Well I know it has been awhile. It is not that I have been super busy because I really have not been that crazy. I have actually been super happy and just swept up in the day to day stuff.
Reiggin is all moved into our new house, called Rose Arbor. Cute name, I must say. It is so funny to say our house. I can't put down enough words to say how happy I am about the future and just the current state my life is in. I am super excited about my wedding on June 21st. It is just around the corner. I am a little scared to think of all the changes. But I am just thrilled to have such a great guy. I hope I can be a great wife & try to be an awesome cook and well organized house keeper. Stop laughing now Susan I know house keeper and Kathy in the same sentence.
We found out the baby is a girl. I am so excited about having a girl. All the cute outfits and of course teaching her how to play softball. I just can't wait. I am now 21 weeks along. Just about 5 months and a week along. It is crazy how fast this pregnancy is going. I just hope to be a strong mother and raise my baby girl up strong. I know both me and Reiggin have great examples of parents. If I can be half of the mother of what my mom was to me then I will be set.
Now for wedding plans. There truly is no such thing as a simple small wedding. Don't fool yourself, I know I did for awhile. Wedding planning is a headache at times. I think I am now starting to be peaceful and calm again with the wedding. Now if I can just find that perfect dress then all will be great.
Some funny stories for you all. Our new home is up in Troutman and this past weekend I was up there helping move some of Reiggin's stuff in and clean up a bit. We had two guys come over that worked for Time Warner to put in the cable and internet. Now keep in mind these were 2 black guys and had no official uniform on. But this is just the sign that you live in a small town when your cable guys are putting a ladder on the cable pole to put something on for the internet and one of your neighbors or someone near by calls the cops on them. And the cops actually came out and stopped and talked to the poor workers. I just cracked up laughing. Luckily these guys had good senses of humor. Also they discovered some guests in our back yard. Black snakes :-(.
Another great house story is that this past weekend we had the family over to check out the place and my brother-in-law Mike was out on the back deck and discovered a baby possum in a pot that was sitting on the deck. Not thinking, we all decided to just tip the pot over and let the cute possum free. Well the possum climbed the rail and up the rose branches into our attic. Oh yeah into our attic. Not good at all. The lovely possum has already pushed out some of the insulation. So now we are on the hunt for a good way of possum removal. :-).
On a happy note, my awesome sister, Susan, and brother-in-law, Joe, are back in town. For Good :-). I am thrilled and I must say happy to have them both back in town. There will be Subway trips in the future. I think that is it for me. Got to get back to work! Hope everyone had a great weekend!