This week has been crazy. We started off the week with a beautiful six to seven inches of snow, which I loved so much. I got to take Virginia out for the second time to see the snow. The sun was a little too bright for her to fully enjoy the snow.
This week also has been one trying week. We believe Virginia is fully teething now. She is not a happy camper. We are using teething rings, teething tablets, and Tylenol. Man, you want to test your patience, just take care of a teething baby for a full day. If you can come away happy and have not screamed once, then you are the Queen of Patience. I know she can't help that she is in pain. Also, it isn't fair that she can't speak and tell me, "Hey Mom, I ain't feeling so hot." It seems like it is the worse at night. When you are tired and all you want to do is crawl into bed and fall asleep. She is crying her lungs out. Some things do calm her down. One is walking around with Mom and Dad. Two, looking out the front door at the cars going by. Three, her favorite toy, Mr. Frog. Then eventually she just tires herself out and decides to fall asleep in her crib looking at her jungle mobile.
On a happy note, Virginia has gotten to the point now that she sometimes will put herself to sleep. Now I don't mean she is crawling to the crib and jumping in. But I can lay her in the crib and give her sometime to roll around. Then, all of the sudden, it is quiet. So I will go in to check to make sure she is okay just to find out she is spread out asleep. This is such a great accomplishment. Now I am trying to get her into a routine. Also trying to get her to only sleep in her crib. I will admit that I have gotten her into a bad habit. I will have her nap during the day in the crib. Then at night usually the first time she sleeps she is in the crib. Then around midnight or 1:00am I am just too tired so I put her in the swing beside our bed and let her fall asleep there. I know this is not a good routine. So I have decided to put the effort in to get her to stay in her crib the whole night. I believe that the bedroom should be as baby-free as possible.
Now on a serious note. I just want everyone to keep Samantha in your prayers. She has a bad case of baby reflux. She splits up a lot and now is choking on it. This is really scary because she can choke on it and stop breathing. Susan and Joe have taken her to the doctor. The doctors have prescribed medicine. I am not sure how much it is helping. I just know being a mom, I would be so paranoid. So please pray that the medicine will start to work. Or that Samantha grows out of this. Thanks, everyone. Hope everyone has a great week. Virginia is screaming from the jumper so I am off to play now.