with him on the cellphone that night. But this is just one time in a long line of times that us graphic artist have had to cover or do my bosses job because she is to lazy or forgetful to do it herself. Ok that is all I will complain.

On to a better subject I watched a great movie this week called Carolina Moon I believe it is based off of a Nora Roberts book. I would recommend anybody to watch this movie it was truly amazing. I am excited also because I just picked up my brother n laws movie Land of Confusion today. So soon I will write and let you know what I think about the movie. Also there is a long list of movies out right now or coming out soon that I am dying to see. First is the Steven King movie The Mist. That just looks so creepy and so good. And then there is the chick flick Enchantment (sorry cant spell) this movie looks so cute. I think I will be begging for my boyfriend to take me to see this movie. Another movie that I may have to beg my boyfriend to see is PS I love you ( i think that is the name or close) but this movie gave me chills just watching the previews. It is going to be a good crying movie lol.

Other than movies, I watched the YouTube Republican debate this week. Strangely I have really been trying to stay informed this year on the candidates and all. So I really enjoyed hearing what these guys had to say about immigration and other hot topics. It did help me decide that right now I like Mike Hukabee ( again my spelling is in need of help). He really stood out at me after the debates. I also learned that I am very stubborn when it comes to my opinions. Yes I know I will give you guys sometime to recover from laughing. My friends know that I am quite stubborn and changing my mind sometimes is impossible. That may be a fault of mine that has come to light this week when me and my boyfriend got into a nice debate on hot topics. But it was nice to debate and hear another person's point of view and yes I did get heated and wanted to hang up the phone but I didn't. I guess that is a good sign of a relationship when you can show your opinions and viewpoints and maybe show your ass and agree to disagree and still Love each other the next day.

But yes this week has been a interesting week for sure and it's not done yet I still have bowling tommorow night so wish me luck and I will be a better blogger for all you maybe 3 people that read my blog :-).

Much Love
Til Next Time


Anonymous said...

Are you also watching the democratic debates as well so you can truly determine if you agree w/ the republicans because you agree & not just because Mom & Dad do!

Lisa said...

Arent you getting behind on your blog? And you should put up some pictures, I have forgotten what you look like!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

What a Day!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for it being so long since I have wrote a blog. I have been filling my day with time on etsy. It's like a drug for me I think. I wake up and the first thing I want to do is go check my Etsy Shop. Or go into the chat rooms and start talking to people on etsy. I think I need a patch made to wing myself off Etsy lol. Ok well that is my excuse a lame one but it's a excuse. So other than bowling, working, and making my jewelry I have not been to happy. My job at the moment is making my life a living hell. And I am sure my family and friends and boyfriend are sick and tired of hearing me complain about work. The first thing I do when I get home or get on the phone is start talking about the latest episode at work and what the Company A I will call it is doing to all the employees. It is definetly time to get my portfolio together and website rolling and start looking for a graphic design job that makes me happy. Tonight was the last straw. I was 40min away from Company A with my boyfriend when my lovely boss called and told me that she was just leaving the Company A and that she needed me to drive 40min keep in mind to fix a problem with a ad. Now that right there made me mad knowing that my boss was 5min from Company A and wouldn't fix the problem for me. Instead I drove 40min. and fixed a ad that the customer had not gotten the correction to us by the deadline we stated in the email. But I know customer is always right. Luckily the customer was kind and sweet when I had to talk with him on the cellphone that night. But this is just one time in a long line of times that us graphic artist have had to cover or do my bosses job because she is to lazy or forgetful to do it herself. Ok that is all I will complain.

On to a better subject I watched a great movie this week called Carolina Moon I believe it is based off of a Nora Roberts book. I would recommend anybody to watch this movie it was truly amazing. I am excited also because I just picked up my brother n laws movie Land of Confusion today. So soon I will write and let you know what I think about the movie. Also there is a long list of movies out right now or coming out soon that I am dying to see. First is the Steven King movie The Mist. That just looks so creepy and so good. And then there is the chick flick Enchantment (sorry cant spell) this movie looks so cute. I think I will be begging for my boyfriend to take me to see this movie. Another movie that I may have to beg my boyfriend to see is PS I love you ( i think that is the name or close) but this movie gave me chills just watching the previews. It is going to be a good crying movie lol.

Other than movies, I watched the YouTube Republican debate this week. Strangely I have really been trying to stay informed this year on the candidates and all. So I really enjoyed hearing what these guys had to say about immigration and other hot topics. It did help me decide that right now I like Mike Hukabee ( again my spelling is in need of help). He really stood out at me after the debates. I also learned that I am very stubborn when it comes to my opinions. Yes I know I will give you guys sometime to recover from laughing. My friends know that I am quite stubborn and changing my mind sometimes is impossible. That may be a fault of mine that has come to light this week when me and my boyfriend got into a nice debate on hot topics. But it was nice to debate and hear another person's point of view and yes I did get heated and wanted to hang up the phone but I didn't. I guess that is a good sign of a relationship when you can show your opinions and viewpoints and maybe show your ass and agree to disagree and still Love each other the next day.

But yes this week has been a interesting week for sure and it's not done yet I still have bowling tommorow night so wish me luck and I will be a better blogger for all you maybe 3 people that read my blog :-).

Much Love
Til Next Time

2 comments on "What a Day!"

Anonymous said...

Are you also watching the democratic debates as well so you can truly determine if you agree w/ the republicans because you agree & not just because Mom & Dad do!

Lisa on December 3, 2007 at 3:58 PM said...

Arent you getting behind on your blog? And you should put up some pictures, I have forgotten what you look like!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers