Monday, November 19, 2007

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know about one
of my favorite websites. It is truely amazing, and a great site to promote your artwork
or for those of you that are art lovers it is a great site to check out some new up and coming
talents. I actually have a profile on this site showing my paintings, design work, jewelry, and other odds and ends. So take some time and check it out you will not be sorry. That's a Promise!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know about one
of my favorite websites. It is truely amazing, and a great site to promote your artwork
or for those of you that are art lovers it is a great site to check out some new up and coming
talents. I actually have a profile on this site showing my paintings, design work, jewelry, and other odds and ends. So take some time and check it out you will not be sorry. That's a Promise!

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